Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1995 The Great Second Day Father!

Brother Evil Spirit is extremely regretful now. He just saw clearly the huge head protruding from the sky. He was also here when the accident happened 800 million years ago. Although he was extremely surprised at the time, it was also Therefore, he saw clearly the appearance of that terrifying existence, and the head that just poked out from the entrance of the canopy was exactly the same as the head from 800 million years ago. This made him feel frightened, and it was hard to express his fear. !

Everyone said that the terrifying existence 800 million years ago only had its head stuck out. After killing many monks from the major holy sects, it was killed by the way of heaven. However, the evil spirit brother brought the evil spirit to the world. The members of the Ling clan ran so fast that they did not see the scene of Tiandao killing that terrifying existence. It was just hearsay. The head that he could never forget just now was actually peeked out of the sky again. come out.

Brother Evil Spirit only felt regretful. If it was not bad, it would be too late for them to escape now. The Immortal Realm disciples of the Evil Spirit Clan, Bei Clan and other five Holy Sects would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

Sure enough, although they were very fast and quickly took most of the disciples into the cave, the heads at the entrance of the canopy over there were already looking at them. They were not observing the entrance of the canopy all the time, but that terrifying figure The aura made them feel as if they were being stared at by the God of Death. They knew clearly that the huge head was already looking at them and would definitely attack them at the next moment.

For a moment, not only Brother Evil Spirit, but also the strong men from the Holy Sect such as Bei Clan and Dayan Holy Land did not dare to stop any longer. Their speed was very fast, but in the end they were still not as good as that huge and terrifying head. Yes, just for a moment, there were nearly ten thousand Immortal Realm disciples from the six major forces who were not taken into the cave. But after feeling the gaze of that head, they did not dare to stop at all. , immediately used his magical power to move and reached thousands of miles away in an instant.

When they stopped and looked back, they saw a burst of intense light coming from the entrance to the canopy. It was obvious that the terrifying head had launched an attack.

"Dead! All dead! The more than a thousand genius disciples left there by our Dayan Holy Land died inexplicably. This is their shame and the shame of our Dayan Holy Land!"

"Yes! Those disciples didn't know what happened, so they died like this. It's really unfair to them, but... who told that it was a terrifying existence coming out of the sky? Even if we stay there, We have no power to fight back and can only be killed in an instant. You must know that the three peerless supreme beings in Tianguang Holy Land 800 million years ago were killed in the first life. We are no stronger than those three peerless supreme beings!"

"It is said that the terrifying existence was killed by the power of heaven. Now it seems that it is not accurate! We have not seen this terrifying existence in the sky in the past 800 million years. What a blessing it is for us!"

"No, when our descendants of the Bei clan were about to be exterminated, we saw the Spirit of Heaven take action with our own eyes. The terrifying existence 800 million years ago was indeed exterminated. Now this one... is very... Maybe he’s a member of the same race that was the terrifying existence back then!”

"Hiss... I thought there was only one, it was just an accident. It is incredible that such a being came from the same ethnic group! But... it seems that this is really the case. There are too many things in the sky that we cannot Where we have set foot, the terrifying existence 800 million years ago and the group of the terrifying existence just now may live in an area that we cannot set foot in!"

"Let's wait and see. If the terrifying existence 800 million years ago was really destroyed by the power of Heaven, then if such a terrifying existence comes out this time, Heaven will not just sit idly by and do nothing. It will definitely bring down the power of Heaven. Tianwei, let’s take a look and confirm whether what the surviving monks said is true!”

The strong men of the six major forces were talking about it. They did not release the disciples in the cave because the situation was still unclear. If the terrifying existence was not killed by the spirit of the sky, but came out directly from the sky, Then they have to be able to escape at any time.

They had already lost enough. The losses of the six major forces combined were equivalent to the loss of more than 10,000 of the most elite disciples of the Holy Sect, Immortal Realm disciples, which is not a big deal!


Suddenly, the powerful men of the six major forces stopped discussing, and thunder echoed across the sky thousands of miles away.

A moment later, there was blood-colored lightning rushing towards the ground like a group of dragons swooping down from the sky. This scene was extremely spectacular and extremely shocking.

"It's heaven's punishment! That's heaven's punishment! The spirit of heaven really takes action!"

"The sky has eyes! That kind of terrifying existence is indeed not allowed to enter the second heaven. Once you step into the second heaven, you have violated the rules of heaven and will definitely be killed by the sky!"

"The most powerful existence in this second heaven, apart from God, can only be us peerless supreme beings. If the terrifying existences from other planes want to come over, it is simply a joke. The only one who can be killed by the great heaven is result!"

When they saw the heavenly punishment coming with their own eyes and saw the entrance of the sky curtain being struck down by thousands of bloody lightnings, many of the immortal saints and supreme beings in the six holy places couldn't help but get excited.

The Tian Clan and other Holy Sects who stayed elsewhere to watch also felt shocked and inexplicable. However, Tianxuan Supreme and the old woman in the Tian Clan looked at each other, feeling that the things here were not simple. They might have been deceived, but when they thought of This possibility made them tremble uncontrollably.

It cannot be faked that the heavenly spirit sends a punishment from heaven. It is indeed a punishment from heaven, but if it is really as they guessed, it is just a scam that Lin Nan uses to make them laugh, then Lin Nan's strength will be extremely terrifying. Even if it wasn't the Heavenly Spirit who made the accusation, but the Heavenly Spirit was asked to help put on a show, that would definitely not be something they could afford to offend!

Unlike other holy powerful men, Brother Evil Spirit and the Supreme Immortal Saints of the Evil Spirit clan are now extremely shocked, excited and joyful.

They knelt down and kowtowed with great sincerity.

"Great and noble Father of the Second Day, your children thank you for your life-saving grace. Thank you, the great and noble Father of the Second Day, for eliminating the threat to your children!"

Under the leadership of the evil spirit brother, all the immortal saints of the evil spirit clan kowtowed in gratitude to the heavenly spirit of the second heaven.

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