Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2073 Immortal Realm Heroic Spirit

The two little sisters did not move. They watched Hongwei and her monks walk into the ruins quietly. The two sisters looked at each other. Apart from feeling a little pity, they had no special emotions. After all, they did not care about the ruins. He didn't take it very seriously. The previous confrontation with Hongwei was just because of the grudge he had formed before.

To be precise, the two little sisters wanted to kill Hongwei. After all, the demigods wanted to attack the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. The two little sisters were native human monks of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Although they shouted at those provocative monks in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, they wanted to kill her. Kill, but there is no doubt in my heart that I identify with Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

It's just that with their current strength, they can't do anything to Hongwei. They are happy not to confront Hongwei. After all, there is no benefit.

The Danxia Sect monks did not enter the ruins. They were not fools. They knew that if they entered now, they would definitely be challenged by the monks who followed Hongwei, or even be killed directly. They could only wait for Xu Lang to complete the tribulation and join the two sisters before entering the ruins. , they dared to follow in.

"Xu Lang looks like a fool no matter how you look at him."

Over there, Xu Lang had successfully survived the Tribulation of the Immortal King, and he ran towards this side with joy and joy. Seeing Xu Lang's ecstatic expression, Ling'er curled her lips in disdain and said to Xu Lang This look is very cold.

When the two little sisters could see Xu Lang, Xu Lang was only a hundred miles away from where everyone was. He was nearby in an instant. He didn't take Ling'er's contempt for him seriously. After all, Ling'er was disdainful of him. The way Ling'er and he met for the first time was a little strange, it could be said that it was a gathering of enemies. Now that Ling'er didn't directly despise his combat prowess, he already felt that it was very valuable.

For Xu Lang, meeting Lin Nan's family was the biggest opportunity in his life. Without the skills and magical powers taught by the two little sisters, he would not have the fighting power he has now after entering the Immortal King Realm. If he is right now I haven't met Lin Nan's family in the past. I, who naturally attained the Immortal King status in the Xuanwu Star Territory, will definitely be able to defeat my other self.

Now he has the ability to suppress the monks in the early stage of the Ordinary Immortal Realm. He can also save his life under the monks in the middle stage of the Ordinary Immortal Realm. All this is because of practicing the methods and magical powers taught by the two little sisters. If Otherwise, only when he reaches the late stage of the Immortal King Realm can he be able to survive under the hands of the monks in the early stage of the Immortal King Realm without using the treasure. Only when he reaches the late stage of the Immortal King Realm can he have the current combat power.

"Let's go in. If we see Hongwei again, Ling'er and I will continue to target her. If Xu Lang doesn't have a chance to take action, just take the Danxia Sect monks to look for opportunities."

Lin Momo said.

No one raised any objections, and the group entered the ruins.

Inside the ruins, Hongwei was in a bad mood, because not long after she came in, she had already seen that these were just ruins left by an Immortal King Realm monk. They should have been brought in by the human emperor, but because Ming Lu controlled the heavenly spirit in the outside world. In order to avoid being discovered by Ming Lu in this small world, all the monks in this small world who had become immortals had to fight and transform themselves.

The relics that exist in the Immortal King Realm are naturally the supreme code of law for the residents of this small world, but to Hongwei they are just useless rags. You must know that even the relics left by the Quasi-Emperor are just worth mentioning. It just made her somewhat interested. If it weren't for the purpose of sharpening her skills, she wouldn't go to those Jedi places and secret realms at all. After all, the things in those Jedi places and secret realms were too ordinary for her. She gave her opinions at will. The items are countless times more valuable than those so-called treasures of heaven, materials and earth.

"Confirm again. If it is like the ruins from the outside world, it was originally left by the human emperor, but it was occupied by a quasi-emperor of our clan to cover up the truth. Then the gain outweighs the loss!"

Hongwei said to herself.

At the same time, he concealed the relics of the outside world and the relics of the supreme emperor of the human race. Instead of understanding the true meaning, he finally died here, forget it before he died. After all, anyone who sees good things will want to take possession of them. For oneself, especially in the world of immortality, opportunity is not much different from life to the monks. However, when the quasi-emperor of the demigods died, he did not spread the news, so the demigods did not discover this until now. There is a ruins, and the powerful people in the outside world still don’t know the true identity of the ruins in the outside world.

There is no doubt that what the quasi-emperor of the semi-god tribe did was a substantial betrayal of the tribe. After all, the external ruins and the background of this small world are not simple. Even Emperor Ming Tiantian wanted to find out, but he was always suffering. I haven't found a place, and I haven't been able to do so for endless years.

"Huh? Immortal King Realm Heroic Spirit?"

Just when Hongwei's mind was heavy and her search speed slowed down slightly, a heroic spirit appeared in front.

It was a completely transparent being, but it could be seen that he was wearing a long robe. He was an upright and elegant being. He was holding a long sword, as if he had never put down the sword in his hand.

"Demi-god monk?"

The heroic spirit also saw Hongwei the moment Hongwei saw him. His voice was hoarse, but there was an inexplicable sense of majesty. Even Hongwei felt a little awe-inspiring.

"What? You, a heroic spirit, want to fight me?"

Hongwei stopped, not slacking off in her heart. Even if the other party was just a heroic spirit transformed from a cultivator in the Immortal King Realm, it could be seen from the pressure of those words that this was an extremely terrifying existence, but Hongwei Wei didn't mind trying to push her verbally.

Hongwei was not good at fighting with others, but she was convinced that the heroic spirit in front of her must have been extremely magnificent in life, and was a proud son of heaven like her. He must also be as unskilled in trying to win over others as she was.

"If the demigods were a thousand years late and Master controlled the spirit of Changtian, now, even if Master is not around, even if there is a Heavenly Emperor by your side, you still have to be polite when you see me."

The heroic spirit was not angry because of Hongwei's words. He just said these words calmly, his voice still hoarse.

"You...you are relying on your old age and showing off your old age!"

Hongwei was so angry that the heroic spirit was clearly saying that she was just a little brat. If she wasn't supported by the demigods or was born in the same era as him, she would have no choice but to bow her head in front of him.

He was very arrogant, which made Hongwei, who was also arrogant, extremely unhappy, but helpless. She realized that the other person was not an idiot who only knew how to practice Taoism, nor was he a good baby who didn't know how to curse. This made Hongwei lose her initial enthusiasm. Be certain.

"I can't beat you, but can you beat me?"

Hongwei turned from angry to smiling.

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