Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2062 Are you also practicing?

Li Si'er has encountered various situations, but she has never encountered such a situation today. Looking at the two little sisters who were whispering, she was unable to hear anything. Then she saw Lin Momo suddenly covering Ling'er's little mouth. A series of changes left Li Sirer confused, but she still did not take it lightly. After all, although the two sisters looked innocent and adorable, but in this world of immortality, who knows what will happen. No one can be sure. Even if the strong men from Danxia Sect come out, they will not dare to take it lightly, let alone their disciples.

"Senior sister, these two little girls look like the senior who had dinner with us earlier. Could that senior be the father of these two little girls?"

"Yes, I really want to. Also, senior sister, please think back carefully. The appearance of that senior... seems to be the most handsome person we have ever seen. He is the young man in white who is with those two little girls. They are not as good as that senior, but we actually ignored his appearance at that time, which is really... strange!"

The two teenagers who were at the same table as Li Sirer and Lin Nan in the restaurant came over and whispered beside Li Sirer.


Li Sirer couldn't help but be stunned when she heard the words. After thinking about it carefully, she was surprised to find that what the two junior brothers said was true. Lin Nan's appearance was indeed the best among the men she had ever seen. He was simply impeccable. The level of perfection cannot even be compared to the Xu Lang in front of her now.

Looking at the two little sisters carefully, Li Sirer felt incredible. This was such a coincidence. Could it be fate?

"I seem to have seen your father. He is in the town. Do you want me to look for you?"

Li Sirer thought for a while, looked at the two little sisters and said seriously that although they had something to do, they were not in a hurry, and if Lin Nan was really a monk, he was so powerful that she wouldn't be able to tell it to her face. Lin Nannan was willing to dine at the same table with them as a strong person. After all, no unrelated strong person was willing to dine with a weak person, so she didn't mind helping the two sisters find Lin Nan. .

"No need, we are actually practicing. Unless there are special circumstances, father will not see us. Otherwise, he would have found us long ago with his cultivation level."

Lin Momo shook her head.

"Are you guys training too? We are too. If you don't mind, you can join us."

Before Li Sirer said anything, one of the two teenagers spoke, and the other nodded quickly.

The two of them really believe that Lin Nan is a powerful sword cultivator. If they chose to believe Lin Nan because they heard too many stories before, then now the real evidence is placed here, making them believe it. It's justified.

Similarly, they felt that the daughter of a sword fairy was good at swordsmanship anyway, and her swordsmanship skills must be very high. Otherwise, how could the swordsman be willing to let two little ones go out to practice.

If the two little sisters could teach them sword skills, they felt that this trip down the mountain would be perfect. After all, the place where they went to practice did not have a training place suitable for sword cultivation, and there was no place where sword cultivation could be found. They wanted to have experts. Instructing on swordsmanship is simply as difficult as reaching heaven. Now that they have met their little sister, the daughter of the Sword Fairy, this is simply their great opportunity!

"It shouldn't be. Why are you two so excited?"

The fellow apprentices couldn't help but look at the two teenagers.

Although they all think that the two little sisters are extremely cute and Xu Lang is extremely handsome, in any case, casually joining outsiders in the training team is a huge safety hazard for them. After all, no one knows how to join. Who exactly is coming in?

It is said that people's hearts are separated from each other. No one dares to believe that the two little sisters are really as innocent as they appear. You must know that beautiful and flawless women in the world of immortality are definitely murderous beings. After all, the better the beauty, the more beautiful they are. Only by being strong can they protect themselves, otherwise they can only become the playthings of other strong people.

"Is he really a monk in the Qi training stage?"

Li Si'er pondered for a long time. Although she didn't talk to Lin Nan too much, she could tell that Lin Nan was not a bully. Although Ling'er looked a little restless, she could also tell that there was no malicious intention at all. It was just what Xu Lang gave her. She really didn't feel better, and she couldn't explain what was going on, but her intuition told her that Xu Lang looked like the playboy she hated.

"That's not true. His spiritual sense is the same as ours, and he can detect within ten miles."

Lin Momo said.

This world is really weird. The two little sisters' spiritual thoughts can detect a ten-mile range. Xu Lang's spiritual thoughts can also detect a ten-mile range. The only difference is in combat power. In terms of combat power, the two little sisters were suppressed to the ordinary true fairyland. At the later level of monks, Xu Lang was so suppressed that he could barely survive in the hands of ordinary golden fairyland monks.

"Ten miles away, it turns out that the three of you are monks in the early stages of foundation building, so he didn't say anything. You two are the most brilliant geniuses I have ever seen. You are only seven or eight years old, and you have already entered the foundation building stage." In the base period, it seems that the brother just now is indeed a great monk who is hiding in the world!"

Li Sirer nodded slowly, thoughtfully.

"Can we practice with you?"

Ling'er, who was finally released by Lin Momo, asked eagerly.

It's not that she has to go with Li Sirer and others, but now that their spiritual thoughts are suppressed, if they want to understand the situation in this world as soon as possible, naturally they can only establish a good relationship with the indigenous monks. Even so, it is impossible to truly They know everything about the world here, and even only know things in a small atmosphere, but in the end it is much faster than them slowly exploring.

"Yes, but we are going to the Demon Sect branch thousands of miles away. It is very dangerous and we may fall at any time. There is no way to protect you when we get there. You have to think about it."

Li Sirer pondered for a moment and then nodded.

"I'm not afraid. I like killing people the most."

Ling'er waved her little hand and said boldly.

For a moment, the atmosphere was a little awkward. The Danxia Sect disciples looked at me and I looked at you, and they couldn't help but feel that they were careless. The cute little girl in front of them didn't seem to be a good person!

The corners of Li Sirer's mouth twitched uncontrollably, but since she had already agreed, and the little sister and Xu Lang didn't look like heinous people, she didn't say anything more.

"Then let's get on our way."

Li Sirer took out a flying magic weapon.

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