Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 829 In his eyes, all living beings are just ants! (Second update)


Lin Nan shook his head amusedly, "What do you mean? In my eyes, no matter what Taixuan Sect or the Supreme Elder of Taixuan Sect! They are not as important as my daughter's happiness!"

"In my eyes, you are nothing more than a few ants! If being beaten can make my daughter happy, then you can be of some use!"

"If I destroy your Taixuan Sect, my daughter will be happier. I don't mind if Taixuan Sect is also destroyed!"

Lin Nan said to himself and looked in the direction Lin Momo left!

"Can you understand what I say?"

"What did you say?"

Ji Jiutian's face changed drastically, and his heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley!

"Arrogant! Too arrogant! Lin Nan, you are just relying on a dog. If you really take action, you may not be the opponent of the three of us!" Gai Yunxiao roared.

"Oh? Really? Killing you is like killing an ant!"

Lin Nan glanced at Gai Yunxiao contemptuously!

"I don't believe you dare to kill me!"

Gai Yunxiao sneered and said proudly: "I am the Supreme Elder of Taixuan Sect... You can hurt me, but if you kill me..."

The sentence has not been finished yet!

The next moment, Lin Nan flicked his fingers, and a beam of light surged through his fingertips and directly penetrated Gai Yunxiao's head!

Gai Yunxiao's voice also stopped suddenly!

There is still fear and disbelief on Gai Yunxiao's old face, as if asking, I haven't even finished speaking, how dare you kill me?


Ji Jiutian and Situ Xingchen couldn't help but take a breath of cold air!

The anger in my heart was extinguished by a basin of cold water!

"Tell me now, do you believe it or not?"

Lin Nan looked at Gai Yunxiao's body calmly!

It's a pity that Gai Yunxiao can no longer answer him!

"We - believe it!"

Ji Jiutian and Situ Xingchen answered in unison!

Just because Gai Yunxiao is an idiot doesn't mean that the two of them are also idiots!

Even a dog can be so terrifying. For those two little girls to obey their words, even if they think with their toes, they know that the owner of this dog will be even more terrifying!

At this moment, Ji Jiutian and Situ Xingchen thought a lot!

"Today, I will not kill you, but will spare your lives for no other reason than that!"

Lin Nan stood there and spoke calmly!

"Go back and inform your so-called Taixuan Sect. Don't try to cause trouble with me. I'll destroy your Taixuan Sect. It's really just a matter of moving your fingers! Don't try to investigate me, let alone try to go to the star where I came from. If I If you find that there is one thing you cannot do, I will destroy Taixuan Sect!"

Lin Nan's voice was very soft!

But every word was like a lightning strike, sonorous and powerful, falling on the hearts of Ji Jiutian and Situ Xingchen!

"Dare I ask...where did senior come from?"

Ji Jiutian plucked up the courage and finally asked the doubts in his heart!

Although Lin Nan looked younger than him, his strength far exceeded that of Ji Jiutian, so Ji Jiutian called Lin Nan - Senior!

"You have no right to know!"

After hearing this, Ji Jiutian was not angry. Instead, he got up from the ground and bowed deeply to Lin Nan!

"I know!" Ji Jiutian nodded, not daring to ask any more questions, and turned back to look at Situ Xingchen:

"Let's go back and tell the sect leader what happened here!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Jiutian and Sikong Xingchen supported each other and left the city lord's mansion!

With Lin Nan present, they didn't dare to fly in the air. They no longer had the courage!

As soon as they left the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, the two of them turned into a rainbow and shot through the sky. They didn't dare to stop in a mountain range until they were thousands of miles away from Huang Maple City!

"Okay! It should be safe here!"

Situ Xingchen looked at the mountains around him. They stretched endlessly, with a radius of hundreds of miles, and there was no one there, and then he breathed a sigh of relief!

This feeling of surviving a disaster made him feel like he had saved his life!

"When Lin Nan opens his mouth and lets us go, we will be safe!"

Ji Jiutian shook his head slightly, looking very calm!

"He won't secretly hunt us down?" Situ Xingchen asked doubtfully.


Ji Jiutian sneered, as if he was laughing at Situ Xingchen, but also as if he was laughing at himself!

"What are you laughing at? Is it funny?"

Situ Xingchen was a little angry!

"I laugh at you and I laugh at myself!"

Ji Jiutian shook his head and sighed: "If he wanted to kill us, he would have done it long ago! Why let us go again and do it multiple times?"

"Perhaps, he is afraid of our Taixuan Sect? By killing Gai Yunxiao, he has already established a great feud with our Taixuan Sect! If he kills us again, how can his little Huang Maple City be the opponent of our Taixuan Sect?" Situ Xingchen said proudly .

Ji Jiutian was in a daze and looked at Situ Xingchen in surprise!

"You really think so?"

"Is not it?"

Situ Xingchen frowned!

"Brother Situ, have you damaged your brain through cultivation over the years? I remember that when your cultivation was not high, your IQ was much higher than it is now!" Ji Jiutian shook his head helplessly!

"What do you mean?" Situ Xingchen was furious!

If he and Ji Jiutian hadn't been friends for many years, they would have taken action directly!

"I said you were stupid!"

Ji Jiutian was so angry that he couldn't help but sigh: "And you are not pretending to be stupid, you are really stupid! We are ants!"

"He said we are ants, so we are ants? Don't we look at ordinary people as we look at ants? Their power of life and death is also in our hands!" Situ Xingchen shook his head disdainfully.

He didn't take what Lin Nan just said to heart at all!

"You are wrong! Brother Situ!"

Ji Jiutian also shook his head slightly, looked solemnly in the direction of Huang Maple City, and said:

"I have an intuition that the ants Lin Nan sees are different from the ants we see! We see ordinary people because of the difference in power, so we regard them as ants!"

"What on earth do you want to say?" Situ Xingchen's brows were tightly knitted together!

"Don't you understand yet?" Ji Jiutian shook his head helplessly!


The next second, Ji Jiutian sighed softly and continued:

"Have you noticed Lin Nan's eyes? It's like the universe, so deep and boundless that you can't see the bottom at a glance! Except when the two little girls appeared, there was a trace of emotion in his eyes. At other times, he was talking to us During the conversation, I felt like I was facing a rock or a dead universe, without any emotional fluctuations!"

"What do you mean?" Situ Xingchen asked doubtfully.

"Because except for those two little girls, in his eyes, all living beings are just ants!"

Hearing this, Situ Xingchen trembled all over and murmured:

"All living things are ants?"

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