Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 883: The demon king is angry and lays down millions of corpses! (sixth update)

Ever since what happened to Yu Jiuxiao, no one with an open eye would dare to trouble Lin Nan!


They were even careful when passing by!

"This is a ruthless man. He even beat Yu Jiuxiao from the Peacock Royal Family, and the old man from the Peacock Royal Family. I don't know what state he is in, but he is completely frightened at this moment!"

"The old man from the Peacock Royal Family was carried down when he left just now!"

People were talking in low voices.

"Who is this young man from?" someone asked in confusion.

The monks around him all shook their heads and looked at Lin Nan's direction fearfully, not knowing where he came from!

far away.

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing were sitting on a bluestone slab with Lin Momo and Ling'er, looking up at the stars and counting the stars in the sky!

"When he was born, he was like a demon king. This time the Peacock Royal Family was so embarrassed that Yu Jiuxiao lost the feathers on his head. This was even more uncomfortable than killing him!" A middle-aged man in purple clothes. , stood there watching Lin Nan from a distance.

"Haha! What kind of demon king! This kind of person will never last long. Don't look at his proud look now. Once the Peacock Royal Family gets angry, not even the Holy Land can protect him!"

Someone sneered and was not optimistic about Lin Nan!

All the monks present looked at each other!

"That's true!"

"After today, I'm afraid this Lin Nan will be dead. If he offends the Peacock Royal Family, he will not live long!"

Some people nodded and said it was indeed the case!

The power of the Peacock Royal Family in Central Continent is comparable to that of the ancient families. Once they offend the Peacock Royal Family, any strong person in their clan can easily kill Lin Nan!

"Really? Why do I think they will survive and live well?"

A charming woman suddenly said, with a touch of pride in her tone!

Everyone frowned and looked at this charming woman!

I saw.

This charming woman is wearing a red dress and has a pretty face as cold as ice!

At first glance, people think she is extremely charming, but if they look closely, they will find that her temperament is colder than an iceberg, and she looks like she should not be approached by strangers!

Beside this charming woman, there was an old man sitting with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was asleep!

'Strange! She had been sitting there without speaking just now. Why did she suddenly speak? ’

Many monks have strange thoughts in their hearts!


A young man sneered, looked at the charming woman, and asked, "Where do you have the confidence to say such a thing?"

"I'm full of confidence!" the charming woman said with a smile.

"The power of the Peacock Royal Family is the top existence in Central Continent! The young man named Lin Nan humiliated Yu Jiuxiao. If a strong man from the Peacock Royal Family takes action, do you think Lin Nan can survive?" Another young man also stood up!

"Of course you can survive!"

The charming woman nodded slightly and said proudly: "Believe it or not, if the Peacock Royal Family continues to seek death, haha! I am afraid they will not be able to escape the disaster of annihilation!"

"This...you...what did you say?"

Many people were shocked and looked at this charming woman in horror!

If this person says something like this in public, it could trigger a war between the human race and the Peacock Royal Clan!

"I say, if the Peacock Royal Family continues to seek death, they will inevitably be annihilated!"

The charming woman continued to add something shocking!

Everyone looked at each other in shock. If you dare to say such things in public, you are either not an ordinary person, or you really don't want to live long!

"Girl, who are you? Why are you so optimistic about that young man?"

An old man frowned and couldn't help but ask.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce you just now. I am that person's disciple. You just talked about my teacher like this. Do you want me to go back and make a small report?"

The charming woman smiled softly, she was Leng Yan, and the old man with closed eyes next to her was Lin Canghai!


Hearing this, everyone seemed to have seen a ghost!


Dozens of monks nearby all backed up, as if they had seen the god of plague, and ran away without a trace, not daring to stay here for another second!

"A bunch of cowards!"

Leng Yan curled his lips with a look of disdain on his face. Just now he was arguing with himself, but as soon as he admitted his identity, everyone was scared away!

"If you continue like this, you will dare to stay. What the master did just now has scared these people into fear!" Lin Canghai's voice came.

At the same time, outside the manor.

"Damn it! Damn it!"


Yu Jiuxiao roared angrily, his face deformed with anger, and his whole body was trembling!

As a member of the Peacock Royal Clan, he was actually humiliated in public by a human race. It didn't matter. His feathers, which symbolized his noble bloodline, were actually cut off in public. If word spread, he would definitely lose the face of the Peacock Royal Clan!

"Brother Jiuxiao, I really don't know..."

Hua Tianyu looked embarrassed, but he was happy inside!

‘Deserve it! You deserve it! Who makes you look arrogant all day long? If it weren't for the fact that you are from the Peacock Royal Family, I wouldn't be serving you anymore! "

"I hate it! I hate it!"

The blood vessels on Yu Jiuxiao's neck swelled, and his lips were trembling slightly!

"If I don't kill this person, I won't be able to get over the hurdle in my heart for the rest of my life! Maybe I will have inner demons when I practice in the future, and there will be shadows in my heart! If this person doesn't die, I won't be able to calm down and practice!"

It could be seen that the wings on Yu Jiuxiao's back were trembling due to his anger. He clenched his fists so hard that the joints of his hands creaked!

Finally, Yu Jiuxiao paid attention, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, looking at the distant night sky:

"No matter! I'm going to ask my uncle, the Dragon Bird Demon King, to come out of seclusion! Kill this man!"

After saying these words, Yu Jiuxiao did not stop for a moment, and with his followers, he turned into a meteor, rose into the night, flew into the sky, and disappeared directly over Wu'an City!

Hua Tianyu was the only one left, standing there and looking at the direction in which Yu Jiuxiao left!

"Dragon Bird Demon King..."

Hua Tianyu murmured to himself, his eyes filled with shock and horror!

In the past, there was a human race who offended the Peacock Royal Family and aroused the anger of the Dragon Bird Demon King!

After the Dragon Bird Demon King came out of seclusion, he directly took action and slaughtered all the people in the clan. He also used a shocking weapon to reduce the ancestral land of the human clan to the ground!

Millions of lives were wiped out overnight!

In the following few years, the clan's ancestral land turned into the Asura Hell. Every night, evil spirits would cry and howl, and it became a desperate place. Even the monks did not dare to set foot in it. The resentment was too deep!

It is also because of this incident that even ordinary Taikoo families are unwilling to provoke the Dragon Bird Demon King's evil reputation!

This is a person who is extremely protective of his shortcomings. If he is allowed to take action, it will be impossible for him to be kind, and he will have to pay the price of blood to repay!

‘Is the scene from that year about to happen again? ’

Thinking of this, Hua Tianyu's legs trembled, cold sweat broke out on his spine, and goosebumps appeared all over his body!

He seemed to see a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood appearing in front of him!

The demon king was so angry that he laid down millions of corpses!

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