Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2057 Who taught the magical power?

Ling'er said nothing more to Hongwei, because she had already seen that Hongwei still would not leave easily. Before, it could be said that it was purely to teach them a lesson, but now she wanted to have a fight with the two little sisters. She could not hide or hide. It will only stop after the winner is determined.

But although the two little sisters have entered the Immortal King Realm, they are still not sure about suppressing Hongwei. After all, Hongwei is an existence at the peak level of the Immortal King Realm. He is not an ordinary monk, but a genius among geniuses. If the little sisters One of the two has entered the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm, and will definitely be able to easily defeat Hongwei, but now there is no such certainty.

The two little sisters looked at each other, and at the same time used the magic weapon blessed on Xu Lang to tell Xu Lang to stay away from this place quickly, and then they used magical attacks on Hongwei together.

Da Luo's Heaven-Destroying Palm!

The two little sisters have the strongest magical power as soon as they take action, and they have no intention of having fun here. After all, they are practicing now, not traveling around the mountains and rivers. Besides, there are so many high-level monks nearby, who knows if there will be any live ones. That's enough. Guys who want to make a name for themselves in history take action against them. If such an accident happens, the gain outweighs the loss.



Two large golden handprints shattered the void, causing cracks to appear in the space. To be able to display such powerful supernatural powers in this big world must be the existence of half-step immortal saints, but now the two little sisters have just stepped into the immortal king He already possesses such combat power despite being in this realm.

It seems incredible, and in the eyes of others, they are living monsters, but for the two little sisters, it is not something worth showing off. You must know that not long ago on the continent that was separated from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Liu Ruqing was on that continent. Before the treasure buried in the demon palace, three puppets whose bodies were no less than half-step immortal saints were smashed to pieces. At that time, if they met the real half-step immortal saints, they would definitely have no chance of winning, but when they entered the realm of the immortal king, they That's another matter.

If the two little sisters today meet an ordinary half-step immortal saint, they can do it by gaining a slight upper hand, not just to kill them.


Seeing the two little sisters directly use their magical attacks, Hongwei couldn't help but be stunned, but soon she also used her own magical attacks.

Relatively speaking, Hongwei's magical attacks are not that powerful, but this is because the power of the magical attacks she displays is mostly restrained. This is the result of skillful use of the combat power she possesses in her current realm. With the two little sisters, In comparison, she does have an advantage in skills. After all, it has been six or seven hundred years since she entered the Immortal King Realm, and it has been thirty or forty years since she entered the peak level of the Immortal King Realm. She is not a little sister. Among the two, the novice who has just entered the Immortal King Realm can compare.

But Hongwei soon discovered something was wrong. In her opinion, the two little sisters' magical attacks were very strong. However, due to the difference in realm, the two little sisters today could not be her opponents. But when three attacks were about to hit her... When they were together, she discovered that she had made a mistake.


There was a roar, and the two magical attacks of the Great Luo Heaven-Destroying Palm and Hongwei collided, causing the void to vibrate in a radius of thirty or forty meters. It was really like two half-step immortal saints who were not very weak fighting fiercely. generally.

"It's incredible. Each of these three little princesses is really stronger than the other. We have already known about Princess Hongwei's talent and strength, but those two little girls have just revealed their figures now, and they are already able to join forces to fight against Princess Hongwei. It's really It’s unbelievable. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it was true. After all, those two little girls are just in the early stages of the Immortal King Realm!”

"Yes, we have just entered the Immortal King Realm, and we can actually compete with Princess Hongwei when we join forces. You must know that Princess Hongwei is an existence at the peak level of the Immortal King Realm. If it were replaced by other monks, even if it is Other princes or princesses, even if they are in the same realm as Princess Hongwei, can only be suppressed in an instant. However, these two little girls compete with Princess Hongwei at a lower realm. This is really... the first time in ancient times that this has happened. We witnessed history with our own eyes!”

"Incredible! Incredible! These two little girls are afraid that as soon as they enter the middle stage of the Immortal King Realm, they will be able to fight Princess Hongwei alone, or even suppress Princess Hongwei. These little monsters actually appeared in our half. The God Clan is one of the biggest blessings for me as a Demigod Clan since I established myself, and I can’t wait to hear the news that the Emperor of Heaven canonizes these two little princesses!”

Seeing that the attacks from both sides, regardless of their strength, had collided together for a long time, they all canceled each other out. No other accidents occurred. The two little sisters and Hongwei also stopped temporarily. The monks who were watching from a distance There was an uproar immediately, almost all of them were extremely excited, and kept sighing. They didn't care what others thought of them. They were all extremely happy now.

"I didn't expect that the two of you actually have Taoism at the level of the Emperor of Heaven. It really... surprises me!"

Hongwei's expression was complicated. She felt something was wrong when the magical attack was about to hit. It was because she felt the energy of the Heavenly Emperor's Taoism from the two Daluo Tiantian palms, which was different from the magical attack she used. But it was a very similar mystery, which had a really big impact on her.

Beings at the Heavenly Emperor level will not easily teach others Taoism. Even direct disciples have to reach a certain level before they can teach the real great supernatural powers. Only when they reach the Great Emperor level can they teach the Heavenly Emperor level Taoism. The reason why she was taught by Ming Lu The Heavenly Emperor's Taoism was also an exception. She herself didn't know why Ming Lu, who was usually serious and serious in speech, taught her such a mysterious Taoism. After all, although her talent was extremely high, it was not to the level that had only been seen in ancient times.

And just now, she discovered that the two little girls she was fighting with actually had magical powers at the level of the Metropolitan Emperor. Although they were the same magical powers, they were still incredible. Moreover, she seemed to have never heard of any Celestial Emperor's magical powers. That's what the two little sisters showed.

"Who taught you two your magical powers?"

Hongwei calmed down slightly and looked at the two little sisters and asked.

Most of her attention was on Lin Momo, because she could see that Lin Momo was relatively calm and more reliable than Ling'er.

"My father taught me, what's up, you want to learn?"

Ling'er glanced at Hongwei and said proudly.

Hongwei did not respond, but still stared at Lin Momo. After Lin Momo nodded, she was convinced that Linger was not lying.

But precisely because of this, she couldn't help but feel confused. Lin Nan was the father of these two little girls. So... which Emperor of Heaven was Lin Nan?

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