Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 859 The competition for the Prodigy List has officially begun! (fifth update)

Long Tianqi's death did not cause any waves in the Holy City!

Even the Longwu Dynasty chose not to announce the death of the two princes secretly. Except for some caring people, no one else knew about it!

Poor two people died quietly and without any value!

In the next few days, the most discussed topic in the entire Holy City was still Lin Nan!


On the seventh day, everyone's topics changed in an instant, because this day was the first day of competition for the Dongzhou Talent List!

The central square of the Holy City is crowded with people, and hundreds of millions of monks are all gathered in the central square of the Holy City!

The entire square is five hundred miles across and is so vast that it would take an ordinary mortal half a month to walk from one end to the other end of the square!

"The day is finally here!"

"Today, I must get a good ranking!"

"I don't have any extravagant expectations on the list of geniuses. I just hope to be on the list of outstanding people. As long as I am on the list of outstanding people, I will be considered an outstanding person!"

The monks in the square are talking about it everywhere!

Everyone's eyes are fiery. They are all young people, full of expectations for their future, and full of enthusiasm for fighting!

When Lin Nan's family arrived at the central square, someone from the Holy Palace was there to receive them!

At the same time, people from Taixuanzong, the seven great dynasties, the five great aristocratic families, the Su family, and the Ji family all noticed Lin Nan!

Everyone’s expressions condensed at the same time!

"Don't worry, the Holy Palace has already said that Lin Nan will not participate in the competition for the Tianjiao List!"

Someone whispered.

While everyone heaved a sigh of relief, someone asked: "If he doesn't participate in the competition for the Genius List, then what is he doing here?"

"Although he will not participate, his wife, daughter, disciples, and servants will participate!" An old man said solemnly.

"What? Wife and children? The disciple servant wants to participate in the competition for the genius list? Is he crazy!"

Upon hearing this, many people were stunned and stunned!

Lin Nan's strength is recognized by everyone, but the strength of Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, Ling'er, Leng Yan, Lin Canghai and others can be seen at a glance, and there is no room to hide it!

It can be said.

Behind these forces, there is a large group of people who are more powerful than Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, Linger, Leng Yan, Lin Canghai and others!

But these people cannot enter the top 100 on the list of geniuses, and can only linger on the list of outstanding people!

Because the competition for the Genius List is really too bloody and cruel!

If you are dissatisfied with your current ranking, you can also challenge the person in front of you. Once you succeed, you can exchange places with the person being challenged. If you fail, there will be no loss!

Of course, fists and kicks do not make sense. If you are killed by the opponent on the way to challenge him, the sect and forces behind him will also not have any dissatisfaction!

Moreover, no matter who it is, they will definitely be challenged. If the challenge is successful, they can stabilize their current ranking. If the challenge fails, there will definitely be a dead end!

In order to ensure the number of geniuses in their own clans, these big forces do not allow the younger generation with average strength to participate in the competition for the Genius List!

But Lin Nan.

He actually pushed out his wife, daughter, disciples, and servants all at once and asked them to compete for the list of geniuses? This is not crazy!

"This guy is absolutely crazy! If these people really get a ranking and are killed in the challenge, do you think Lin Nan will be angry?"

Someone asked strangely.


Everyone who heard this was stunned, and many people's eyes flickered twice, not knowing what they were thinking!

"probably not!"

An old man from the Great Xia Dynasty shook his head slightly and said confidently: "A peerless strong man like Lin Nan can be arrogant, but he uses powerful means to kill people at will! But this kind of person is also the one who pays most attention to rules. Once he decides on something or accepts a rule, he will never break it!"

"Since these people around Lin Nan have participated in the competition for the Genius List, they will definitely abide by the rules!"

The old man of the Great Xia Dynasty said.

Everyone listened and nodded thoughtfully!

And this time.

In the square ahead, a fierce sensation came!


The entire square shook violently. In the center of the square, the ground collapsed, and a dark pit appeared!

Except for the monks who participated in the competition for the Tianjiao List for the first time and were a little surprised, the monks who had come more than once all looked ahead with solemn expressions!

A huge high platform rises from the ground and reaches the sky, standing there like a pyramid!

This is a stone tower, covering an extremely wide area, covering a hundred miles. It is better to say that it is a stone mountain than a stone tower!

Moreover, there are countless steps surrounding the stone tower. Climbing up the rock, each step is engraved with ancient runes, shining with a faint silver glow. Just standing in the distance, you can feel a terrible pressure. !

Some monks with low strength suddenly turned as pale as snow after seeing this stone tower, and they couldn't bear the pressure at all!

After Lin Nan saw this stone tower, he couldn't help but chuckle and shook his head!

"So this is the competition for the Genius List, what did I think it was!"

Lin Nan shook his head and chuckled!

"Teacher, what do you know?" Leng Yan asked.

"This is a kind of energy tower. If you see the runes on those steps, those runes are connected to the ground and will release a pressure. This pressure requires you to use your own cultivation to resist! If you have enough cultivation, you can You can climb to the top of the tower! If you don't have enough cultivation, you will definitely be unable to move even an inch and won't be able to climb up!" Lin Nan explained calmly.

Back then, before he became emperor, he had also undergone such a test in his sect!

This testing method is indeed very convenient when there are too many people, but the test results are also uneven!

"I see!"

Leng Yan nodded slightly and looked solemnly in the direction of the stone tower!

"Leng Yan, how many floors are you sure you can climb to?" Lin Canghai suddenly asked.


Leng Yan said solemnly.

At this time.

A loud voice came and said: "Everyone! I believe you have also seen that this tower is called the Holy Tower. It is a treasure left in the human world by the first ancestor of my Holy Palace! This tower contains huge energy inside. , if a monk usually climbs the tower, he will be repelled by the tower. The closer to the top of the tower, the greater the repelling force will be!"

"The Holy Tower has a total of three thousand levels. You can use all means to climb the tower! But you are prohibited from attacking each other on the way, otherwise you will be disqualified from competing on the Genius List!"

"The time to climb the tower is one day! After one day, we will rank you according to the level of your stage. The top 100 people will be ranked on the list of geniuses!"

"The top 100 people on the list of geniuses will all receive rewards from my Holy Palace!"

"Now, the competition for the Talent List officially begins!"

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