Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 838 The emperor was so angry that he laid down hundreds of millions of corpses——! (First upd

There was deathly silence in the entire Golden Palace of the Nine Immortals Dynasty!

Due to the design of the Golden Temple, owners have echo and amplification functions!

Therefore, the voice of the messenger still echoed throughout the golden palace:

"Why don't you let their emperor kneel down and explain to me..."

"Your Majesty, kneel down and explain to me..."

"Kneel down and explain to me..."

"Explain it..."


Every reverberation was like a hard slap, falling on the face of the Nine Immortals Dynasty Emperor, making a crackling sound!

The civil and military ministers below the Golden Palace lowered their heads in horror, not daring to say a word, and were as silent as a cicada!

Everyone present felt a chill coming from their backs!

The silence at this moment is the scariest thing!

The entire Golden Palace had been quiet for who knows how long before a roar like a tiger came!

"Hahahaha! Bullying goes too far! Bullying goes too far!"

The emperor of the Nine Immortals Dynasty suddenly stood up from the dragon chair, with murderous intent in his eyes. The temperature in the entire Golden Palace dropped several degrees, and everyone felt a chill coming from the heart!

"How dare you, Huang Maple City, insult me ​​like this!"

"In the 67,938 years since the establishment of our Nine Immortals Dynasty, nothing like this has ever happened. Someone insulted the Emperor in the Golden Palace?"

"Someone is coming——!"

"Give it to me immediately, assemble an army of millions, and attack Huang Maple City——!"

The emperor was so angry that he laid down hundreds of millions of corpses——!

"According to the order!"

On the Golden Palace, a general wearing armor, after receiving the order, turned and walked towards the outside of the Golden Palace, with a cold smile on his face!

And he is none other than Huangfu Canglan’s son, Huangfu Yulong!

His cultivation has already reached the peak of the Martial God, and he is only one step away from the realm of the Martial Lord. He is ranked seventeenth on the list of Dongzhou Tianjiao!

What's even more terrifying is that Huangfu Yulong rules the 100,000-strong army of the Nine Immortals Dynasty. This 100,000-strong army is at his disposal. Even if he faces the Martial Lord, he can kill him. It's no joke that the ants will bite the elephant to death. !

But today, the emperor of the Nine Immortals Dynasty actually gathered a million troops to attack Huang Maple City, which surprised Huangfu Yulong!

Because even he is not qualified to command the million-strong army of the Nine Immortals Dynasty!

At the same time, Huangfu Yulong was also overjoyed. Lin Nan killed his father, occupied Huangmaple City, and became the new city lord. How could Huangfu Yulong not hate him?

'Father! Your soul in heaven can finally rest in peace! With an army of millions, there will be no more Yellow Maple City in the world! ’ Huangfu Yulong thought secretly.

"Your Majesty, do you want to lead the expedition in person?"

An old minister came out tremblingly, knelt on the ground, and asked in a trembling voice.


The emperor of the Nine Immortals Dynasty snorted coldly, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more fierce!

"This little Lin Nan, you are insulting me like this! Today I will raise my troops and crush his Yellow Maple City!"

After hearing this, everyone below opened their mouths to congratulate!

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"Your Majesty's divine creature!"

"This Lord of Yellow Maple City is so hateful! He humiliated the Lord of my divine dynasty in this way. He really deserves to be killed!"

"With millions of troops crossing the border, even if Huang Maple City is made of steel, it will be reduced to ruins and the nine main tribes of Huang Maple City will be wiped out!"

In the entire Golden Palace, everyone's eyes were red, filled with indignation, their faces were red, and they were shouting loudly!

Only the old minister who stood up just now changed his face and said hurriedly:

"Your Majesty, this is absolutely unacceptable!"

"Old minister, I watched the stars last night, and it was innate! The hexagrams indicate that during this period of time, the divine dynasty has been in great trouble. The emperor's star fell... the emperor... the emperor jumped... the divine dynasty was destroyed!"


The emperor of the Nine Immortals Dynasty suddenly widened his eyes, glared at the old man, and shouted:

"Old man! You are talking nonsense, nonsense, nonsense! Our Nine Immortals Dynasty has lasted for sixty-seven thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight years, how can we destroy it at the drop of a hat?"

"You are making heart-breaking words, come here! Drag me down and destroy the three clans!"


As soon as the words fell, a large number of the emperor's personal guards rushed forward and escorted the old man, preparing to push him out and behead him in public!

At this moment, a voice came!

"Xuanyuan Hong!"

This voice was so majestic, like a god coming to the world, that it spread throughout the Golden Palace!

"Who is speaking?"

"Who dares to call the Emperor by his name here? You are seeking death!"

Below the Golden Palace, there were several courtiers who kept their eyes open, shouting at the top of their lungs to show their loyalty!

But more people kept their mouths shut. This is the capital of the Nine Immortals Dynasty, and it is also the Golden Palace, the imperial palace of the Emperor of the Nine Immortals Dynasty. The place where state affairs are discussed can be entered here unimpeded, and in the Golden Palace. Go up and shout the name of the emperor of the Nine Immortals Dynasty. How can he be an ordinary person?


A cold snort came, bone-chillingly cold!

The few ministers who had just scolded were pierced through the heads by a ray of light that came from outside the Golden Palace!


In the entire golden palace, everyone looked at each other in complete silence!

A figure stepped on the void and walked slowly into the golden palace. When Xuanyuan Hong, the emperor of the Nine Immortals Dynasty, saw this person, he was shocked and said quickly: "Xuanyuan Hong, the emperor of the Nine Immortals Dynasty, see Elder Ji!"

The moment Xuanyuan Hong spoke, everyone understood that the person who could make Xuanyuan Hong pay so much attention must be from Taixuan Sect!

The person who came was none other than the Supreme Elder of Taixuan Sect, Ji Jiutian!

"Xuanyuan Hong, you are so brave! How dare you assemble an army of millions and enter Huangfeng City?"

Ji Jiutian sneered again and again, and his face became extremely gloomy!

Xuanyuan Hong's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly asked: "Elder Ji, is there any problem with this? The Lord of Huang Maple City killed three elders of Taixuan Sect and a candidate saint son. Isn't Taixuan Sect ready to kill him? "


Ji Jiutian sneered. Tai Xuanzong wanted to kill Lin Nan, but did he have the ability?

Ji Jiutian, Situ Xingchen, and Gai Yunxiao, the three supreme elders, after entering Huang Maple City, they couldn't even beat a dog, and they still wanted to kill someone?

However, Ji Jiutian naturally couldn't speak such words, Tai Xuanzong still wanted to be embarrassed!

"Whether Taixuanzong kills the Lord of Huang Maple City, what does it have to do with you? On the contrary, I want to remind you that even if Lin Nan destroys the Nine Immortals Dynasty, you cannot fight back. I say this, do you understand? If you, the Nine Immortals Dynasty, If you really want to be destroyed, go attack Huang Maple City!" Ji Jiutian said indifferently.

After saying that, without even bothering to explain a word, he turned around and stepped out of the Golden Palace!

Only the civil and military officials of the court were left, looking at each other and speechless!

Who dares not to listen to what Taixuanzong said?

After a moment of silence, someone asked:

"Royal Lord...what should we do with this...this army of one million...?"

"You are a million-strong army! Get out of here, get out of here!"

Xuanyuan Hong roared angrily, he felt like a clown!

The emperor was so angry that he laid down hundreds of millions of corpses? Just a joke!

But Xuanyuan Hong didn't know that Taixuanzong's order allowed him to escape the Nine Immortals Dynasty!

at this time.

On the beheading ground, before the execution, the old minister looked up at the sky and couldn't help but look overjoyed!

Because he saw that at that moment, the dim Emperor Star, which was on the verge of collapse and about to fall, actually became a little brighter, without the drive of imminent destruction. He burst into tears and shouted:

"God has opened his eyes. God saves my divine dynasty! God saves my divine dynasty!"

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