Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 927 The Holy King of Central Continent? (First update)

Yan Qingxian didn't expect that Lin Nan was so powerful. Even her precious lotus lantern was shattered by Lin Nan with a snap of his fingers!

The vision of all the Buddhas in the sky and the scene of Lin Nan kneeling shocked Yan Qingxian even more!


Yan Qingxian was extremely confused, Lin Nan didn't kill her? According to Lin Nan's character, Holy Son Daqian was killed in public just because he provoked him a few words, showing no mercy!

He attacked Lin Nan and was not wiped out?

This made Yan Qingxian very surprised!

"Senior Lin, why don't you kill me?" Yan Qingxian asked doubtfully.

Since Lin Nan didn't kill her directly, this is enough to show that Lin Nan won't kill her next!

"There are only a few holy places. If you kill all your saints and saints, who will practice with my daughter in the future?"

Lin Nan asked back!

Among the younger generation in Central Continent, only the saints and saints from the major holy places can catch Lin Nan's eyes and become Lin Momo's opponents in the future!

As for the others, Lin Nan didn't even notice them!


Yan Qingxian was stunned and opened her mouth in shock!

It turns out that Lin Nan didn't kill her just to leave some opponents for his daughter? This kind of confidence is definitely not something ordinary people can have!


Yan Qingxian took a deep breath and looked at the pretty little girl beside her, feeling bitter in her heart. However, the strength Lin Nan showed just now had already explained everything, leaving Yan Qingxian unable to refute!

"Senior Lin, you are really brave, I am ashamed of myself!"

Yan Qingxian sighed!

Lin Nan stood still and didn't say anything more!

"Be careful, it will be very embarrassing if you are defeated by me in the future!"

Lin Momo waved her little fists and looked excited!

"I am waiting for you!"

Yan Qingxian nodded slightly and didn't take it to heart. She was just a little girl. It would take who knows how many years to catch up with her!

Although she knew that Lin Nan was powerful, Lin Nan's daughter was still too young and needed a long time to grow up, so Yan Qingxian didn't pay attention to Lin Momo's words!

If Yan Qingxian knew that Lin Momo had only practiced for more than half a year and was already comparable to a martial saint, what would his expression be like?

"Senior Lin, in addition to inviting you to join Taichu Holy Land this time, I also want to tell you something. Even if you don't join Taichu Holy Land, our Taichu Holy Land also hopes to use this news to create a good relationship with you!" Yan Qingxian turned her eyes. , looking at Lin Nan with a smile!

"Oh? What news?"

Lin Nan asked lightly.

Yan Qingxian frowned and asked, "Do you know the Holy King of Central Continent?"

"never heard of that!"

Lin Nan said calmly, he had never heard of this person!

How could he have the time to understand the Holy King and the Holy Emperor? Besides his wife and children, who else is qualified to let Lin Nan fall in love?

"The Holy King of Central Continent is known as one of the most powerful people in Central Continent in the past ten thousand years. Eight thousand years ago, he defeated the saints and saints of all the major holy places. Five thousand years ago, he defeated the saints of all the major holy places. The Holy Lord, the Supreme Elder, etc. Three thousand years ago, there was little news about this person in Central Continent. It is said that he practiced hard in seclusion and was trying to reach a higher realm!" Leng Yan explained.

Originally, Leng Yan was working in the Dragon Group of Earth China, doing intelligence work!

Now that he has come to Central Continent, he has collected a lot of intelligence information about Central Continent. Whether it is major holy places, ancient families, super sects, or powerful people like the Holy King of Central Continent, Leng Yan has established an archive!

If Lin Nan asks, she can tell all kinds of information in detail immediately!

Yan Qingxian glanced at Leng Yan in surprise, feeling a little surprised. She didn't expect Leng Yan to know this person!

"Senior Lin, since your disciple knows about the Holy King of Central Continent, do you still remember Mr. Shengxu in Wu'an City?" Yan Qingxian's eyes flickered and she continued to ask.

"Teacher, that day in Hua Tianyu's manor, Master Shengxu made rude remarks, and you ruined his entire cultivation!"

Leng Yan reminded.

"The Holy King of Zhongzhou is coming to Yuancheng in the next few days. You'd better be careful. Although Master Shengxu is the adopted son of the Holy King of Zhongzhou, he is actually his biological son. You have abolished the cultivation of Master Shengxu. If you let him become a useless person, I’m afraid the Saint King of Central Continent won’t let you go easily!”

Yan Qingxian said with a solemn expression.

While he was speaking, he stared closely at Lin Nan's eyes, trying to get some information from them!

It's a pity that Yan Qingxian was disappointed, and Lin Nan's eyes were indifferent. From the beginning to now, there was no fluctuation at all!

Yan Qingxian even had an illusion!

‘Why do I have the illusion that what he heard was not the news of the Holy King of Central Continent, but the news of an ant? So calm? ’

‘You must know that the Holy King of Central Continent is a figure that makes all the great holy places fear him! This person is lawless and does whatever he wants, all based on personal preferences. He comes and goes without a trace. No major holy place is willing to offend him! ’

Yan Qingxian was thinking secretly in her heart.


Lin Nan answered casually, with a calm expression on his face!

But the next moment, when Lin Nan faced Lin Momo, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he stretched out a hand to Lin Momo!

"Let's go, Mo'er, Daddy will take you to play!"

"Hehe, great, I want to fly a kite! A few days ago, Mommy said she would accompany me to fly a kite, but she lied to me. A woman can fall out faster than she can read a book!" Lin Momo said with a smile. He walked over nonchalantly, stretched out his pink little hand, and held Lin Nan's hand!

While she was talking, she was also complaining about Liu Ruqing!

Yan Qingxian was a little confused as she watched Lin Nan lead Lin Momo away gradually!

Lin Nan, who was extremely cold just now, with no emotion in his eyes, seemed to be a completely different person when facing Lin Momo!

"Saint, please come back!"

The cold voice came coldly!

She doesn't have much favorable impression of the Saint of Taichu!

"Excuse me, has Senior Lin always been like this?" Yan Qingxian asked with a frown.

"Nothing to do with you!"

Leng Yan rolled his eyes and said displeasedly: "You are a saint from the Holy Land, do you still like to inquire about other people's homes?"

The Holy Maiden Yan Qingxian was at a loss for words for a moment and didn't know how to speak. She took a deep look at the direction Lin Nan left before turning around and leaving!

As soon as Yan Qingxian left the Shengdan Pavilion, she boarded an extremely luxurious dragon car. This car was pulled by a nine-headed dragon and was full of momentum. It parked outside the Shengdan Pavilion like this, which made people tremble and make people feel scared. Countless monks came to watch!

On the top of the dragon chariot, there was a dragon flag of the Holy Land of Taichu hanging, which frightened many monks who wanted to get closer to investigate!

"Did he attack you?"

As soon as Yan Qingxian entered the dragon carriage, a rich and vigorous voice came!

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