Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2020 Senior, you are here!


Xu Lang almost blurted out, "You're so fucking breathy. It's not like I've never seen a half-step immortal saint. Are you a fucking fool?" ’ Fortunately, he stopped talking in time and did not say those words that were extremely treasonous to the demigod in front of him.

"Hahaha... I won't tease you little thing anymore. You can go back. I will go look for the maggot who dares to kill the members of our clan to see how many heads he has grown and how dare he kill me." The clan’s holy land is so ignorant of life and death.”

The demigod venerable laughed loudly, said this, and then disappeared.

"Damn it, you scared me to death!"

Xu Lang patted his chest and took a deep breath.

But at this time, a sinister word came into his ears: "Boy, you maggot has some abilities. I was almost fooled by you."

Xu Lang froze immediately, his face frozen, he stiffly turned his head and looked back, and saw the demigod venerable just now.

The demigod venerable who looked cheerful just now has now become a murderous god who is likely to go on a killing spree at any time, and can easily twist off Xu Lang's head.

"You maggot are so brave. You dare to kill members of my clan like this, and you dare to pretend to be a member of my clan and run into the inner sanctum of the Holy Land. You really don't know whether to live or die. However, I am compassionate and allow you to leave a last word. Please tell me quickly."

The demigod's face was gloomy, staring at Xu Lang, but suppressing his energy, as if he was afraid that if he didn't control his energy, Xu Lang, a maggot, would be crushed to death in an instant.

He was extremely angry now. If he hadn't received messages from the patrol teams one after another, saying that he had met human monks, then those patrol teams would have disappeared without exception.

Just now he received another summons from the patrolling team, so he rushed over and happened to meet Xu Lang.

After listening to Xu Lang's words, he also admired Xu Lang quite a lot. He felt that when all the teams that met the human maggots were completely wiped out, Xu Lang was able to come back alive, which proved that Xu Lang is a talent that can be made.

He had really left just now, but he suddenly remembered that it would be better for a talented person like Xu Lang to go directly to Tiangong to report, so as not to have to pass down the decree after he returns.

But this time it was no coincidence that I heard Xu Lang's words.

The words Xu Lang said after he left may not have any problems and would not attract anyone's attention in other places, but it is different in the demigods. A being who is qualified to be defined as a prince. There are no more than 10,000 demigods in the entire clan, and there is no one in this holy land. Now that a small character like Lin Nan dares to call himself "this prince", it is self-evident what this means.

But as a half-step immortal saint of the demigods, this demigod venerable would naturally not admit that he discovered that Xu Lang was a human maggot because of a coincidence, rather than being suspicious of Xu Lang from the beginning.

"You damn...if you don't want to die, get out of here. Otherwise, you will definitely know what despair is."

Xu Lang finally regained his composure, and was not completely frightened by the demigod venerable. Instead, he smashed the jar and said these words in a very bachelor manner.

Now the only thing Xu Lang can rely on is the aura that Lin Nan blessed him with when he entered the Jedi.

As for the idea that Lin Nan would arrive in time, Xu Lang didn't dare to have it. After all, he knew that Lin Nan had suppressed the six senses and could only see fifty thousand miles away. He would definitely not know that he was here. situation.

"Huh? You... you human maggot really don't know how to live or die!"

The demigod venerable was stunned for a moment, then thought about it carefully and made sure that he heard correctly. After Xu Lang indeed said something treasonous, he immediately ran away.


The demigod venerable slapped his hand, causing the void to collapse and the space to shatter. Before the palm could land on Xu Lang, Xu Lang had already suffered internal injuries due to the pressure of the energy.


With a soft sound, Xu Lang suffered some internal injuries, but was not directly turned into powder. On the contrary, the hand that the demigod venerable slapped turned into powder.

"Huh? What is...what's going on?!"

The demigod venerable was dumbfounded, his mind went blank, and he didn't understand what happened. He didn't even notice anything, and the hand he slapped turned into powder.

This is absolutely impossible to happen. In this holy land, although there are many Immortal Saint Supreme Beings, he is the top existence among the half-step Immortal Saints. Only the existence at the peak level of Immortal Saints can not be noticed by him. Under the circumstances, it caused serious damage to him, but it was not like when he launched the attack, one of his hands was inexplicably beaten into powder, and he was not aware of it.

Saint Ancestor Realm existences can do it, but just like those Immortal Saint Supreme Beings, all the Saint Ancestor Realm existences in this holy land are monks from their semi-god race. If there are Saint Ancestor Realm existences from other races, , will definitely be moved directly by the formation to the big world connected to the Holy Land the moment you step into the Holy Land.

After a while, the demigod venerable came back to his senses and immediately looked around to find out who had attacked him.

When he saw a young man in black clothes with two little girls of seven or eight years old, he was stunned again. Why is this a monk in the Immortal Realm?

"Among the Half-Step Immortal Saints, you are pretty good, but when you meet me, no matter how talented you are, even if you are a quasi-emperor, or a supreme emperor, you still can't make any waves."

Lin Nan said calmly.

"You...who are you? Why did you enter our clan's holy land and why did you attack me for no reason?!"

The semi-god venerable was shocked. Although Lin Nan only exuded Qi of the late stage of the Immortal Realm, no matter whether it was that he beat one of his hands into powder without him noticing, or that the wind Qing Yundan's demeanor and words told him that the young man in black in front of him was definitely not something he could handle.

"Senior, you are here!"

Xu Lang also came to his senses. He was really scared to death by the slap from the demigod venerable just now.

That was an attack he had never faced before. It was vaguely no less impressive than the ones in the Light Shaking Holy Land, the most amazing and talented Half-Step Immortal Saint Venerable. This made him understand at that moment that he It's definitely dead.

But Lin Nan actually came, and without him noticing, he had disabled one of the hands of the demigod venerable!

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