Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2088 Aren’t you angry?

"Wow... I didn't expect that the place connected to Huangquan would be such a world. It's really... unexpected!"

Ling'er was very emotional, her big watery eyes opened wide, and she looked around.

On the side, although Lin Momo didn't say anything, she looked down the mountain curiously.

The view here is extremely wide, because they are now near the top of a giant mountain. It can be said that they can see endless mountains, rivers and magnificent scenery, all in sight.

Except for the two little sisters, Liu Ruqing and others were also very curious about this world. This time, only Lin Nan, Hong Lin and Lan Qin were still in the same mood. The rest, not even Yue Shi and Ye Yu, had ever seen them before. Such a world.

"Let's go down the mountain."

Lin Nan observed it and found that there were all kinds of strange creatures here, but once they entered the town, those fat creatures would shrink to the same size as human beings, and the originally small creatures would grow to a height similar to that of human monks, or even as big as For the sake of convenience, some creatures directly transformed into human beings.

The only difference from the human race is that even if those creatures transform into the appearance of the human race, they still carry their own qi. Their life qi has not changed and is rarely suppressed deliberately.

There are monsters in the city, so Hong Lin and Lan Qin only need to suppress the Holy Spirit Qi without being noticed as outsiders. Liu Ruqing and others need Lin Nan's blessing so that they also have the Monster Qi. , and then walked down the mountain.

"what is that?"

As soon as they entered the giant city at the foot of the mountain, the two little sisters were attracted by a small animal in a cage. They immediately ran over with their little feet, looking at the small animal in the cage with curiosity on their little faces.

The seven Lingxiao girls also walked over. They were also extremely interested in the small animals in the cage, and they were all wondering what kind of animals they were.

Liu Ruqing and others were also curious, but they were all elders and could not act too frivolous in front of a group of little girls, so they suppressed their curiosity and looked at Lin Nan, Hong Lin and Lan Qin in unison. If anyone knows the identity of this little animal, then Hong Lin and Lan Qin, who are the quasi-emperors of the demon clan, must be very likely to know. As for Lin Nan, no one in the group thinks that he still doesn't know about it at this time. things.

"This is a half-Qilin beast. It is not a real Qilin, but a small thing with Qilin blood. It has spirituality, but has no practical value. For the monks who have become immortals, it only has the value of playing and watching, and it is very They are rare, and usually they are spiritual pets that are favored by the clan’s young masters and young ladies.”

Hong Lin said.

There are also such small animals in the ancient world, but because they have no possibility of becoming immortals and their combat power is very low, they can be said to be the weakest existences at the same level. Therefore, even if their reproduction speed is not slow, they still exist in nature. Few, because this kind of little animal only likes to haunt places with strong aura of heaven and earth, and it does not have strong combat power, so it will naturally become the hunting target of other powerful ferocious beasts and monsters.

"This fairy has a good eye. I can assure you with my heart that today, in this huge city, I am the only half-unicorn beast for sale. After all, this kind of little thing is difficult to catch, so even if someone often offers a high price, No one would sit idle and go to an extremely dangerous place to capture this kind of little Dongge, so...if these little fairies like it, just give me a fair price so that I don't suffer any loss."

The stall owner is a being at the level of the Immortal King. He is a hawker selling spiritual pets. It is obvious that he did not capture this half-unicorn beast. He said this just to stop Lin Nan and his party from wasting time haggling. If you want it, just buy it based on the price that you have already adhered to.

"Like it?"

Lin Nan ignored the hawker, but looked at the little sisters and others and asked.


The two little sisters responded in unison, and the seventh daughter Lingxiao and Princess Fuhan also nodded.

"Eighty million!"

Seeing Lin Nan looking at him after asking the little sisters and others, the vendor directly quoted the price before Lin Nan could ask.

Lin Nan smiled and gave the vendor 80 million immortal crystals without bargaining. Then he asked the little sisters and others to take the half-unicorn beast with them and walked forward again.

"My lord, eight thousand immortal crystals are already expensive. The vendor probably quoted the wrong price just now. How could you really give him eighty million immortal crystals?"

Not far away, Hong Lin couldn't help but asked with a smile.

"Who knows the price of such a small thing in this small world? After all, it is just a small world. It cannot be compared with the big world. Although 80 million immortal crystals are indeed too outrageous, it is impossible to become an immortal at all. When a group of dandies are fighting for wealth, white clothes may be worth a premium. On weekdays, let alone 80 million fairy crystals, I am too lazy to give out 8,000 fairy crystals. After all, if you really like it, you might as well catch a few. , it’s not like there is no place in the center of the big world.”

Seeing that Lin Nan didn't speak, Lan Qin spoke. At first, he wanted to explain to Lin Nan, but as he spoke, his mood changed, and he slightly disliked Lin Nan for spending money carelessly.

On the contrary, Liu Ruqing, who usually didn't like Lin Nan buying random things for the two sisters, especially if the price was higher than the use value, didn't want the two sisters to buy anything, did not say anything this time.

"Queen of Heaven, aren't you angry?"

Seeing that Liu Ruqing didn't say anything or showed any signs of being unhappy, Lan Qin couldn't help but ask.

"What's there to be angry about? The 80 million that the vendor quoted must not be the 80 million immortal crystals. Look, what those monks used to buy the items. If it's true, it's a kind of spiritual money. I heard it just now. The value of that kind of spiritual money and fairy crystal, ten thousand spiritual money is equivalent to one fairy crystal, and the 80 million quoted by the vendor before was only eight thousand fairy crystals."

Liu Ruqing smiled.

Hong Lin and Lan Qin were stunned when they heard the words, and they used their consciousness to investigate. They did get the same information as Liu Ruqing said. They couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. As quasi-emperors, they actually ignored these small things. If If Liu Ruqing hadn't reminded them, they might still be wondering why Lin Nan would spend 80 million immortal crystals to buy such a small animal with no actual value.

Although Liu Ruqing didn't make it completely clear, the meaning was already very clear. People like them never had to explain things too comprehensively to be able to see the whole story at a glance.

Lin Nan wanted to use his generosity to attract the attention of some big shots in the city, so that he could go to places where celebrities from all over the world gathered. As for why Lin Nan wanted to go in this way, Hong Lin and Lan Qin no longer thought about it. Because there is no need to think about it.

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