Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2082 The thing that doesn’t know whether to live or die

"His grandma, which star field did these guys come from? It's so damn unreasonable. Are they cultivating immortals?"

"What kind of sect is this? It's so reckless, and it turns out to be a sect. Isn't this too damn bottomless?!"

"Steady, steady, be sure to stay steady, don't mess up, we will lose if we get messed up!"

"Yes! Hold on! When Supreme Qingchan arrives with his disciples, these guys will be dead. We must hold on, we can't let these unscrupulous guys run away, let alone be defeated by them!"

The group of monks with unknown origins were all transmitting their spiritual thoughts.

They knew that when their strengths were equal, they could not distract themselves. Even if they were just transmitting spiritual thoughts, they would lose because of this. However, they had no choice but to do it because the Northern monks did not play their cards according to common sense and directly disrupted their original plan. The plan allowed them to respond passively and be caught off guard.

If we don't use the spiritual message to comfort them, the disciples with a slightly lower level may be beaten to autistic state, and then throw away their armor. Then they will really lose, and they don't have to wait for the Qing Chan Supreme to bring people to support. !

"These bastards!"

Although the void and space collapsed, the monks of the Bei clan could still hear the other party's spiritual sound transmission, because the other party did not transmit the sound one-on-one, but let everyone hear it. The two sides were not very far apart, so they could naturally hear it. clear.

The words of the other party undoubtedly made the Bei clan cultivators indignant. They had seen shameless people. Usually when they dealt with the powerless young monks, they already felt that they were shameless enough, but they did not expect the group of monks they met now. It can actually subvert their ideas and refresh their understanding of shamelessness.

In fact, it is in line with that sentence. People are more irritating than others. Even the shamelessness can make people angry!

But just because of this, the attack power of Bei's group of cultivators actually increased, just like ordinary people who are stimulated to perform beyond their normal capabilities.

Of course, if someone runs out at this moment, just like what the heroic spirit said to Princess Hongwei in the ruins of the small world, saying that it was because he did not control the strength he should have that he would use it in anger. A stronger magical power would probably make the Bei Clan cultivators even more angry.

"Oh my God! What's going on with these guys? They're just being unreasonable, but they actually got angry after hearing our comments about them, and used magical powers to attack even more fiercely. Aren't we right? They don't Are you just unethical, arrogant, and a complete reckless man?!"

"What the hell, this group of monks is really shameless. They clearly know that they are unreasonable and will not follow their own path. They attacked us in the first place, and now they still have the nerve to be angry. What kind of sect is this? What kind of teachings can cultivate such a shameless monk!"

"It's... it's such a long time to see you!"

The group of monks with unknown origins were extremely surprised. They did not expect that their spiritual message transmission would actually make the Bei Clan cultivators attack more vigorously. It stands to reason that when they heard that help was coming, the Bei Clan cultivators would They should calculate how to evacuate, there is absolutely no reason to attack more crazily.

They couldn't figure it out, they really couldn't figure it out. In the end, they could only understand that maybe a shameless reckless man would make reasonable and moral people speechless and unable to understand what the reckless man did.

There is no doubt that they are the ones who are both reasonable and moral, while the Bei clan cultivators are shameless and reckless.

"His grandma, these grandsons are so angry with me!"

The Bei clan leader roared angrily. He was already in the late stage of the Immortal Saint, and he had vaguely touched the threshold of the Immortal Saint peak. After hearing the other party's spiritual message, he was not as angry as the younger generations. After all, he was such a person. The heart is extremely strong.

But now I hear that those guys are belittling them more and more, and it doesn't seem like they are doing it deliberately at all, but they think from their own hearts that their Bei Clan cultivators are unethical and unreasonable, especially when they are discussing their Bei Clan's teachings. At that moment, with a look full of surprise and contempt on his face, he finally couldn't suppress his anger. After roaring angrily, his magical attack became more violent.

"This damn...we...we better shut up!"

"Yeah...it's better...to shut up...it's...better!"

After the Supreme Immortal Saints of the Bei Clan were angered, the decline of the monks with unknown origins gradually became apparent. They discovered the problem and finally knew that they could no longer stimulate the group of cultivators of the Bei Clan. Otherwise, they might not be able to wait until the Qing Chan Supreme brought them. People came to the rescue.

Now, it was their turn to feel aggrieved, because the Bei Clan cultivators roared and attacked one by one, beating to death their group of grandsons who crawled out of nowhere, especially the half-step Immortal Saints and Immortals from the Bei Clan. The Holy Supreme One simply said something even worse than what they said before, reducing them to nothing.

They were extremely excited at first, thinking that after the Bei Clan cultivators were slandered by them, they would attack with magical powers even more violently when they were angry. Now that they were belittled by the Bei Clan cultivators, they would also attack even more fiercely while being angry. stand up.

However, they did not have eggs, and it was precisely because of this that they gradually became fearful. First they were the Immortal Realm monks, then the Half-Step Immortal Saints. Later, even the Immortal Saints Supreme felt that there was no hope of victory at all. .

The only thing they are looking forward to now is that Qingchan Supreme can bring people here quickly to prevent them from being defeated by the Bei Clan cultivators. According to the Bei Clan cultivators, not only did they not calm down their anger, but they became more and more angry with each blow. A posture that could crush these grandsons to death. If they were defeated, they would definitely be miserable!

"Don't be so arrogant!"

Suddenly, when the low-level monks on both sides died one after another, and the half-step immortal saints were seriously injured, a long roar came from the distance. When they looked towards the place where the sound came from.

I don't know when a middle-aged man in white appeared, leading more than a dozen immortal saints to appear thousands of miles away. In an instant, they were hundreds of miles away. The speed was so fast that they were stunned.

"Hahaha... Fellow Daoist Qingchan, you are finally here. If you had been a little later, we might have capsized in the gutter and been plotted by these shameless fools."

Seeing the middle-aged man in white and others, the group of unknown monks were immediately ecstatic and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

But precisely because of this, only a dozen half-step Immortal Saints were killed, and three Immortal Saints were severely injured.

"A bunch of things that don't know how to live or die."

The ancestor of the Bei clan had a fierce gaze, like a wounded beast. In his eyes, those who were distracted and killed due to complacency during the fight were all useless things.

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