Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2040 You are half right

"Damn it, the demon tribe came here anyway!"

The faces of the two human emperors were ugly. Although Hong Lin and Lan Qin were only at the quasi-emperor level, they had obviously been around for a long time. Before that, they had not noticed it at all. There was no doubt that there must be something different. They were weak, and even demon monks who were stronger than them were nearby, otherwise Hong Lin, Lan Qin and others would not have dared to come out.

Just then they blocked the demon monks, and another group of demon monks came, and their realms were not low. It seemed that the strong ones among the demon clan who had not yet appeared were not something they could deal with. This was a big blow to the two old people. It's not because I'm worried about my own safety, but because I'm worried about the whole world.

The relationship between Tianmu and Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is very close. Although they are not actually in the same realm, the relationship between them is not much different. It is not the powerful foreigners who were born and raised in Tianmu who appear here in groups. The goal is obvious. It is the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths behind them. Now that the demons and monsters are here, it is unknown whether the human race can still keep the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Both old men survived the war before the end of ancient times, so they knew very well how tragic the war between the two races was. Now the two major ethnic groups, both of which have the Emperor of Heaven under their control, have been fighting for nine days and ten years. This is obviously not good news for the human race who have lived in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths for generations.

"You two are too snobbish. You are also the emperor of the human race after all. How can you ignore my mistress?"

Lan Qin glanced at the two human emperors and said playfully with a smile.


The two human emperors couldn't help but be stunned. Only then did they notice Liu Ruqing. Looking at Yue Shi and others following Liu Ruqing, the two old men couldn't help but be stunned again.

Over the endless years, they have seen countless geniuses, but they have never seen a group of geniuses gather together, all of them are women, and all of them are monks of the same force.

In particular, Liu Ruqing was full of vitality and blood who was not yet forty years old, but she had already reached the peak level of the Golden Immortal Realm. With their eyesight, they could directly see that Liu Ruqing's foundation was extremely solid. It was the most solid foundation they had seen since ancient times. A cultivator from the Golden Immortal Realm, and his combat prowess is also extremely ferocious.

If ordinary quasi-emperors saw Liu Ruqing's strength, they would not be able to fully estimate Liu Ruqing's strength, but these two human emperors could clearly estimate and see clearly, so they were so surprised.

"These two demon clan quasi-emperors... are your... subordinates?"

The two human emperors came back to their senses for a moment, looked at Hong Lin and Lan Qin, and then at Liu Ruqing. They felt their mouths were dry and their tongues were dry. Everything seemed so unreal.

After all, it was the first time in their lives for them to meet a prodigy like Liu Ruqing, and two demon clan quasi-emperors, who did not seem to be ordinary quasi-emperors, would actually call Liu Ruqing, a human monk from the Golden Immortal Realm, his mistress. This was really unbelievable. , too incredible.

"They are my husband's followers and can be considered my subordinates."

Liu Ruqing pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"This... is so unbelievable, so unbelievable!"

The two human emperors murmured to themselves.

This had a big impact on them. You must know that they are strong men who have survived from ancient times. They have participated in the war between the human race and the demon race, and they are well aware that there is a gap between the demon race and the human race that cannot be eliminated.

Although the human race has not completely wiped out the demon clan from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the demon clan living in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is not allowed to appear at all. Even if there are flaws in the first few heavens, as long as there are If there are monster monks who have cultivated to the Saint Ancestor status in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, they will definitely be surrounded by many powerful human beings in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. They will either choose to abandon their cultivation or be killed directly.

Therefore, there will definitely not be a quasi-emperor of the demon clan in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. They know that Hong Lin and Lan Qin must have come from the ancient world, but these two people who came from the ancient world to be monks actually became human beings. A follower of a monk, and willing to call Liu Ruqing, a young human monk in the golden fairyland, his mistress, this is really too subversive of ideas.

"It doesn't matter what you call each other, what are you here for? Speak it out in a hurry. Don't waste time here. Otherwise, when the powerful human race comes, both of you and I will be unable to do anything." And retreat."

The Demon Emperor couldn't stand it anymore and didn't understand why Hong Lin and others were talking so much, talking nonsense with the humans in the back garden of the humans.

Although Hong Lin and Lan Qin said that Liu Ruqing was their mistress, the two demon emperors did not believe it at all. The demon clans in the prehistoric world also knew how they could be surrendered by the human race, especially the two accurate ones. For the existence of the emperor level, this is completely impossible.

"Why are you showing weakness to these two human emperors? Stop pretending. Let the strong men behind you come out and destroy these two human emperors. You can divide the genius treasures in half, or you can fly them all away."

Another demon emperor also spoke. In his opinion, the demon strongman behind Hong Lin and others must have failed to show up directly in order to get more benefits. Although he felt that this was an idiotic act and did not show up directly at all. The effect of imposing conditions was good, but he did not say it out loud. After all, who knows if the humans and monsters who once lived together in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths would join forces with the human emperor to directly kill them because of his complaints.

"Who told you that we are here for the treasures of heaven and earth?"

Hongling looked at the two demon emperors with an indifferent tone.

"Huh? Then what are you doing for that? It's not enough to kill these two human emperors, but you also want to kill us as well?"

The two demon emperors immediately became vigilant. After all, in their view, Liu Ruqing and others were just a cover, and the real strong men had not yet emerged, so they could not help but treat them with caution.

"You are half right. We are here to kill you demon monks. The two human emperors were a surprise, but since they are willing to take action, we naturally can't refuse their kindness. After all, we can kill you as soon as possible. It’s not a bad thing.”

Hong Lin smiled.

"Your uncle, even a mere quasi-emperor dares to speak so brazenly, he is simply seeking death!"

"Hmph! You don't know how to live or die, let's see how I kill you!"

Hearing Hong Lin's words, the two demon emperors immediately took action in anger. Hong Lin's words were a great humiliation to them. After all, they were supreme beings in the realm of emperors. Although the quasi-emperors were also very noble, they They were nothing to mention in front of their emperor. Hong Lin dared to speak to them like this, which was no different from slapping them in the face!

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