Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 884 Lin Nan, Lin Nan! Where do you get your confidence from? (First update)

After Hua Tianyu's banquet ended.

The news that a mysterious young man in Wu'an City slapped Yu Jiuxiao of the Peacock Royal Family in the face spread like a tsunami to the outside world!

The whole Wu'an City was in a state of excitement. The monks who did not enter the manor that night and attended the banquet all asked insiders for questioning!

"What exactly is going on? Does anyone in the Peacock Royal Family dare to offend?"

A middle-aged monk with a wide body and fat body asked, with an incredible look on his face!

"Hehe! The reason is very simple, anger turns beauty into beauty!"

A young monk laughed!

"what happened?"

Seeing that someone knew something, all the nearby monks came over and asked curiously!

"At that time, Yu Jiuxiao of the Peacock Royal Family, along with an old servant and followers, came to the young man named Lin Nan. It seemed that he said something that made the Lin Nan woman unhappy!"

"Then what?" Everyone continued to ask.

"Then! The woman in Lin Nan didn't know what happened. She seemed very unhappy, so she asked Yu Jiuxiao to cut off the feathers on her head!" The young monk continued to explain.

"That Lin Nan actually did what he was told and asked Yu Jiuxiao to lose his feathers!"

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other and were speechless for a moment!

The feathers on the heads of the peacock royal family are a symbol of status and blood, and are extremely noble. Cutting off the feathers on their heads is simply more uncomfortable than killing them. This is a humiliation of dignity!

"It's really a matter of anger for beauty!"

"Women are so bad!"

"Yes! Letting Yu Jiuxiao cut off the feathers on his head is not only a blow to Yu Jiuxiao, but also a humiliation to the entire Peacock Royal Family!"

"Oh my God, I've offended a king of the demon clan. I'm afraid this Lin Nan...is dead!"

Many people felt that Lin Nan was bound to die. He had offended the Peacock Royal Family and had no chance of survival!

at the same time.

There's another news!

"Everyone, there is another shocking news!"

A good-hearted monk ran over quickly and rushed into the crowd!

"what news?"

Everyone's eyes are focused on it!

"A few days ago, the Ning family, an ancient family, issued a wanted order. Do you know that?" This person said mysteriously, looking around at everyone!

"Of course I do!"

"It is said that a genius in their family, named Ning Wushuang, was killed by a mysterious strong man. The Ning family spent millions of spiritual stones on a reward just to find this person!"

"But what does this have to do with it?"

Everyone was talking, and their eyes were full of incomprehension and doubt. The two were completely unrelated, so what did it matter?

"Hehe! The relationship is serious. The person who killed Ning Wushuang is Lin Nan. The Ning family now knows about it and sent strong men to Wu'an City!"

The one who delivers the news smiles!


No one reacted, the light in their eyes was dull, looking at everything in front of them!

After a few seconds of silence!


The middle-aged monk at the beginning could not help but take a deep breath and exclaimed: "I have seen people who are not afraid of death, but I have never seen anyone who is not afraid of death like this!"

"To offend the Peacock Royal Family and the Ning Family at the same time, this is simply seeking death!"

Many people shook their heads!

"Seeking death? I think he is seeking death, and he is the kind that even the Lord of Hell would not dare to accept!"

One man said, getting goosebumps all over his body!

at the same time.

In the depths of a vast wilderness, the Dragon Bird Demon King of the Peacock Royal Clan made such a sound:

"Hmph! Within three days, I will leave the border and kill this person in Wu'an City!"

The news spread quickly as if it had grown legs!

"Has the Dragon Bird Demon King spoken?"

Many people's pupils shrank suddenly!

Everyone who hears this is frightened. The Dragon Bird Demon King is an earth-shattering strong man. Even the ancient aristocratic families and the holy land are not willing to provoke him casually. If he wants to kill someone, it is equivalent to being in the book of life and death of King Yama. Above, this person's name is crossed out in red!

Almost at the same time, news came out from the Ning family that a mysterious strong man also went to Wu'an City, preparing to kill Lin Nan!

As soon as the news came out, the whole world was trembling!


"There is such a thing!"

"My dear! How can a little-known person be able to offend two superpowers at the same time and use big means to kill him?"

"Let's go! Go to Wu'an City and have a look, it's a good show!"

The spread of these two pieces of news completely shocked Wu'an City. Monks from many great religions in Central Continent, or casual cultivators, gathered in Wu'an City!

Suddenly, Wu'an City was overcrowded, the situation was turbulent, and people were talking about this matter everywhere!

And at this moment.

Lin Nan still lives in Hua Tianyu's manor, as if he knows nothing about the outside world, and still accompanies Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, Ling'er and the others to visit the manor!

Hua Tianyu's manor is very big, and there is even a small area in the depths. You can't finish it in a day or two!

"Wow! It smells so good, come on daddy!"

Lin Momo squatted in front of a bonfire, her big watery eyes shining with splendor!

The flames shone on Lin Momo's face, which turned red and very cute!

I saw Lin Nan squatting there, holding a golden and greasy fire phoenix in his hand, grilling on the flames, while Liu Ruqing was adjusting the ingredients!

Linger is very obediently adding firewood and licking the fire!

"Okay Ling'er, if you add more, the fire phoenix will be burnt!"

Lin Nan smiled lightly.

This is a baby fire phoenix that Lin Nan picked out from the small world inside his body. It is most suitable for barbecue and can satisfy the craving of two little greedy ghosts!

"Uh, okay!"

Linger nodded slightly.

In the distance, Hua Tianyu stood there, looking at Lin Nan's family, his eyes flickering and his brows tightly knitted together!

"Master, is this family too worried? It's already this time, why are they having a barbecue? Don't they know the news from the outside world?"

"The powerful men of the Ning family and the Dragon Bird Demon King of the Peacock Royal Family are coming. Do they still feel like this?"

The old man beside Hua Tianyu had a look of astonishment on his face!

"When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!"

Hua Tianyu's brows were still tightly knitted together, and his eyes never left Lin Nan. He always felt that this man was too calm, so calm that it was terrifying!

Moreover, this kind of calmness is not pretended, but the calmness that comes from the bottom of one's heart!

‘Why should he? ’

‘The Dragon Bird Demon King is an extremely powerful man. Even the ancient families and the Holy Land do not dare to be enemies with him easily. Why can you ignore him like this? ’

‘Lin Nan, Lin Nan! Where do you get your confidence from? ’

‘Is your calmness just an act? ’

Hua Tianyu secretly thought in his heart!

In the end, he never figured out where Lin Nan's confidence came from!

"Hmph! Let him continue playing. Anyway, there are still two days left, and the Dragon Bird Demon King is coming. Then I want to see how you died!"

"At that time, your face will still be so calm!"

Hua Tianyu snorted coldly and walked away, and the old servant next to him quickly followed!

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