Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 902: What other reason does the Emperor of Heaven need if he wants people to die? (First upd

"Ouyang Anyan?"

"Why is it him?"

The monk in the front row turned around and saw Ouyang Anyan trembling. He immediately understood that the old servant of the Long family who died was probably related to him!

However, looking at Ouyang Anyan's frightened look, he probably didn't have the guts to kill the old servant of the Long family in public on such an occasion!


All eyes focused on the two people next to Ouyang Anyan, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing!

Lin Nan didn't care about everyone's gaze at all. He was chatting in a low voice with Liu Ruqing, talking and laughing. The two of them were whispering. There was nothing wrong with everyone talking in a low voice at the auction site!

But at this time, the eyes of millions of monks were all focused on the two of them!

There was silence all around, and no one spoke a word in the entire auction!

These two people can still talk to each other like no one else is watching, which is very problematic!

"Interesting, really interesting!"

A faint voice came!

Coming from the first row of the auction venue, a young man stood up slowly. Beside him, seven or eight old men immediately stood up and stood respectfully behind this man!

After this young man stood up, he suddenly became the focus of the audience!

He is as beautiful as jade, as ethereal as an immortal, wearing a jade crown on his head and purple clothes, as if he is a banished immortal who has descended from the fairy world. His face is so handsome that even women would be jealous!

These are nothing, the most eye-catching thing is the five-clawed blue dragon embroidered on this man’s chest!

This azure dragon was completely black, with a total of five golden threads on its body. The entire azure dragon was lifelike, as if it was about to fly out of the young man's chest!

"Five golden threads! Is this the fifth son of the seven sons of the Long family? - Long Xuan!"

An old man who was a supreme monk had a solemn expression on his face!

Taikoo family——Long family!

There are seven young people in total who are famous!

The seven sons of the Long family join forces, and even those descendants of the Holy Land have to retreat three points!

"What? It's Long Xuan! It is said that although he is the fifth son, his strength can rank among the top three among the seven sons!"

Many people have heard of the Seventh Son of the Long Family!

There was a dead silence in the whole place, everyone held their breath and looked at Long Xuan blankly!

"I heard that you are very arrogant. You conquered the Dragon Bird Demon King in Wu'an City as a pet, and also killed Ning Zhengxiong of the Ning family. I was originally very interested in you and wanted to ask you, but I didn't expect that you even asked my old servant Kill them all!" Long Xuan chuckled.

It seemed that it was just an old servant who died, and he didn't care at all!

"It seems like you are indeed very arrogant!"

However, Long Xuan's words immediately caused a sensation in the entire audience!


The originally silent auction scene suddenly became agitated, and everyone was talking in low voices!

"Wu'an City?"

"Is he the man who conquered the Dragon Bird Demon King?"

"It's him!"

The news about Wu'an City has spread almost throughout the entire Central Continent. Now that Long Xuan mentioned it again, everyone suddenly remembered it!

"Oh my God! Isn't it rumored by the outside world that after he left Wu'an City, he hid with his tail between his legs? Many Taikoo families and holy places tried to find his whereabouts, but none of them could find him. This person seems to have disappeared from the world!" A middle-aged man’s jaw dropped in shock!

"Yes! There are so many powerful forces looking for him, and the Ning family has issued a wanted order. How can he still dare to show up?"

"Hehe, it seems like this kid is not hiding!"

There are also people who are laughing and their eyes are twinkling!

"What? Senior Lin... you..."

Ouyang Anyan was stunned and couldn't believe that Lin Nan in front of him was actually the famous demon king in Wu'an City?

'No wonder...Senior Lin dared to kill the elders of the Ning family of the Taikoo family. No wonder he was not afraid of Hu Yanghui and dared to make an enemy of Lin Yulong, which ruined his entire cultivation... Just because of his fearless character. , I should have thought of it earlier! ’

Ouyang Anyan thought in shock!

"Tell me, you killed my servant, how should you compensate me?"

The corners of Long Xuan's mouth raised slightly, a hint of mockery aroused!

"It's just an ant, just kill it!"

Lin Nan spoke calmly.

As soon as he said this, the millions of monks present were all stunned and looked at Lin Nan in astonishment!

"Hahaha! What if I have to ask you to compensate?"

Long Xuan laughed, his eyes twinkling and his eyes piercing and threatening!

"You care about your servant so much, why don't you go down and accompany him?" Lin Nan looked at Long Xuan with a funny look!

"court death!"

"How dare you talk to the dragon son of my Long family like this!"


Behind Long Xuan, the dozen old men all moved!

The cultivation levels of these dozen people are extremely terrifying. They are all at the peak of supreme cultivation level. Otherwise, there is no way Long Xuan would dare to challenge Lin Nan in public!

Just because he brought more than a dozen supreme masters with peak cultivation by his side!

With such a powerful backhand, as long as the Holy Land does not leave, Long Xuan can almost walk sideways in Central Continent!

Unfortunately, he met Lin Nan!

The terrifying aura displayed by these dozen old men made everyone present feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave!

Facing these dozen monks at the highest peak, Lin Nan clicked his fingers lightly, as if he were taking a leisurely step in the courtyard!




An incredible scene appeared. These powerful men at the highest peak were like mosquitoes, falling from the air. Without exception, they were all crushed by Lin Nan with a snap of his fingers.

A total of seventeen supreme peak monks, all fell on the spot in a few breaths!

Their corpses just fell to the ground casually, which was shocking!


Millions of people witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and they all gasped and were frightened!

They never thought that Lin Nan was so powerful that he could kill seventeen peak experts with one person?


Long Xuan's heart trembled and he could no longer remain calm. He did not expect that Lin Nan's strength was so terrifying!

"It's your turn now! Judging from your performance, you seem to want to die!"

Lin Nan looked at Long Xuan with a smile on his face!


Long Xuan's pupils shrank slightly and his expression changed. He looked at Lin Nan in disbelief and said in surprise: "You want to kill me? I have no enmity with you. I am a member of the Long family. How dare you kill me?" I!"

"I kill people as I please, I never need a reason!"

Lin Nan sneered!


Now, although Lin Nan hopes to be an ordinary person, he can stay with Liu Ruqing and enjoy family happiness with Lin Momo and Ling'er!

But don't forget, he also has another identity - the only Emperor of Heaven in the world!

Throughout the ages, countless great emperors have been produced in the immortal world, but there has only been one emperor in heaven!

If the Emperor of Heaven wants people to die, what other reason does it need?

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