Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 912 I’m very busy, come on together! (fifth update)

"Didn't you come to see me yourself?"

Lin Nan stood up!

The whole house was silent, no one dared to speak, no one dared to take a breath!

Most great sect leaders would be extremely cautious when meeting the Great Qian Saint Son. Who could imagine that Lin Nan was so calm and calm?

"Haha! I came to see you. Unlike you meeting me, I have a brother! No, it was my former brother. He and I entered the Great Thousand Holy Land together and stood out among tens of thousands of extremely talented young people. I became the Holy Son, and he was accepted as a direct disciple by the Holy Lord!" Holy Son Daqian chuckled and said slowly.


The next moment, Holy Son Daqian changed his words, shook his head, and sneered: "He is no longer what he used to be. He is too far behind me, and now he is completely scared out of his wits by you!"

"He said, let me avoid you, it's best not to cause trouble for you, stay in the Daqian Holy Land honestly, and inherit the position of Holy Lord in the future!"

“He also said that if he causes trouble for you, he may die in an ugly way!

"Do you think he's right?"

After Holy Son Daqian finished speaking, he stood with his hands behind his hands with a smile on his face and looked at Lin Nan calmly!

"You should listen to him!"

Lin Nan said calmly, glanced at Daqian Saint Son indifferently, and said:

"Also, when you talk to me, remember to kneel down!"

As soon as he said these words, the whole place was filled with dead silence!

Everyone looked at Lin Nan in horror, their eyes full of shock. Baili Tusu, Qianyuan Zhenren, Luo Liehuo, Shangguan Xuantian, Kunlong and other great sect leaders were stunned with shock, staggering and almost falling. Sit on the ground!

"He... dares to say such a thing?"

Baili Tu Su's voice was trembling slightly!

"I have learned a lot today!" Master Qianyuan's old face was a little hot. He was not shy, but excited!

"More powerful than my character, Luo Liehuo! I admire you, I admire you!"

Luo Liehuo secretly gave a thumbs up!

"Senior Lin..."

Ouyang Anyan was trembling with excitement and felt that he could not stand steadily. He quickly supported a big tree next to him to stabilize his body!

It's really terrifying. He actually wants Daqian Saint Son to kneel down and talk to him?

"court death!"

"How dare you talk to the Holy Son like this!"


Behind the Holy Son Daqian, three of the thirty-six guardians shouted softly. Among them was an old man who had just taken away the Dragon Bird Demon King with the Qiankun Bag!

This person was the fastest. He opened his mouth and pulled out a silver diamond cone. The tip of the cone shone with silver light and pierced it towards Lin Nan!

The power of the diamond cone is boundless, even if it is facing a powerful person at the peak of supreme power, it can kill him on the spot!


Lin Nan flicked his fingers and landed on the Vajra Cone. There was a crisp sound, and the Vajra Cone exploded and turned into debris all over the sky!

"My diamond cone! Tongsha old man!"

The old man roared angrily, and raised a Vermilion Bird Flag with his backhand. He waved it violently in the air, and a terrifying fire dragon suddenly surged out and engulfed Lin Nan!

Lin Nan ignored the fire dragon, raised his hand and slapped it!


The old man's whole body trembled, and his whole body, including the Vermillion Bird Flag, exploded with a bang, and he was slapped to death by Lin Nan!


After his master died, the Dragon Bird Demon King broke free from the shackles of the Qiankun Bag and was about to take action. When he saw Lin Nan, he immediately transformed into a little Dragon Bird and flew back!

"How dare you kill the protector of the Holy Son!"

The expressions on the other two old men's faces were extremely ugly. Instead of being afraid, they faced the difficulties head on!


One of the old men with a hooked nose offered a silver fairy sword, which was a sacred object of the Great Thousand Holy Land. It was passed down from the fairy world using a special secret method. It was a semi-immortal weapon!

The moment this silver fairy sword appeared, everyone in the audience felt a terrifying sword intent, as if someone was holding it by the throat!


A slash of sword light can break the sky!


Lin Nan sneered, playing with a sword in front of him? Don't you know that when it comes to swordsmanship, he is the ancestor of swordsmanship?

Lin Nan condensed his fingers into a sword and pointed towards the void!


The sword energy shot out from Lin Nan's fingertips came into contact with the fairy sword in the hand of the old man with a hook-nosed nose. The fairy sword in the hand of the old man with a hook-nosed body exploded, broke every inch, and turned into fragments all over the sky. It was actually pointed out by Lin Nan. destroy!


The hook-nosed old man was shocked, and at this moment, the remaining sword energy swept over him!


A huge head flew high into the air. Before his death, the hook-nosed old man still had a shocked expression on his face!

With his supreme cultivation, he was actually beheaded by Lin Nan?


The head of the hook-nosed old man fell to the ground with a muffled sound!


The third protector of Saint Son Daqian took a breath of cold air, turned around and retreated immediately!

"You want to leave now, don't you think it's too late?"

Lin Nan chuckled lightly, raised his hand to form a fist, and punched the void!


The protector who turned around and ran away exploded in the air and turned into a rain of blood, falling downwards!

And all of this happened between lightning and flint. From the time when the three guardians of Daqian Saint Son took action to when Lin Nan killed them all, it only took three breaths!

One breath kills one person, the whole place is dead silent, and the sound of a needle falling to the ground can be heard!

Everyone present seemed to be petrified, standing there in a daze. Everyone lost their voice and forgot to speak!

Because all this is too shocking!

Before everyone could recover from the shock, they heard Lin Nan's voice continuing:

"I'm very busy, come on together!"

After hearing this, Saint Son Daqian's face turned extremely sad. He knew that Lin Nan was very strong!


Daqian Saint Son never expected that Lin Nan would be so strong!

It's a pity that there was no turning back when he opened the bow. Now he is riding a tiger and can't dismount, and it's impossible to stop!


Holy Son Daqian shouted, and the remaining thirty-three guardians all took action at the same time!


The entire Shengdan Pavilion trembled violently, and the air around it was distorted!

Thirty-three supreme guardians took action, and various ancient bells, fairy swords, treasure rulers, cauldrons, halberds, golden whips and other weapons were sacrificed, shining with dazzling light. Many of the weapons were from Left over from the immortal world, they are all semi-immortal weapons!

These immortal weapons bloomed with bright light, covering the entire world, filled with murderous intent, and the center area of ​​​​this murderous intent was Lin Nan!

Everyone raised their heads in shock. The man in front of them looked like a god!

I saw.

He put one hand behind his back, maintaining the original position, and his legs never moved from the beginning to the end. With the other hand, he raised his hand and flicked it lightly!

"This is--!"

The pupils of everyone present shrank sharply as they saw the most unforgettable sight in their lives!

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