Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2006 If there is an afterlife

Xu Lang was stunned for a moment, wanting to say something, but in the end he didn't say it, and retreated in a depressed mood.

For Xu Lang, before he met Lin Nan's family, he felt that he was inferior to beings like Princess Fuhan and Ye Yu. That was because he did not have peace of mind to practice. If he devoted himself to practice, he would definitely be The most astonishing and talented group of monks in ancient times, after all, before he devoted himself to practice, he was already not much worse than Princess Fuhan. If he practiced wholeheartedly, he would definitely be able to catch up.

But after meeting Lin Nan's family, especially the two little sisters whose realm was lower than his, his usual arrogance could no longer be maintained with the two sisters. Their realm was much lower than his, but their combat power was no weaker than his, and even more powerful than his. He needs to be stronger.

After not seeing each other for a month or two, the two little sisters had actually caught up with him and completely crushed him in terms of combat power. Now he no longer had the courage to truly confront Ling'er. This change seemed to him very sudden. , which made him unable to adapt, but he understood that this was not sudden, this was already destined.

When the two little sisters met him, not only were they at a lower level than him, but they were also much younger than him. At seven or eight years old, even if they were astonishingly talented in the history of the Red Star Territory, they should have only cultivated to the golden elixir. They are only in the Nascent Soul Realm or the Nascent Soul Realm, but the two sisters have directly cultivated to the Golden Immortal Realm.

This kind of talent that can scare people to death is destined that the two little sisters cannot be as amazing as the ordinary favored sons of heaven, because the two little sisters have little contact with human beings, and when they show their strength, they must be killing people.

When the monks in the world realize one day that there are two more amazing little sisters in the world, the two little sisters may have entered a higher level. The world will only look up at that time, and naturally there will be no surprises. , some can only be admired and shocked.

Here Xu Lang felt depressed and aggrieved, while over there on the giant mountain, the monks who often visited the holy land were all dumbfounded.

Looking at the magical attacks they had unleashed, after dispersing the magical attacks on the two little sisters, they were about to attack the two little sisters before they could launch a new round of attacks, but suddenly there were eight attacks. The magical attacks rushed over, and the power of each magical attack was no weaker than the attacks of the two little sisters.

When they saw clearly Princess Fuhan and the Seventh Lady Lingxiao who had launched these eight attacks, the Immortal Realm monks who often traveled to the Holy Land were dumbfounded. In an instant, their minds went blank, they were speechless, and their thoughts were like It seems to have stopped running.

The two little sisters were in the Golden Immortal Realm, and they already had the ability to kill the geniuses who came out of the Holy Sect and were in the middle stage of the Immortal Saint Realm. This had already made them extremely surprised. They felt unbelievable and unbelievable. Now they came here again. Eight of them were born. Although their talents were obviously not as good as those of the two sisters, they were still unparalleled figures they had never seen before. If any one of these eight people had appeared in the history of Scarlet Star Territory, the entire world would have been rewritten. The Scarlet Star Territory may have become the private territory of a certain Holy Sect.

"How...how is this possible! How could existences like them not make the slightest statement in the Scarlet Star Territory, just the pair of little things and the seven women. Although Princess Fuhan made a big statement, she did not She is considered to have surpassed all the monks in ancient times. Most people know her even because she is the princess of Fuchun Holy Land. How come... how come she suddenly has such great strength!"

"It's so weird! It's so unbelievable! First, Fuchun Holy Land and Yaoguang Holy Land, plus a Sky Fox Holy Land, dare to challenge our five holy lands plus an evil spirit clan. Now Princess Fuhan's revealed strength, and Far beyond her original strength, the combat power that her original talent could possess in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm, this is really... it is too weird, is this... is this going to change?!"

"Yes! All this must be because of the father of the two little things, that is, the young man in black. He is the leader of this group of people. Then... Princess Fuhan must have been with them after , with the guidance of the young man in black, this is why we have such an amazing and unparalleled transformation!"

"Oh my god! Then...then is there still a need to fight? Not to mention that we can't deal with Princess Fuhan and others, even if we defeat Princess Fuhan and others, Lord Ye Yu will not take action, but as long as the young man in black takes action , we will definitely be wiped out in an instant!"

The monks who often traveled to the Holy Land finally came back to their senses. They were now very confused. Many of them had lost their fighting spirit and began to give up on themselves.

But they quickly calmed down and strengthened their belief in continuing to take action, because in their view, even if they didn't take action today, they would still die here. Instead of dying cowardly, it would be better to die as heroic as possible.

When they calmed down, Lin Momo and Ling'er's second round of the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm had already come towards them. Two large golden handprints packed with mighty power shattered the void, causing cracks to appear in the space, but Then it came towards them silently and at extremely fast speed.

"Block! Use all your strength to block! We must not let these two magical attacks hit us. Otherwise, even if we don't die, we will probably lose all our fighting power!"

Suddenly, the monks at the late stage of the Immortal Realm shouted loudly. Their voices were a little hysterical, completely lacking the usual arrogance and calm charm.

When facing monks who are more powerful than them and don't care about the monks who often travel to the Holy Land behind them, what they are facing is death. However, the current situation is obvious. They are at an absolute disadvantage and have no hope of escape. God's possibility, if you can still be calm and calm in this situation, you will definitely be a strange person who completely ignores life and death.

However, although these monks who often travel to the Holy Land have become immortals, they have not reached the state of truly looking down on life and death. In this case, even if they want to remain calm, they cannot do it at all.

"Damn it! Damn it! If there is an afterlife, I must avenge today's revenge. These little bastards are really abominable!"

"I curse them. I curse them to never be able to improve at all. I curse them to stay in this realm forever, especially the young man in black. I curse him to fall into the realm and be eventually killed by an unknown person!"

Before the magical attacks from both sides collided, the monks in Changyou Holy Land began to curse, because they saw Princess Fuhan and the Seventh Girl Lingxiao using their magical powers again!

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