Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 821 Please—Mr. Lin! (Third update)

Chapter 823: Invitation - Mr. Lin! (Third update)

Seeing Ye Qi's expression, as if he was confident of winning, Ye Yunfei's brows couldn't help but knitted together!

Ye Yunfei didn't even take Ye Haocheng, Ye Qiliang, and Ye Hanhai seriously!


Only for Ye Qi, Ye Yunfei had never seen through it. It was like a layer of fog shrouded Ye Qi's body, making him completely unable to see through it!

"What? Do you have any backup plans?"

Ye Yunfei asked fearfully, his eyes flickering!

Everyone in the entire Ye family hall held their breath, not daring to take a breath!

"I'm surprised. More than sixty martial arts masters and three powerful gods! All come to assassinate me? When did our Ye family become so powerful?"

Ye Qi said to himself!

He took a deep look at Song Yuchen, Qi Yunhui, Xie Zimo, Zheng Zihuan and the other four, and sighed:

"Alas! Now I finally understand why there are so many grandmasters coming to assassinate me. It is only reasonable and reasonable for the four of you to take action and mobilize these grandmaster-level figures!"

Song Yuchen, Qi Yunhui, Xie Zimo, and Zheng Zihuan all had gloomy faces!

"Sister Qi, we have grown up and are no longer children!" Song Yuchen said with a half-smile.

Qi Yunhui also nodded, touched the Rolex on his wrist, and said: "Sister Qi! You should understand that at this time, anything emotional will be bad!"

"Sister Qi, we can guarantee that you will be fine. Hand over Mr. Ye's will. Yunfei will not do anything to you!"

Xie Zimo's eyes flashed and he looked at Ye Qi intently!

"Sister Qi, hand it over! You continue to be your princess of the Ye family, and we continue to be our crown prince. Nothing will change!" Zheng Zihuan also persuaded.

"Do you think I can still be the princess of the Ye family now?"

Ye Qi shook his head funny!

"Of course, I will give you two ways now. The first is to leave the Ye family, and the second is to continue to be your princess of the Ye family. I won't mind! As for the core rights of the Ye family, you will never touch them in your life. I guarantee that you will be safe and sound!" "Ye Yunfei said calmly.

"Are you so sure that you won?"

Ye Qi remained calm and looked at Ye Yunfei!

"Oh? Is it possible for me to lose? The four major families in Yanjing have supported me. How can you win me? Just rely on your mouth?" Ye Yunfei smiled, very brightly!

He finally won this battle!

"Is it?"

Ye Qi chuckled lightly, "Masters, do you know your grandson's position?"

Hearing Ye Qi's words.

Song Yuchen, Qi Yunhui, Xie Zimo, Zheng Zihuan and other four people's expressions suddenly changed!

"What did you say?"

At the same time, outside the hall of the Ye family, there was a commotion, followed by the extremely excited voices of everyone!

"Song Lao, why are you here? I am Xiao Huang, do you still remember me?"

"Mr. Qi, you are still in good health. It was a pity that I didn't see you last time I went to your house. I didn't expect to see you here today!"

"I'm so happy to see you here, Mr. Jie. Are you here to know who the next head of the Ye family is?"

There are endless voices like this!

The level of sensation was countless times more intense than when Song Yuchen, Qi Yunhui, Xie Zimo, and Zheng Zihuan were present!

After hearing the voice of the species, everyone's expressions in the entire Ye family hall changed!

The faces of Song Yuchen, Qi Yunhui, Xie Zimo, and Zheng Zihuan suddenly turned extremely pale, and they had a bad feeling in their hearts!

"No way!"

Ye Yunfei's face changed again and again, from calm to slightly pale. When he heard the voices of people outside the hall, his slightly pale face suddenly turned into the color of pig liver!

"Is it really..."

Ye Hanhai also raised his head suddenly, eyes flashing, looking towards the entrance of the hall!

"No way?"

Ye Qiliang, who had already withdrawn from the competition stage for the head of the family, also raised his head differently and stared at the entrance of the hall!

Amid everyone's expectant gazes, four figures walked slowly and entered the hall of the Ye family!

After seeing the appearance of these four people clearly, Song Yuchen, Qi Yunhui, Xie Zimo, and Zheng Zihuan no longer had any luck!

As for Ye Yunfei, his face darkened for a while and he couldn't help but smile bitterly!

Ye Hanhai and Ye Qiliang's bodies seemed to have turned to stone, freezing in place!

Everyone's eyes are focused on these four people!

The heads of the four major families in Yanjing, Song Kaixian, Qi Junliang, Xie Lide, and Zheng Guofeng, the four old men—all are here!

The entire hall fell into a dead silence!

There has never been an occasion where the heads of the four major families came to the Ye family at the same time. Today, the heads of the four major families came to the Ye family at the same time. One can imagine their weight and weight!

The hall was eerily quiet!

Only Ye Qi's voice came clearly:

"Grandpa Song, Grandpa Qi, Grandpa Xie, Grandpa Zheng, you are finally here!"

Ye Qi quickly stepped forward and said hello obediently!


The four of them nodded slightly together!

"You guys have done a good job! You didn't even understand the situation of your own family, and you dared to participate in the struggles of other families! Yuchen, after going back this time, you have been thinking about it for three years!"

Song Kaixian said with a smile on his face!

"Got it, Grandpa!"

Song Yuchen's face was sallow and he didn't dare to refute a word. The dignified Crown Prince of Yanjing looked like a little chicken at this moment!

Qi Yunhui, Xie Zimo, and Zheng Zihuan were so frightened that they trembled all over!

They all know that their grandfathers usually wear a pair of trousers. The four major families in Yanjing are impregnable. Even the Ye family does not dare to do anything to the four major families at the same time!

"This...what the hell is going on?"

A rich man asked in horror, his voice trembling!

"Are these four old men here just to choose the next head of the Ye family?"

"Looking at the four old men, it seems they are not here to support Ye Qi?"

Everyone was discussing fiercely, and everyone was red-faced and extremely excited!

The arrival of Song Kaixian, Qi Junliang, Xie Lide, and Zheng Guofeng completely shocked everyone!

At the same time, everyone believed that they did not come here in vain, and they might have to witness history!

"Xiaoqi, are you ready?"

Song Kaixian asked solemnly, his face solemn!

Ye Qi took a deep breath, nodded seriously, and said, "I'm ready!"

"Please—Mr. Lin!" Song Kaixian said loudly.

Everyone present was stunned!

"Mr. Lin? Which Mr. Lin?"

"Wait! Could it be..."

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