Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1991 You two are so ugly

Seeing that Lin Nan really agreed, Brother Evil Spirit couldn't help but laugh. In his opinion, Lin Nan was an idiot, even though he had just killed two of his brothers from the Immortal Saint Realm before he could react. , that's just a matter of luck. If it were a real fight, he would definitely be able to beat Lin Nan to the point where he couldn't find him. After all, a fool like Lin Nan would never be a genius like him who is favored by God. opponent.

Lin Momo and Ling'er, the two little sisters, are just monks at the peak level of the Golden Immortal Realm. No matter how much they defy the heavens, they will never be able to win the mid-level Immortal Realm of their evil spirit clan. However, Lin Nan opened up like this Not only did Brother Evil Spirit think that Lin Nan was a fool, but also the powerful men from other holy lands who were watching also thought so.

Brother Evil Spirit had previously wondered why his second and third brothers were extremely powerful beings, and such a force could stir up troubles in the Red Star Territory. Why would they disappear inexplicably in the lower world after being summoned by the first Heavenly Father? disappeared, but now he has understood that his brothers definitely underestimated Lin Nan, and Lin Nan was definitely very familiar with the Xuanwu Starfield of the first level, and was eventually deceived into a desperate place by Lin Nan .

Although Lin Nancai killed four immortal saints of the evil spirit clan, the evil spirit elder brother did not believe that his second and third brothers were all killed by Lin Nan. It was possible that some of them were killed by despicable means, but it was absolutely They will not kill them all. As for the soul lamp extinguishing, it is definitely because that secret realm is extremely complicated. There is a place like the North Sky Curtain in the Scarlet Star Territory. Who can tell clearly that there is no such strange secret realm in the first heaven? .

Brother Evil Spirit is feeling a little emotional now. Lin Nan is just an idiot. He was able to deceive his brothers. If he tells it, he will be laughed out of his mouth. He has made up his mind. After getting those brothers back, he will definitely We must advise those brothers well, so that when they face the enemy in the future, they must not take it lightly and must not take the opponent seriously. Otherwise, it will be extremely easy to capsize in the gutter.

"Since it's a competition, let's do it. As you wish, I will send out two brothers who are in the middle stage of the Immortal Realm. Let your two little girls be prepared to avoid being beaten into tears later. I am the best person. What is unsightly is the crying of incompetent people. Also, duels are based on one's ability. If you don't admit defeat in time and are killed in the duel, you, as an elder, don't mess around. Your ancestors are the worst I can do. The only ones who can’t afford to lose.”

The evil spirit brother seemingly randomly named two people, both of whom were monks in the middle stage of the Immortal Realm, but these two people were the strongest among the evil spirits present in the middle stage of the Immortal Realm.

Although he knew that with the strength of the two little sisters at the peak level of the Golden Immortal Realm, no matter what, even if he only sent out monks from the early stage of the Immortal Realm, he could definitely defeat the two little sisters, but he still hoped that the battle could end as soon as possible, and hoped that the two hands The little girl who is also stained with the blood of the evil spirit clan will die as fast as she can, and as completely as she can die.

"Did you two hear? This is a duel, not for fun or for discussion. If you are killed in the duel, my father will have no face to plead for you."

Taking a look at the two middle-stage Immortal Realm evil spirits who had already stepped out of the queue and walked to the center of the field between the two sides, Lin Nan looked at the two little girls beside him and said with a smile.

"Ling'er is not afraid. Anyway, even if he dies, his father can resurrect Ling'er and his sister."

Ling'er twisted her little head and said nonchalantly.


Ling'er's little head was hit again. The pain made the little girl grit her teeth and grin, but she didn't dare to say anything.

Liu Ruqing didn't speak this time, just looked at Ling'er quietly, without showing any anger, but it made Ling'er extremely jealous, because she knew that her mother was really angry this time, and she was not as angry as before. Deliberately show anger when preaching.

Ling'er also calmed down because of this, no longer daring to be careless, but began to take it seriously.

The two little sisters looked at each other, then walked towards the center of the open space with their little feet.

"Hahahaha... You two little idiots actually dare to come out. I'm really laughing to death. I thought it was just that guy who was confused. Now it seems that your family is all idiots. It's no wonder. If you two If the little idiot isn’t stupid, he can’t be that idiot’s daughter.”

"It's true that there is a way to heaven but you don't take it. There is no door to hell but you have to break in. Let's see how the two uncles killed you two little idiots who don't know the heights of heaven and earth and life and death today."

Seeing that the little sisters actually showed up and didn't show much fear, the two evil spirits in the middle stage of the Immortal Realm couldn't help but laugh.

They are the two strongest monks among the contemporary Immortal Realm middle stage cultivators of the Evil Spirit Clan. If there were any human monks in the same realm who could defeat them, they would still have some confidence in them, but the two little sisters are just golden. They were just little monks at the pinnacle level of the fairyland. They were no different from ants in front of them. They only needed to blow a gentle breath to blow the wind. With a pinch of their fingers, they could crush the little sisters to pieces.

They really couldn't figure out why the young man in black named Lin Nan, even though he was attacking in a sneak attack, still had the combat power of an immortal saint, could be so stupid as to let him Two little girls from the Golden Fairy Realm dueled with them, but these two little girls entered the arena without any hesitation.

Apart from the saying that the ignorant are fearless, they really can't find any other reason. This thing is really weird.

"You two talk a lot of nonsense. If you want to fight, hurry up. Stop chattering. If you are not active in reincarnation, what else can you accomplish?"

Ling'er glanced at the two evil spirits who were in the middle stage of the Immortal Realm. The little girl was already impatient.

Although the two little sisters had just entered the venue, they had been waiting for a long time. Now that they were finally able to take action, the two guys were chattering endlessly. This was really a waste of time.

"Damn it, you little idiot who doesn't know how to live or die dares to speak to the uncle like this. You are seeking death. You are tired of living. You should just wait for your damn death. If I don't kill you two idiots today, uncle." I’ll take your last name!”

Hearing Ling'er's words, the two evil spirits suddenly became furious and actually said these words in unison without any difference.

"You two are so ugly, and your talents are so different. You are simply a waste among wastes. You still want to climb up to our Lin Imperial Clan. You are really dreaming in broad daylight."

Ling'er pouted her little mouth and said with disdain and disdain.

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