Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 2282 Let’s go on the road too

Lin Hao was not surprised by the performance of the four Immortal Realm powerful men in the Ten Thousand Stone Holy Land, because he knew what kind of people those four people were. From a spiritual point of view, Lin Hao was not willing to do it, not Speaking of other people, at least in this world, no one can have privacy in front of him. No matter what it is, as long as he knows it, there is absolutely no way to hide it from him.

It was precisely for this reason that he did not take these four Immortal Masters from the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones seriously, and there was no way for him to take them seriously. After all, in this weak and flesh-eating world, there were only so many powerful immortal cultivators. Among them, a being like him is qualified enough to look down on everyone.

Although he did not look down on everyone, he could certainly look down on those monks who dared to provoke him.

"To me, the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones is just like an underworld monk to you who has not yet become an immortal. It is worthless."

Lin Yan said lightly.

After saying this, before the four Immortal Supreme Realm experts from the Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land could say anything, Lin Dong had already made a thought in his mind and killed the four Immortal Supreme Realm experts from the Ten Thousand Stone Holy Land. Lost.

After the words fell, there was no sound. The four powerful men at the peak of the Immortal Realm who could have relied on the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones to walk sideways in the Red Star Territory turned into powder, and even their souls Everything disappeared at this moment, and there was no chance of reincarnation.


"Oh my God! This... this father and daughter are really... so outrageous!"

"Yes! The little girl in front of me killed the existences at the peak of the Immortal King Realm of the Evil Spirit Clan, and now...the current father...just killed several monks from the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones. Moreover, the monks of the Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land were all beings at the peak level of the Immortal Realm. Just like this... the power of the Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land in front of him... was not able to create the slightest trace of waste. It's just so...so soul-crushing that it turned into ashes and vanished into smoke!"

"It's... it's really... too scary!"

After seeing this scene, the monks who were watching finally couldn't help it. Originally, because Lin Meng killed a great master of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones, they did not dare to speak out, for fear of angering Lin Meng or speaking inappropriately. Everyone in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones couldn't help but exclaimed.

They have been fighting for a long time, but they have never seen such an arrogant existence. It can also be said that they have never seen such a fierce existence.

You know, even if there is a conflict between the two holy places? The ancestor of the other holy place comes to the mountain gate of one of the holy places? He will not be too overbearing, at least he will not kill him at the slightest disagreement. After all, even the supreme being at the peak of the Immortal Saints is in danger of falling in front of the mountain gate of another holy land. After all, none of the mountain-protecting formations of the Ten Saint Sects is weak.

Now there is a person like Lin who stands in front of the mountain gate of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones and does not take the monks of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones seriously. This is undoubtedly an extremely subversive thing that subverts the rules and consciousness of the people. He can't help but watch the monks. exclaim!

On the other side? Lin Yan didn't say anything, nor did he pay attention to the comments of the monks onlookers, but his thoughts were turning. When he was about to kill the first Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land monk in front of him, he made arrangements with his thoughts. The barriers and phantom formations were eliminated so that the Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land Masters and Supreme Beings who were watching in secret could see what was going on here.

"You are so bold and evil. If I don't kill you here today, I will attack you right here!"

At the moment when Lin Meng removed the barrier and the illusion formation, there was a roar. It was the roar of a semi-immortal saint. Apparently, after seeing the situation where Lin Meng was, Suddenly furious, he came over.

Before the roaring sound disappeared, the roaring Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land Master had already arrived here, looking at Lin Yan and his daughter with a gloomy expression.

He is actually an old man who looks very old, but is actually very old!

In addition to this old man, there are three monks from the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones who have arrived. Like the old man, the other three are also half-level Immortal Saints. They originally did not come because they felt that the price had dropped. , otherwise Yang Qian would not have sent those powerful men at the peak of the Immortal Realm, but they had to come.

Lin Dong's appearance made them all very afraid. If he came alone, none of them dared to think that they could capture Lin Dong, nor could they think about whether they would die. In Lin's hands.

A being who can deceive them who are constantly exploring this place on their chassis will definitely not be an incompetent person, and it will definitely not be a young monk. This is something they know very well. , so they were being cautious now. Not only did the four of them come together, but they also activated the city defense formation.

"Aren't there still three half-fat Immortal Saints and two Immortal Saint Supremes? Where are they?"

Seeing the four semi-immortal saints of the Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land looking at him with gloomy expressions, Lin Meng was completely absent. For him, even if a supreme emperor wanted to kill him, he would not do it. With a wave of his hand, he can kill the opponent completely, not to mention that the people in front of Ruda are just four half-body immortal saints.

"You, this evil obstacle, must be looking down upon yourself. To kill such an evil obstacle like you, we don't need so many people from the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones to take action."

One of them said in a serious tone.

Of course, this is not the truth, but he can't say that. Otherwise, he can't say that the three deities and the two supremes are presiding over the operation of the city protection formation. Why did you accidentally kill the forest?

This is absolutely impossible.

After all, even they can't remember how long it has been since the Wanshi City's city defense formation was activated. How could they admit that he was just an unknown person, and that he was the same as the rest of the Holy Sect and the Light Evil Spirit Clan? Can idle monks with no connections force them to open a city defense formation in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Stones?

Absolutely impossible, even if the King of Heaven comes, I will never admit it!

"That's it, then you guys should go to bed too."

Lin Yan smiled.

"Be bold!"


"court death!"

Hearing Guang Lin's words, the four semi-immortal saints of the Ten Thousand Stones Holy Land immediately quarreled with each other. How could they, who were already so angry towards Guang Lin, hear such arrogant words?

Before Lin Meng could make any move, they were already angrily scolding Lin Meng, taking out their own magic weapons, and using their full strength to attack Lin Meng's father and daughter. Launched an attack forcefully!

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