Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 873 He is - the person who tamed the dragon! (Second update)

"Ning Caifan! What nonsense are you talking about? The young master has monstrous magic power and the ability to penetrate the heavens and the earth. You are your own waste. You don't dare to take action against that person. If you hadn't stopped him, we would have captured that person long ago!"

Ning Zhengheng yelled angrily!

Ning Wushuang in front also sneered!

As one of the most powerful members of the younger generation of the Ning family, he is not afraid of even celebrities from the older generation!

But his subordinates actually said that they were no match for that person?


What a big joke!

"Tell me, how am I not his opponent?"

Ning Wushuang asked with a half-smile.

He stood there, looking down at Ning Caifan, the folds of his precious clothes were shining brightly, and he was carrying a powerful aura, like a god descending to earth!

Ning Caifan was frightened in his heart, but he still answered honestly: "Sir, although your methods are brilliant and your strength is strong! But the pressure you put on people is far less terrible than that person!"

"Young master, you are majestic, like a fierce tiger among the kings of beasts, which can make people breathless, but the pressure of that young man is like a dragon above the nine heavens. The Holy Spirit is inviolable, and only a glance of his eyes can Come here and let me feel like I’m falling into the Nine Nether Hells!”

"Haha! You mean? He is a dragon and I am a tiger?"

Ning Wushuang smiled brightly, her tone full of teasing and disdain!

But unexpectedly, Ning Caifan shook his head slightly and said solemnly:


"I mean, Master, you are a tiger, but he is not a dragon!"

"Oh? What is he?" Ning Wushuang was stunned for a moment!

"He is - the person who tamed the dragon!" Ning Caifan said solemnly.

The entire scene fell into dead silence again!

Hearing this, all the Ning family knights present opened their mouths in shock!

They looked at Ning Caifan as if they had seen a ghost!

"Ning Caifan, are you crazy?"

Ning Zhengheng was frightened and couldn't help shouting angrily!

If Ning Wushuang got angry at this time and slapped Ning Caifan to death, no one would dare to say no!

'I'm mad? If you have never felt that kind of terrifying aura, how can you understand that what I said is not false at all! ’

'I'm mad? You are crazy! ’

Ning Caifan sneered in his heart!


Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh!

"Ning Caifan, what's your attitude?" Ning Zhengheng asked in a deep voice.

He originally disliked Ning Caifan. Now that he had such a good opportunity, how could he not take advantage of it? As long as this mortal enemy is defeated, these thousand knights will be under his command!

"From your tone, you seem very unconvinced!"

Ning Wushuang looked down at Ning Caifan and asked lightly.

"Sir, it's not that my subordinates are unconvinced, but that what I said is true!"

Ning Caifan shook his head. He had already given up. If he offended Ning Wushuang, he would definitely die!

However, if Ning Wushuang takes everyone to find that young man's trouble, all the knights will undoubtedly die. Since they will die anyway, why do they have to continue to lick a face and flatter Ning Wushuang?

"Hahaha! Okay! I'll show you how I beheaded him with my own hands!"

Ning Wushuang smiled, disdainfully, he had enough confidence!

"Young master is wise!"

Ning Zhengheng shouted loudly!

"Young Master Shenwu!"

The thousands of knights behind him also spoke in agreement, their voices were overwhelming and they were full of momentum!

Ning Caifan was the only one, kneeling there, his face full of sarcasm!

Tianyun City, in a luxurious hotel!

Lin Momo and Ling'er were lying on the edge of the bed, blinking their big eyes, looking at the girl lying on the bed!

"Ling'er, she's still sleeping, she's such a lazy little girl!"

Lin Momo said softly.

"Yes! She can sleep better than us! From now on, we will no longer be lazy little ones, but she will be, hehe!" Ling'er smiled and nodded, looking deeply convinced.

Two little lolita's talking skills!


The girl woke up all of a sudden, sat up from the bed with a thud, and looked at the situation around her in horror!

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"


Lin Momo and Ling'er didn't expect that the girl would suddenly wake up. They were startled and fell off the bed one after another!



Two muffled sounds came!

The two little lolita rolled on the ground and got up in a hurry, looking so naive!

"Sister, we are not trying to kill you!"

Lin Momo said in a milky voice.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Lin Momo and Ling'er!

Hearing the movement in the room, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing also walked in quickly!

"Are you okay? Don't worry, those knights who were chasing you just now are all gone!"

Liu Ruqing walked over, sat on the edge of the bed, and comforted her softly.

Only then did the girl realize that Liu Ruqing was the person who had saved her just now!

"Sister, did you save me?"

"I didn't save you, he saved you!"

Liu Ruqing pursed her lips and smiled, pointing at Lin Nan behind her!

Lin Nan stood there with his hands behind his hands, not saying much, looking very cold!

"Huh? What's wrong with my body... I remember that I was severely injured, my Dantian was damaged... my muscles and veins were destroyed... Why is everything okay?"

A hint of shock flashed across the girl's pretty face!

Her Dantian was damaged and her veins were severed. This was a certain death outcome. But now, she was completely intact, with no trace of damage on her body. Even those horrific scars had disappeared without a trace, just like a newborn baby. generally!

"This... how is this possible! The meridians are cut off, and the Dantian is destroyed and can it be restored?" The girl said in disbelief.

"It's all Lin Nan's credit!"

Liu Ruqing said with a smile.

"By the way, why are you being chased by so many knights? They look so vicious, and they don't look like good people. What's going on, little sister?"

Hearing Liu Ruqing's words, the girl seemed to think of sad things again and couldn't help crying!


"Don't cry, speak slowly!"

Liu Ruqing came over and took one of the girl's hands!

"My name is Donghuang Peiyue, and I am the princess of the royal family..."

As soon as the girl opened her mouth, before she could finish her sentence, she heard a commotion coming from outside, and the whole restaurant was in a commotion!

At the same time, shouts came from outside the room:

"Come here! Surround me!"

"The Ning family is doing business, everyone, get out of here! Anyone who dares to disobey will be killed without mercy!" the Ning family knight shouted.

Along with the sound, there were bursts of shaking sounds of armor, and the constant sound of horse hooves!

Lin Canghai and Leng Yan also walked in and whispered: "Master, those knights came back and surrounded this restaurant!"

"I gonna go see!"

Lin Nan nodded lightly and walked out of the room!

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