Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1989 Too damn unlucky

Two more holy places have joined the clan of the evil spirit clan. Those two holy places have nothing to do with Lin Nan. The reason why the clan of the evil spirit clan has joined the clan is because they usually have a close relationship with the three holy lands of Tianhu, Fuchun and Yaoguang. It was not easy to deal with, and it was closely related to the three holy places of Wanshi, Dayan, and Beishi, so the team naturally went to the evil spirit side.

The two holy lands are the Changyou Holy Land and the Xuanhuang Holy Land, each led by an ancestor of the peerless supreme level.

Now the situation is clear. Lin Nan has three holy lands on his side, while the other side has five holy lands and the evil spirit clan.

If we go by past experience, Lin Nan's side will definitely lose. After all, Lin Nan's side only has three peerless supremes. There is no peerless supreme leader in Fuchun Holy Land, while the other side has eight peerless supremes, one of whom is He is also the peerless supreme leader of the evil spirit clan.

Regardless of these, let’s just say that the Supreme Immortal Saint of the evil spirit clan carries the evil domain that he controls with him, which is extremely terrifying, not to mention that there are five holy sects lining up with them. No matter how you look at it, Lin Nan’s side They are all doomed.

This was the view of the Holy Sects who were watching, and they were already far away, for fear that when the war started, they would be affected, and it would be a real mess by then.


Suddenly, a voice sounded from the side of Dayan Holy Land, and everyone's eyes were attracted.

A person walked out from the ranks of the Immortal Realm in Dayan Holy Land and walked slowly towards Lin Nan. She was a woman and an existence at the peak level of the Immortal Realm.

Lin Nan had met her and talked to her outside the Yueyin Field. Only ten days had passed and she had already entered the peak level of the Immortal Realm from the late Immortal Realm, which was a bit surprising.

"Junior Qingyou has met senior Lin Nan."

When the woman arrived, she bowed respectfully to Lin Nan.

"What do you want to say?"

Lin Nan asked with a smile.

In fact, he knew what Qingyou was thinking. After all, from his previous two encounters in the Yueyin Field and Fuchun City, it could be seen that Qingyou was a person who cherished his life and was not the kind of person who would be reckless again and again. The people coming here now definitely want to completely remove themselves from the war that is about to begin.

"The juniors have tried their best to persuade the venerables in the sect, but they have not been taken seriously. They still choose to provoke the seniors. Qingyou is not talented, and he is not a monk who grew up in Dayan Holy Land. He was just a wild cultivator in the mountains in the past. Master is the only one in the family who treats me well, and I sincerely ask you to forgive me. If Senior Lin agrees, Qingyou is willing to serve me for the rest of my life."

After Qingyou Mighty pondered for a moment, he spoke slowly, with a calm expression and a calm tone.

Lin Nan did not respond, but looked at Liu Ruqing, who had already arrived beside him.

"My husband does not need a maid to serve, but because I want you to come and intercede on this occasion for my master, I agree. Do you want to stay with us and take care of these two little girls from now on, or do you want to travel around by yourself, as you wish? choose."

Liu Ruqing said.

She knew very well that if Qingyou came out and said such words on such an occasion, there would be no way he could return to Dayan Holy Land. If Lin Nan had not had the intention of destroying Dayan Holy Land today, Qingyou might even have traveled The world will also be hunted endlessly.

If Qingyou Mighty wants to survive and live well, his only hope is to stay with them.

"The younger generation is willing to follow the senior family."

Qingyou is capable of bowing.

She was a smart person. She didn't say she was willing to follow Lin Nan, but she said she was willing to follow Lin Nan's family. What she said was indeed true, and at least Liu Ruqing felt comfortable hearing it.

After all, Mighty Qingyou did not explicitly say that he only followed Lin Nan like Snow God and the other four demon sages. Mighty Qingyou said that he would follow their family, which made Liu Ruqing indescribably comfortable, because it was really difficult for her. , the presence of four beauties who were no less talented than her, and whose cultivation was higher than hers, made her feel uncomfortable all the time.

Now the words of Qingyou Dagong have dispelled a lot of her discomfort, and she has already made up her mind. If Lin Nan accepts followers again in the future, she must be like Qingyou Dagong. It's just what you say, otherwise I won't accept it.

"Qingyou, you..."

Over at Dayan Holy Land, a beautiful woman in the half-step line of immortal saints came back to her senses and wanted to call out the powerful Qingyou, but it was already too late.

She is Qingyou's master. She has also heard Qingyou talk about Lin Nan. She has also heard about Lin Nan's recent actions in the second heaven. In particular, her hatred for Lin Nan is not inferior to that of Bei. After the Celestial Clan of the Celestial Clan actually chose to watch silently on the sidelines and did not intend to get involved, she already agreed with the point of view that the powerful Qingyou told her at the beginning.

But no matter what, she is the Half-Step Immortal Saint of Dayan Holy Land after all. When she cannot persuade her fellow disciples, she can only stand with them. Even if she dies, she will never abandon Dayan Holy Land.

Now what Qingyou Dagong did made her feel helpless, but she still couldn't say anything, and even if she did, it would be meaningless. Qingyou Dagong had already walked behind Lin Nan's family.

"Since your disciple has interceded for you, I will give you a ride."

Lin Nan looked at Qingyou's powerful master, raised his hand and directly arrested the beautiful woman.

At the same time, a space portal opened nearby. After the beautiful woman was detained nearby, Lin Nan directly sent the beautiful woman into the space portal, allowing her to return directly to the main continent of the Red Star Territory.

Everyone saw this scene, but except for the four strongest monsters from the demon clan, including the Snow God behind Lin Nan, no one saw that Lin Nan directly sent the beautiful woman back to the main continent. Otherwise, they would definitely be shocked. If you are a heavenly being, you will not dare to be arrogant to Lin Nan again.

"Grandma, what's going on in your Dayan Holy Land? There's already a traitor before the fight starts. How do you teach your disciples on weekdays?"

"Bad luck! Bad luck! It's so damn unlucky. What the hell is this!"

Immortal Saint Supreme from the Evil Spirit Clan suddenly looked towards Dayan Holy Land. They were very angry now. The five Holy Sects plus their Evil Spirit Clan were fighting against three Holy Sects, from the Immortal Saint Supreme to the Half-step Immortal Saint, and then to Immortal Realm powerful, their numbers and combat power are crushing, but Dayan Holy Land side directly and inexplicably appeared rebels, what the hell is going on!

All the monks in the Dayan Holy Land, especially the Immortal Saint Supreme, are now livid.

No one responded to the few scolding supreme evil spirits, because they felt more uncomfortable than anyone else now. This was a shame, a great shame, and a humiliation they had never suffered in the Dayan Holy Land!

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