Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1864 In short, it’s comfortable!

"You...bastard, how dare you!"

The city lord's wife turned pale and scolded angrily.

Ling'er's speed was not fast, but it was for this reason that she deeply frightened the city lord's wife.

With the methods Ling'er had shown before, he could definitely reach her easily. But now the little girl was slowly rushing towards her. The shrewd wife of the city lord instantly realized that Ling'er wanted to tease her. Ling'er's Being confident gave her no reason not to change her color.

"Be bold!"


"You little thing who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, you are... you are seeking death, courting death, seeking death!"

The female guards of the city lord's wife couldn't help shouting, but it was because of their violent reaction that the monks who were watching with fear but couldn't clearly see the situation instantly understood the current situation.

All the monks who were watching were shocked. The wife of the city lord who once looked down on the world and did not take anyone seriously, and the arrogant attendants around her, were actually scared, timid, and panicked!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, absolutely no one would believe that this was true. It was actually because the City Lord's wife was usually too arrogant. No one thought that the City Lord's wife would panic, and no one thought that anyone would dare to take action against the City Lord's wife.

"Aren't you very strong? Don't you want to bring me and my sister back to the house for a blood sacrifice? I like helping others the most. As long as you can catch one of my moves, I will let you live and even refine 30% of it. Your heart’s blood will elevate you to a higher level.”

After Ling'er arrived at the city lord's wife, he looked at the city lord's wife who was no longer calm and strategizing and said with a smile.

"You...do you really mean what you said?"

The city lord's wife was stunned, unable to believe her ears.

You know, since she married the city lord of Siji City, she has never cared about the feelings of any low-level monks, and has never cared about the life and death of low-level monks. Everything is just doing what she wants.

It was really unimaginable to her that when a person was in an absolute advantage, he would actually leave a way for others to survive.

She had teased many people with this method, but she could tell that Ling'er didn't mean to tease her. If she really followed Ling'er's trick, Ling'er would definitely let her live. As for the 30% pain, Even if Ling'er kept her word, she wouldn't dare accept it.

However, the city lord's wife didn't know that the harmless little girl in front of her was a real immortal, and an extremely powerful being among immortals. Not to mention a single move, even if it only showed a slight ray of coercion, He could crush her to pieces!

"It's true."

Ling'er nodded, then looked at the female attendants around him and said with a smile: "These people have no need to live."

Hearing Ling'er's words, the city lord's wife subconsciously wanted to scold her, but she woke up when the words came to her lips and closed her mouth abruptly.


But the more than one hundred female attendants were not happy. Each one of them was so angry that they were so angry.

She is just a little girl. Even if her cultivation is very advanced, what qualifications does she have to kill them?

You must know that they are monks in the dignified Siji City, the palace of the city lord, and they are also strong men with strong cultivation base, and they are also the attendants of the city lord's wife. How can a wild girl be killed just by asking?

Moreover, that wild girl was too presumptuous, too ungrateful, and too disrespectful of etiquette. She had the gall to run up to the city lord’s wife and say such treasonous words to the city lord’s wife. She really deserves to be killed!

However, it was all over before they could sacrifice their magic weapons and use their magical powers.


A soft sound.

Just like before, the only difference is that more than a thousand monks turned into blood mist before, but this time only more than a hundred monks turned into blood mist.

But there is no doubt that this time the impact on the onlookers was even stronger. Among the more than a thousand monks before, there were only six Nascent Soul Stage masters, more than 30 Golden Core Stage masters, and the rest were all Foundation Establishment Stage masters. There are monks and even small characters in the Qi training period.

This time, there were more than ten Nascent Soul Stage powerful men, and the remaining more than a hundred people were all masters of the Golden Core Realm. Such a terrifying force was as inexplicable as the more than a thousand monks before. Turned into blood mist.

Everyone's eyes widened and their mouths opened wide, because Ling'er did not wave her little hands this time like the previous time. Everyone did not understand how Ling'er made more than a hundred female attendants turn into blood mist. !

"You...you have to keep your words!"

The one who was most surprised and frightened was undoubtedly the wife of the city lord.

Her psychological defense was about to completely collapse. Not long ago, she was still superior, but now she no longer has any control over her life. This feeling is very bad, for the wife of the city lord who is used to killing others. Said, this feeling is undoubtedly the worst feeling in the world.

"Hey, you ant dares to question my princess's personality. I'm really pissed off!"

Ling'er stared with a pair of watery eyes and said viciously.


The city lord's wife was completely dumbfounded and didn't know how to explain it.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with a little person like you. Get ready, I'm going to take action."

Ling'er waved her little hand and said in a dazed tone.

As soon as he finished speaking, before the city lord's wife was ready, Ling'er jumped up instantly and slapped the city lord's wife on her face, which was more beautiful than a flower.


An extremely loud slap.

The city lord's wife was dumbfounded and froze on the spot. After coming over for a while, she raised her hand to cover her burning cheek, but she still couldn't fully recover. Her mind was still blank.

"Oh my God! This slap... is so powerful, so relieving, so... in short, it feels so comfortable!"

"That's not right! This slap is very refreshing, but... that little girl did not kill the city lord's wife. We in Siji City... will still live under the city lord's wife's power from now on. It's really... ...Just thinking about it makes people feel that there is no sky, life is full of haze, and the road ahead is full of jackals, tigers and leopards!"

"Why do you care so much? The little girl has her own reasons for doing this. At least the city lord's wife knows today that there is a world outside the world, and there are people outside the world. No matter how uncomfortable she feels afterwards, she will never dare to treat others as casually as before. This is a good thing, a great good thing!"

"Yes, this is a good thing, a huge good thing. Afterwards, I will leave Siji City for three to five years and make sure that the city lord's wife has completely settled down before coming back. There will be no losses."

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