Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 861 Is this the young generation of Dongzhou? Too weak! (First update)

Everyone knows that it is almost impossible to climb the Holy Tower with one's own efforts!

Because their strength is too weak!

Everyone is self-aware of this. They will not think that they are invincible just because Lin Nan is invincible in the world, and they still need to walk their own path!

Of course, if they could use Lin Momo's power to climb to the top of the Holy Tower and get rewards from the Holy Palace, everyone would be very willing to see it!

"Since it's so simple, let's go!"

Liu Ruqing smiled softly, hugged Lin Momo and Ling'er, and walked toward the upper level of the Holy Tower!

Although she is holding two little girls, Liu Ruqing has now become a foundation-building monk. To her, this is nothing!

Even the martial arts masters on earth are no longer her match. Liu Ruqing can no longer be treated like a weak little girl!

And at this time.

The younger generations of Taixuanzong, the Seven Great Divine Dynasties, the Five Great Aristocratic Families, the Ji Family, and the Su Family have quickly climbed up to more than a thousand floors!

At this point, the super-powerful young people felt the pressure of the Holy Tower, preventing them from climbing!

Some young people who were slightly inferior in strength and cultivation were sweating profusely and turned pale as they listened, sitting cross-legged to recover their strength!

Some people even took out the elixir and swallowed it, preparing to rest for a while before fighting again!

The Holy Palace gave them one day, and they didn't say they couldn't use elixirs. This was a process of stimulating their own potential!

As long as you rely on your own strength, even if you move the family's ammunition depot, as long as you reach the top, the results will be truly effective!

"Hahaha! Brother Nangong, it seems that the young people in our family are stronger this time!"

In the rest area, a middle-aged man from the Linghu family, one of the five major families, smiled.

His name is Linghu Yuantong, and he is an elder of the Linghu family. His status and status are extremely high, second only to the head of the family. This time he comes to the Holy City to lead the younger generation of the Linghu family to participate in the competition for the Tianjiao List. !

Over the years, the number of young people from the Linghu family on the list of geniuses has been around five or six!

There are a hundred places in the Tianjiao List. Five or six people may not seem like a lot, but combined with all the younger generations of Taixuan Zong, the Seven Divine Dynasties, the Five Great Families, the Ji Family, and the Su Family, the number of these five or six people has already reached 100. There are so many!


Nangong Yun snorted coldly, but secretly cursed in his heart!

‘You idiots are so disappointing! Climb quickly, crawl quickly! ’

No one pays attention to the people below the thousand steps, because as long as they are qualified, there is no problem in climbing up here!

Only those who have climbed a thousand steps can be considered a truly strong person!

Ten years ago, the Holy Son of Taixuan Sect directly reached level 2,659, only more than 300 levels away from the top of level 3,000!

Therefore, the Holy Son of Taixuanzong won the first place in the list of geniuses!

As for the second place, it has not passed level 2,000 yet, the gap is really too big!

There are only a handful of fifty people above level 1,500 left, and Yin Qingcheng can be seen among them!

At this moment, she was covered in sweat and her pretty face was a little pale. Ten years ago, she got a good ranking of thirty-nine. This time, she must hit a higher ranking!

In addition to Yin Qingcheng, Su Qiong from the Su family also climbed the steps!

However, she is still hovering around level 1,300. This is already her limit, and she cannot enter the top 100!

Su Qiong simply gave up and sat there with a pale face to recover her strength!

In addition to Yin Qingcheng and Su Qiong, the prince Zhou Lianghao of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the prince Ji Chengfeng of the Great Xia Dynasty, the prince Long Aoxuan of the Longwu Dynasty, and the prince Xuanyuan Ning of the Nine Immortals Dynasty have all exceeded one Level 1,500!

Correspondingly, their physical strength has also been greatly consumed!

Almost everyone was sitting cross-legged, recovering their strength after taking the elixir!

"That guy ran too fast!"

Ji Chengfeng raised his head and looked forward!

I saw a young man sitting at level 1800, 300 levels ahead of everyone else. He closed his eyes slightly and was recovering his strength!

On the shoulders of this young man, there is a light blue light flashing!

at the same time.

There was a magic lamp burning between his eyebrows, and the flame was as dazzling as the sun!

This person is the holy son of Tai Xuan Zong. He is very low-key. No one even knows his name. He has never been heard of by Tai Xuan Zong in the outside world. Even in the entire Dongzhou, not many people have seen this person. The holy son of Taixuanzong!

"What is the origin of this guy?"

"He was born out of nowhere and became the Holy Son of Taixuan Sect out of nowhere. I don't know his name, surname, or where he lives!"

"And without saying a word, if this guy was wearing a mask, I wouldn't even know if he was a boy or a girl!"

Zhou Lianghao, Ji Chengfeng, Long Aoxuan, Xuanyuan Ning and others all frowned!

They still remember that the last time they saw Saint Taixuan was ten years ago, and it was also here, in the same holy tower!

That time, Saint Taixuan climbed to level 2659, setting a historical record!

"Even Tai Xuanzong kept silent about him and never leaked this person's information to the outside world!"

"My dynasty once checked for information about him and sent people to sneak into Taixuan Sect. Unfortunately, all the spies have never returned. I'm afraid they are all dead!"

While they were discussing, suddenly there was a sound in their ears!

This sound, like thunder, exploded throughout the square!

"Hahaha! Is this the younger generation of Dongzhou? Too weak! It's just a few steps, why do you have the nerve to rest halfway?"

In this laughter, there was teasing and sarcasm, which made everyone in the square frown!

"who is this?"

"Are you too arrogant?"


"If you dare to say such things in this situation, wouldn't you be putting down everyone from Taixuan Sect, the Seven Great Divine Dynasties, the Five Great Aristocratic Families, the Ji Family, and the Su Family!"

Everyone present looked in the direction of the source of the sound in shock!

I saw a young man coming with his feet in the void. His aura was very powerful and terrifying!

This man has a slender figure, with a transcendent aura all over his body, as if he is overlooking all living beings. He stands high in the sky and walks slowly!

at last.

He stopped at the bottom of the holy tower and stood with his hands behind his back!

When they saw this young man, everyone in the Su family stood up from their chairs with a loud cry, dumbfounded in shock!

"It's Su Ming!"

"He...why is he here!"

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