Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 823 I am no longer a mortal! (Second update)

"This is grandpa's will. The video was recorded by grandpa before. Watch it for yourselves!"

After saying that, Ye Qi handed over the CD, and then ordered someone to play the projection directly in the hall!

Everyone is holding their breath and waiting for the video to play!

In the video, Ye Fengyun was lying on the hospital bed and said to the camera:

"When you saw this video, I was no longer alive. Now I have decided! I know what you care about is the person who will be the next head of the family!"

Everyone raised their heads, looked at the pictures in the video, and held their breath!

"The second brother, Ye Haocheng, has a special status. For some reasons, which I cannot tell you, he is not qualified to be the head of the Ye family!"

Listening to Ye Fengyun's words in the video, everyone's expressions were strange. It seemed that the evidence Ye Qiliang presented was all true!

"The third child is gloomy, and his tricks are enough! But the conspiracy is not enough. If the huge Ye family is handed over to him, it will inevitably decline within ten years, and the majesty of the dragon and tiger will no longer exist. We can only Join the wolf!"

Hearing his father commenting on himself in this way, Ye Qiliang, the third eldest son of the Ye family, alternated between green and red. He was so embarrassed that he didn't know where to stand!

"The fourth child looks like a playboy, but he has a deep inner city. If he wants to compete for the position of the head of the family, I am afraid that neither the second child nor the third child can be the opponent of the fourth child! But there is something wrong with the fourth child. He has been holding back for too long, as if The rats in the sewers are shady, and if he is allowed to lead the Ye family, he will definitely make the Ye family go astray!"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned and whispered:

"This old man is really cruel! How do you evaluate his own son like this?"

"Hehe! Although the metaphor is not a good one, it is very appropriate, isn't it?" Someone else laughed.

At this time.

Ye Fengyun’s voice in the video continues to sound:

"As for the others... they don't have the ability to compete for the head of the family. Oh, by the way! Maybe Yun Fei from the fifth family will try to give it a try. Although this kid is far away from home, I don't pay much attention to him. Judging from his character, Look, you are also a person who is unwilling to be ordinary. If you really fight a bloody battle for the position of the head of the family, Yunfei may be the biggest variable!"

"The next head of the Ye family will be handed over to Ye Qi. No one is allowed to violate it!"

"The heads of the four major families in Yanjing, Song Kaixian, Qi Junliang, Xie Lide, and Zheng Guofeng, testified that if there is any violation, they will be expelled from the Ye family! I hope that after Mr. Lin sees this video, if his promise to the old man back then is still counted, I hope he can Let me get my wish and support Ye Qi as the new head of the Ye family!"

After watching this video, everyone was in awe!

"As expected of Mr. Ye, he sees things so thoroughly that he actually calculated everything that happened after death?"

"Compared with Mr. Ye, I feel ashamed!"

Song Kaixian let out a long sigh!


Ye Qi had already burst into tears and burst into tears!

Everyone looked at each other speechlessly. With this video here, the old men from the four major families here, and Lin Nan here, the position of the head of the family today belongs to none other than Ye Qi, and no one can shake it!

"Okay, now that we've finished watching the video, let's announce it quickly!" Zheng Guofeng sighed.

The other three people all nodded slightly!

"We can testify for the deceased Mr. Ye. From today on, Ye Qi is the head of the Ye family. Do any of you have any opinions?"

Song Kaixian looked around at everyone and asked calmly.


Everyone in the Ye family present, including Ye Qiliang, Ye Hanhai, Ye Yunfei and others, all shook their heads and did not dare to make any rebuttal. They knew that Ye Qi had won this battle!

The old men of the four major families have spoken out, who dares to object? Unless you don’t want to continue hanging out in Yanjing!

Seeing this scene of you, Song Kaixian breathed a sigh of relief, came to Lin Nan, and asked cautiously:

"Mr. Lin, what do you think of this outcome?"

"Since it is Ye Fengyun's last wish, I will not interfere! Since your head of the family has been chosen, it's time for me to leave!"

After saying this, Lin Nan took one step and walked directly out of the Ye family's hall without saying a word during the whole process!

"Mr. Lin!"

Song Kaixian and others chased everyone out when they saw it, but they saw a scene that they will never forget in this life!

Lin Nan took a step forward and stepped directly into the void, turning into a stream of light and disappearing in front of everyone!

"O God!"


The pupils of everyone present shrank sharply!

Everything is settled!

The news that the new head of the Ye family was confirmed spread like wildfire!

Everyone in the entire Yanjing circle is discussing this matter!

"You weren't there at that time. That scene, tsk tsk! You didn't know, it was like a palace fighting drama! The second, third, and fourth sons of the Ye family were defeated one after another!"

"In the end, the son of the deceased Lao Wu of the Ye family stood up and actually won the support of the four princes of Yanjing! At that time, all the members of Ye Laosi's team suddenly rebelled and stood behind Ye Yunfei !”

Someone familiar with the matter said in a vomiting voice.

"What? Really or not, Ye Yunfei? The fifth son of the Ye family?"

Everyone was so surprised that they all started to gossip and came over at once!

There is never a shortage of people interested in the grievances and family struggles of wealthy families!

"Of course it's true!"

"Tsk tsk! All the four princes of Yanjing support it. The head of the Ye family should be Ye Yunfei, right?"

"Haha, that's because you don't know that Ye Qi, the eldest granddaughter of the Ye family, finally fought back and became the head of the Ye family!"

"What? Ye Qi!"

"How did a woman become the head of the Ye family?"

"what happened!"

"Hehe! That's because the eldest granddaughter of the Ye family has a noble person to help her!"

"Noble? What noble?"

"Mr. Lin from Jiangnan!"

At this time, in the Ye family villa area, there was a majestic and extremely luxurious office!

The night is already deep!

Ye Qi was sitting there, with a large number of documents placed on the table in front of him. They were all documents left over from the time when the Ye family had no head!

Now, these documents are all handed over to the new head of the family, Ye Qi!

"Da da da!"

There was a sound of footsteps approaching, and the person who came was an old housekeeper, who advised:

"Miss, although you are now the head of the family, you are not in a hurry! Today, with the support of Mr. Lin, you have successfully become the head of the family, but how huge is the Ye family? If the Ye family is unable to survive, you will be It’s not worth it to burn out your body!”

"You'd better rest first. It's not too late to deal with these trivial matters until tomorrow!"

Ye Qi held the folder in his hand and said without raising his head:

"Don't worry, Uncle Fu, as long as I am here, the Ye family will not decline!"

"Miss, why are you so sure? Is it because of Mr. Lin?" Fu Bo asked in surprise.

"Not because of him, but because of myself! I am no longer a mortal!"

Ye Qi smiled proudly, she already understood the method of cultivation, and the Ye family is no longer the Ye family of the past!

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