Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1773 Just a woman

At the gate of Dayan Sect, there are a series of palaces located on a giant mountain. Wang Tong and Li Wei looked sad.

The two of them were going crazy, especially Li Wei's sudden resurrection, which almost scared Wang Tong to death that day. It wasn't until Li Wei explained what happened that he accepted Li Wei's resurrection.

However, now both of them know Lin Nan's terror and know that they have offended someone they shouldn't offend this time.

But the two of them can talk about these things and talk to each other, but if they want to tell others, they will be inexplicably speechless. Even the spiritual sound transmission is of no use, and they still cannot understand the matter. Inform others.

In the past three days, they have tried too many ways, such as recording the conversation between the two of them with a magic weapon that can record sounds. However, when they showed it to their master, the recording magic weapon did not respond at all. Only after their master impatiently drives them away and leaves the main hall will the sound on the recording magic weapon sound.

The two also tried writing, but after giving various papers to their master, they found that the handwriting they had written on the papers disappeared. They were alone together without outsiders. Only then will the handwriting appear again.

In short, they tried every means in the past three days, but the lack of money meant that there was no way for them to tell others what they had experienced.

Therefore, the two of them have been going crazy recently, because they know that the young man in black, who they don't know the name of, will definitely be labeled as Dayan Sect. Now they just become the code words on the hot pot, making them suffer. And then take their lives!

"Brother Wang, we...we are finished!"

Li Wei could hardly bear it anymore.

He is just a child, he is just a good and obedient child. Why should he endure all this pain that he shouldn't have to endure? Torture that shouldn’t have been endured?

He felt that it was so unfair that God allowed him to meet such a bastard, and actually dared to allow him to be cast upon by that bastard!

He is the proud son of Dayan Sect and a genius in the monastic world. Why did God suddenly betray him?

He couldn't figure it out, he really couldn't figure it out, but one thing was certain, that is, the thief God was so incompetent, so cowardly, and such a loser that he actually dared to let him meet monsters like that young man in black. What a thief God! I'm blind!

"Brother Li! Don't get excited! Everything...everything can still turn around. Even if...it's not right, we must stick to our faith and not get into trouble. As long as that bastard hasn't come knocking on our door yet, we still have a chance. We still have a chance." If we can reverse the evil spell he cast on us, we will have the chance to kill him, kidnap all those women, and ravage them for thousands of years!"

Wang Tong was also panicked. After all, the young man in black was so ferocious that he resurrected Li Wei with just one move and easily threw Li Wei back to the Dayan Sect. What was even more terrifying was that, inexplicably, he was there silently. They have cast such strange and incomparable magic!

All these things were so unreasonable and illogical that they made Wang Tong uncontrollably flustered and fearful!

But no matter what, he didn't want to admit that he had bowed to fate.

He is different from Li Wei. In the past, Li Wei only regarded himself as the proud son of heaven, but although he also claimed to be the proud son of heaven, his heart was higher than the sky. He felt that he was born in this world and was burdened with something. There is a mysterious and unpredictable cause and effect. One day in the future, he will go against the will of heaven and stand high. No one can control him anymore, and no one can show his face to him anymore.

By then, even Xu Lang, who does not know how to live or die, will be nothing more than an ant that he can easily eliminate with a wave of his hand!

Therefore, even though he was flustered, even though he was afraid, even though he felt that the road ahead was dark, he still refused to give up on himself.

As someone who goes against the will of heaven, and as a supreme being who will surely dominate the world in the future, he does not allow himself to give up on himself, nor does he allow his beliefs to fluctuate too much!

"This... I hope... I hope!"

Li Wei sighed.

He and Wang Tong were close friends who grew up together, and they were inseparable. They grew up wearing the same pair of pants. He was not stupid, so how could he not know what Wang Tong was thinking?

In fact, he also felt that way, but he didn't show it or say it.

But now, faced with the threat that the young man in black might knock on his door at any time, he was helpless and couldn't think of any way to crack it. He knew that even if he left Dayan Sect for refuge, he would definitely be visited by the young man in black, and nothing could be changed.

All this seems to have become settled. He and Wang Tong are destined to be like ants in trouble. There is no way out and no means to resolve the crisis!

"Report! Little old man, please see the two young masters!"

Suddenly, just when Wang Tong and Li Wei were looking sad, a voice full of solicitude came from outside the hall.

"Get in!"

Li Wei said in a deep voice, his anger was almost uncontrollable and he desperately wanted to kill someone. If this guy who came to disturb him and Wang Tong's quiet thinking couldn't tell any valuable information, he would definitely slap him to death. he!

"I met two young masters. Here's what happened. A beauty in white came to the city, but the beauty in white had some unnatural methods. She actually slapped the Gray Wolf Immortal King to death. And later on, Qing Chao Now he is escorting her, so the little old man cannot directly invite the beauty to meet the two young masters. If the two young masters are in a good mood, they might as well go and see the beauty, who is more powerful than ordinary immortal-level women. I want a beautiful and charming woman!”

After Li Wei spoke, an old man with gray hair and beard ran in with his waist bent and fast steps. He almost knelt down in front of Wang Tong and Li Wei and said in an extremely humble manner.

"It's just a woman, and there is Qingchao Immortal King to send each other. Why do you, a waste in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm, bother you? Let him go, I have no intention of playing with women, damn, now I am in a mood It’s about to explode. If you don’t get the fuck out of here quickly, I will shoot you to death!”

Wang Tong was stunned for a moment, then roared angrily.

He just couldn't help it anymore and had enough. He and Li Wei were in this situation now just because they fell in love with a group of women. Now the old man came over and encouraged him to find a woman. Isn't this fucking seeking death? !

Li Wei frowned slightly. He didn't expect that Wang Tong, who seemed calmer than him, was actually more out of control than him.

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