Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2010: Really bad temper

The young man in white came here just for these unavailable people. Otherwise, he would not bother to take a look at Lin Nan and the natives. Naturally, he would not let anyone kill the extremely beautiful Lan Qin.

Moreover, Lan Qin is very powerful. The hunchbacked old man is in the early stage of the Saint Ancestor Realm. He can easily injure the hunchbacked old man. Lan Qin's realm is obviously higher.

Although he is rampant in the fourth heaven, he has never played with a Saint Ancestor realm woman. After all, although he has many Saint Ancestor realm followers and a master who can come down from time to time after ascension, but in the fourth heaven The existences in the Saint Ancestor Realm, just like the existences in the Immortal Realm in the first heaven, are not easy to provoke, and there are more powerful existences behind them.

Lan Qin is different. He has never seen him in the fourth heaven. He has never seen Lin Nan or anyone else. In other words, there are not such a few people in the star fields where he often hangs out. Yes, now even if Lan Qin and other stunning women are kidnapped, as long as all traceability possibilities are cut off, he can enjoy Lan Qin and others comfortably.

After finally having the opportunity to meet a female cultivator in the Saint Ancestor Realm, the young man in white was naturally not willing to let his subordinates kill him.

"You four, if you don't want to die in pain, then go on your own, so as not to dirty our hands and make your journey uneasy."

Those Saint Ancestor Realm monks obeyed the orders of the young man in white, and they had no choice but to obey. Some of them were really loyal to the young man in white, while others were forced to be loyal. The young man in white was the master who had ascended. , they can be killed easily, and restrictions have been placed on them. They may not have a chance to escape in this life.

But for the little sisters Lin Nan and Xu Lang, as well as Lin Momo and Ling'er, they didn't want to take action personally.

Not just them, but all the monks, when faced with monks whose realm is too different from their own, most of them are too lazy to take action, and they will feel that their face is not good.

They happened to be such monks, so when facing Lin Nan, the four ants in their eyes, they didn't mind letting the four Lin Nan fight on their own to avoid getting their hands dirty.

"Similarly, you can choose to fight on your own to prevent me from getting my hands dirty."

Lin Nan calmly stared at the group of Saint Ancestral Realm monks. They can run rampant in the fourth heaven. They can also run rampant in this sky as long as they don't go deep into the sky. But in Lin Nan's eyes, they are different from the others. A mortal makes no difference.

Lin Nan was too powerful, not even the spirit of the sky dared to disobey him, not to mention several monks in the Saint Ancestor Realm. If they were not really bored and did not want to let these monks who provoked him die too happily, he only needed A single thought can kill all these monks.

"Hey, you are such an ignorant person. How dare you act so disrespectfully in front of our ancestors? I'm so tired of living!"

Those Saint Ancestor Realm monks were waiting for Lin Nan to retreat, but they did not expect that Lin Nan would dare to disobey them, and they couldn't help but become angry.

Although they are followers of the young man in white, no matter what, they are the supreme beings at the level of the Saint Ancestor. Walking in the fourth heaven, they are beings that everyone fears, everyone respects, and no one dares to disobey.

Lin Nan, a thing that appeared out of nowhere, dared to contradict them like this and not do what they told him to do. He really didn't know what the heavens and the earth were. Killing him a thousand times would give Lin Nan an advantage!

"My lord, these little guys are too talkative. Let your subordinates destroy them!"

Over there, Lan Qin couldn't bear it any longer. If Lin Nan hadn't been here, she would have killed these reckless guys as early as the first words spoken by the young man in white.

"You have a really bad temper, but I like him very much."

The young man in white couldn't help but smile after hearing Lan Qin's words. He really liked women with bad tempers and strong tempers, because he would feel a sense of accomplishment when he conquered such women.

As for Lan Qin calling Lin Nan his master, he didn't care. In his opinion, this was just Lan Qin's plan. The purpose was to make them mistakenly think that Lin Nan was powerful and scare them away.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Lin Nan is like him, either the young master of a powerful force, or he has an invincible master like him.

But no matter what the situation was, he had to take away Lan Qin and other stunning beauties today. Lin Nan also had to kill him. He never left any trouble for himself. He knew very well the principle of eradicating the weeds and used them well. Very skillful.

"Kill him."

Lin Nan nodded slightly.

He originally wanted to do it himself, but suddenly he thought it would be good to let Lan Qin do it. He wanted to see how Lan Qin would punish these monks who dared to offend them.


Lan Qin directly used her magical power. It was not her own magical power, but an extraordinary magical power she had learned from the Water God during this period.

The attack power of this magical power is not very strong, but if you use this magical power to torture people, it is absolutely suitable. Even if you are a monk, and a monk in the Saint Ancestor Realm, as long as you are trapped by this water magical power, then you will There is no possibility of resistance at all, and he will be suffocated to death like a mortal drowning.

Lan Qin is a peerless being at the quasi-emperor level. If she personally displays this magical power, it is impossible for the group of Saint Ancestor Realm monks to avoid this magical power no matter how talented they are and how mysterious their magical powers are. The coercion of supernatural powers.

"Hahahaha... I thought this little lady like you would display such magical powers that would make people cry. I didn't expect that it would be such a weak magical power. You'd better follow me obediently, and then I will I will teach you many mysterious and magical powers to make you stronger in combat and help you to go further in your Taoism in the future."

When Lan Qin used his magical power, the young man in white and the Saint Ancestor Realm monks around him were extremely vigilant. They were afraid that Lan Qin would be an anomaly and use a peerless magical power that could severely damage them. Then it was hard to say who would have the last laugh. But when Lan Qin used his magical power and looked at the flowing water, they all couldn't help but laugh.

The young man in white couldn't help but laugh. He really thought it was ridiculous. An existence in the Saint Ancestor realm had just wounded one of his followers with one finger. Now he was angry and used a magical power. At first glance, it was clear that this supernatural power had no offensive power. The contrast between the front and back was so great that he could not hold back his smile at all.

He has also seen the results. The Saint Ancestor Realm female cultivator is sure to sleep today, and Lin Nan and other annoying guys are also sure to be killed today!

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