Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 840 My big dog is very fierce, be careful of biting you! (Third update)

holy city.

Standing on a vast plain, tall and majestic, it is located at the end of the horizon and will last forever!

The tall city walls, ancient city walls, and city gates made of bronze are all rusty, majestic, ancient, and full of traces of time!

This bronze city gate alone is older than the head of Taixuan Sect!

The ranking of geniuses every ten years is about to begin. The entire East Continent is in motion. Almost all cultivators are full of energy and are gathering towards the Holy City!


Accompanied by a sweet sound like a silver bell, on the streets of the Holy City, a big yellow dog the size of a calf was walking on the streets with two identical little girls on its back!

On the shoulder of one of the little girls, there was a fiery red spiritual bird!

"Chichi! Chichi!"

A little girl was singing, while the other little girl was very quiet, and the fiery red bird was singing in agreement!

As for the big yellow dog with blond hair, he walked on the street with his head held high and his head held high, with steps that he didn't recognize, and he was very eye-catching!

Behind Er Gouzi, Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing, Leng Yan, and Lin Canghai were walking slowly!

Half a year ago, Lin Nan's fame spread to Dongzhou, and almost everyone knew about it!

But after being a low-key full-time dad for half a year in Huang Maple City, not many people in the entire Dongzhou were talking about him, and they even forgot that there was such a number one person!

At this moment, even if Lin Nan was walking on the streets of the Holy City, no one would recognize him and just treat him as an ordinary passerby!

It's like you know a big star and have seen him on TV, but after a while, there is no news about him on the Internet. One day you see him on the street, and you may not be able to think of him after a quick glance. who is it!

People are always forgetful!


There was a commotion ahead, and someone in the crowd shouted angrily:

"Where did the wild dog come from? Get out of my way! Good dogs don't block the way!"

Everyone looked around and saw a group of young men and women in the crowd, with arrogant expressions, riding a kind of purple beast, with purple hair all over their bodies, emitting brilliant light, dotted with stars, very bright, and very precious at first sight!

"This is an amethyst beast. It can produce an inner elixir in its body. It is very rare! Any one of them can be sold for a high price of one hundred thousand spiritual stones in the auction house!"

Someone recognized this strange beast!

"Tsk, tsk! One hundred thousand spirit stones? My dear! There must be at least ten or twenty of these amethyst beasts in total, right?"

"Just riding around on the street with one or two million spirit stones, what's the reason?"

someone asked in shock.

"I don't know, don't talk about it casually!"

"This is a special period in the Holy City. A random passerby might be a disciple of the great religion. If you can't afford to offend him, you should just shut up and watch the excitement!"

The passers-by around were talking quietly!

"Brother, you have to give in, my big dog is very fierce, be careful of biting you!"

Lin Momo smiled innocently.

The leading young man riding on the amethyst beast frowned and said in a deep voice: "Little girl, what are you talking about? Do you know who I am and how dare you talk to me like this?"

"Little girl, why don't you get out of the way? This is the young master of the Spirit Sword Sect - Ma Chenfeng! He is ranked 798th on the list of outstanding people! He is the 798th ranked genius in the entire Eastern Continent. , you dare to block the road?"

Behind Ma Chenfeng, another young man shouted!

The ranking list of the Holy Palace, the top 100, is called - Tianjiao List!

After one hundred, it’s the list of outstanding people!

There are a total of 900 places in the Talent List. Together with the Talent List, the top 1,000 cultivation geniuses in the entire East Continent are listed!

"Spirit Sword Sect? Ma Chenfeng?"

People were stunned.

"I know him! Although the Spirit Sword Sect is not big, there is a Martial God sitting in charge, and it has some power! Unexpectedly, their young sect leader is actually ranked 798th on the list of outstanding people, which is already amazing!"

Someone nodded and said solemnly.

"That's right! The population of Dongzhou is more than hundreds of millions? To be ranked among the top one thousand among so many people is definitely worthy of being called a genius!"

"Compared with the descendants of those big forces, although it is not enough, compared with ordinary monks, he is already a genius!"

Everyone nodded, and their eyes on Ma Chenfeng changed!

This is just like, in China's college entrance examination, there are millions of candidates every year. If they can get into the top 1,000 in the country, they will definitely be top students from Huaqing and Yenching universities!

Not to mention the hundreds of millions of people in Dongzhou who are among the top one thousand in the list of outstanding people. They are definitely geniuses. This is undeniable!

Therefore, it is normal for Ma Chenfeng to be so proud!

Listening to the discussions of the people around him, the look of pride on Ma Chenfeng's handsome face became even more intense!

"Little girl, since you know me, why don't you get out of the way?"

Without warning!


Ergouzi opened his mouth, roared, and let out bursts of dragon roars!


The amethyst beast that Ma Chenfeng and others were riding trembled violently, as if they had seen something terrifying. Their eyes looked at Er Gouzi, full of fear!

"Puff puff puff puff!"

More than a dozen amethyst beasts, like mice meeting cats, all lay on the ground, trembling!

Ma Chenfeng and others did not expect that the Amethyst Beast would suddenly behave like this. They all fell off the Amethyst Beast and fell to the ground, looking disgraced and in a very embarrassed state!


The passers-by around him were shocked when they saw this, and then couldn't help laughing!


"Is this the genius ranked 798?"

"And he fell off his mount!"

"Pfft! Hahaha, it's so funny!"

Listening to the roar of laughter from the crowd, Ma Chenfeng's handsome face was livid with anger, almost distorted, and he roared:

"Shut up, everyone!"

"Damn it! Catch that dog, skin it, cramp it, boil its bones, and make a pot of dog broth!"

Ma Chenfeng was extremely angry. Only then did the group of young men and women behind him react. They started to attack Ergouzi one after another!

"Wahahahaha, big dog, run!"

Seeing these people rushing towards her, Lin Momo not only did not feel scared, but she laughed, her big eyes turning into crescents!

However, Ergouzi is so flexible!

Ma Chenfeng and others couldn't catch him at all!

"Hahaha! Come on, come on, come and catch me!"

Lin Momo sat on Er Gouzi's back, sticking out her little tongue, looking like a little witch who was afraid of chaos in the world!

"Is this also the 798th ranked genius?"

"Tsk, tsk! It doesn't live up to its name. You can't even catch a dog, and you're being teased by a little girl?"

"Genius, I think he's a fool!"


The passers-by around couldn’t help but whisper, shaking their heads and sighing!

The voice reached Ma Chenfeng's ears, making his face livid with anger and his eyes widening angrily:

"Damn it! Damn it! Fuck me!"

"Big dog, run!"

Lin Momo exclaimed!

Ergouzi ran away and disappeared at the end of the street!

Looking at Ma Chenfeng and others, their lungs almost exploded with anger. They turned into a stream of light and quickly chased after them!

"Don't worry about your daughter!" Liu Ruqing said angrily.

"Don't worry, Mo'er likes to play, just let her play. Anyway, Ergouzi is here, so there will be no problem!" Lin Nan smiled lightly.

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