Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 806 Who gave you the courage to kill someone in front of me? (sixth update)

Feng Juexian's voice echoed in Dianjiangtai Square!

The lingering sound lingers and lingers!

His name is "Jue Immortal", and even "immortal" is "Jue" by him. Judging from his name, you can tell how arrogant this person is!

Amidst Feng Juexian's voice, millions of people in the entire square held their breath. The scene was eerily quiet!


But no one responded to him!

"What? The candidate saint son who dared to kill me, Taixuan Sect, dare not come out now?"

Feng Juexian sneered!

Still no one responded, as if it was Feng Juexian himself, talking to the air!

Feng Juexian frowned. A martial lord of his asked a question in front of millions of people, but no one answered? It’s really shameless!

At this time, a city lord finally came out tremblingly and explained: "Senior, the city lord of Huang Maple City did not come to participate in the city lords' alliance!"

"Haha! He is as timid as a mouse. He knew we were coming. I'm afraid he had already escaped from Baiyan City in advance!"

Feng Juexian sneered, this kind of result is normal!


The city lord was hesitant and said with a strange expression: "Senior, Huangfeng City Lord did not escape either. He...he is still in the city, and he was there early. Some people saw him accompanying his wife and children, shopping leisurely, as if they were interested in him. The city lords’ alliance doesn’t seem interested…”


Feng Juexian's face darkened, and he asked in a cold voice, "Does he know that I am coming today?"

"Last night... someone had informed him... but the city lord of Yellow Maple City didn't seem to take this matter to heart!" The city lord answered honestly.

After hearing this, Feng Juexian's face twitched slightly!

Lin Nan's attitude made him feel very humiliated. He knew he was coming, but he still ignored him like this?

"Where is he now?"

Feng Juexian asked in a deep voice, the murderous intent in his eyes surged uncontrollably!

If it were before, Feng Juexian came here to kill Lin Nan because of Tai Xuanzong's order!

However, after he listened to the city lord's report, he actually had the idea of ​​killing Lin Nan!


The city lord hesitated for a moment, and after thinking about it, he continued: "According to the informant's report, Lin Nan took his wife and children out shopping early this morning. Now... he should be at a bun shop on the street now. Have breakfast before..."

"Have breakfast? Haha! You are wrong, this is not breakfast, this is decapitation meal!"

Feng Juexian sneered twice, with restrained murderous intent in his eyes, and said: "Lead the way!"

"As you command!"

The city lord did not dare to neglect, and took Feng Juexian, Ling Changsheng, and Peacock Heavenly Girl towards the direction where Lin Nan's family was having breakfast!

At the same time, millions of people near the Dianjiang Platform also moved their steps and rushed towards Lin Nan's location!

Millions of people acted at the same time, just like a million troops descending. The entire Baiyan City was shocked. The momentum was magnificent, mighty, and astonishing!


Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, and Ling'er were sitting in front of an ordinary roadside stall!

The stall owner is an old man, he looks to be sixty or seventy years old, very old, slightly stooped, but his hands and feet are very nimble. He and his wife opened a breakfast shop next to this alley!

In the morning, Lin Nan and his family were tired from shopping, so they rested here and had breakfast by the way!

"These distinguished guests, to be honest, this is my first time to receive distinguished guests like you!"

The old man carried a basket of steamed buns and placed them on the table for Lin Nan and others with a smile!

"Oh? Why? The steamed buns at my uncle's house smell very good. They must be delicious, right?"

Liu Ruqing asked strangely.

"Of course, I don't want to say anything else. In this Baiyan City, the old man's buns are ranked second, and no one dares to say that they are the first. I think it was the old man's buns that made him chase my wife!" His face was full of pride!

"Old man, what are you talking about? You're bragging again! Didn't you shamelessly pursue me and ask my father to marry me to you? What does it have to do with your buns?"

At this moment, an old woman's voice came from inside the bun shop!

"Ahem! It's nothing, nothing!"

When the old man saw this, he coughed a few times and looked embarrassed!


Liu Ruqing secretly laughed, pinched Lin Nan's arm, and said, "Look at how old she is, and she is still so affectionate!"

"We are also very affectionate!" Lin Nan said with a smile.

"Huh! No lovemaking during meal time!"

Lin Momo snorted, picked up a big bun, and sat directly between Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing!

at this time.


Three figures appeared in the sky, flying at extremely fast speeds, like gods descending over this street!

The three elders of Taixuan Sect have arrived!

Also arriving together were millions of people following from Dianjiangtai!

This small alley simply couldn't accommodate so many people, so the streets and alleys, as well as the roofs of nearby residential buildings, were filled with people in an instant, and the small alley was completely blocked!

All eyes were focused on that bun shop!


Seeing so many people suddenly appearing, the old man at Baozi Shop was so frightened that he fell to the ground, trembling all over!

"You...who are you?"

"Ant! You can ask me about my origins casually? Die!"

Feng Juexian stood in the air, looked down, gently raised his hand, and slapped the old man at the bun shop!


The entire void trembled, driving the sound of piercing the sky, pressing downwards!

If this blow is carried out, the old man in this bun shop will definitely turn into a puddle of flesh on the spot and be beaten to death!

"Who gave you the courage to kill someone in front of me?"

Lin Nan's eyes turned cold!

He was very angry and the consequences were serious!

While I was having breakfast with my wife and children, these reckless people still came to disturb us. It seemed that the lack of killing scared these ants. They didn't know how to fear me!

Just a glance directly neutralized Feng Juexian's attack!


Feng Juexian shook his head in a funny way and said:

"Do I need the courage to kill someone? Not only do I want to kill this ant, I also want to kill you too..."

Before the last word 'kill' was uttered, Lin Nan had already taken action!

I saw.

Lin Nan gently raised his hand and pressed it gently into the void, as if he had crushed an ant to death!


Feng Juexian shuddered, and his old face, which was originally full of a cold smile, suddenly changed!

Emotions such as panic, horror, fear, coldness, fear, etc., all appeared in the heart within 0.01 seconds!

He didn't even have a chance to react. It exploded on the spot and turned into a pool of blood mist!

At the same time, an indifferent voice came:

"Who is the ant?"

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