Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 930 In this case, I will satisfy him! (Fourth update)

"Enter the city!"

Following the order from the Holy King of Central Continent, the one hundred thousand dragon knights in front all moved and headed towards the Yuan City!

As for Yuancheng's no-air order, it was simply ignored!

The Holy King of Central Continent has arrived, who dares to ban the sky?

"Welcome the Holy King!"

"Welcome the Holy King!"

"Welcome the Holy King——!"

The hundreds of millions of monks below were all kneeling on the ground, kowtowing and shouting loudly!

The crowd formed a wave, one after another, one after another. The scene was extremely spectacular!

The chariot of the Saint King of Central Continent passed directly over the city. One hundred thousand dragon knights cleared the way. Under the respectful welcome of the leaders of the major ancient families and the leaders of the super sect, they descended into the city lord's palace!

The city lord of Yuan City didn't even dare to let out a fart, so he immediately gave up the city lord's mansion and let the Saint King of Central Continent take over!

Fortunately, the city lord's palace is large enough to fully accommodate 100,000 dragon knights!

"Tonight, I will host a banquet at the City Lord's Mansion. Please come together to the banquet!"

The Saint King of Central Continent spoke calmly.

His voice, like thunder, spread out into the void ahead!

"As you command!"

No one dares to disobey!

The heads of these Taikoo families, the leaders of the major super religions, and even the Holy Master of Taichu Holy Land all received invitations!

Except for Holy Lord Taichu, it is a great honor for others to receive invitations from the Holy King of Central Continent, but for Holy Lord Taichu, this is a humiliation!

The sensation of the Saint King of Central Continent entering Yuan City also alarmed the Shengdan Pavilion!

An invitation was sent to the Shengdan Pavilion, inviting Lin Nan to enter the city lord's mansion for a banquet!

"This is an invitation from the Holy King. If Lin Nan doesn't go, it means he is afraid of the Holy King! Haha!"

A dragon knight dropped the invitation and left directly!

After Ouyang Anyan got the invitation, he tremblingly came to the backyard of Shengdan Pavilion and handed the invitation into Lin Nan's hands!

"Senior Lin, you...are you going?"


Lin Nan chuckled, nodded and said, "In that case, I will satisfy him!"


After the Holy King of Central Continent came to the City Lord's Mansion, he held a banquet in the City Lord's Mansion that night!

The entire City Lord's Mansion was brightly lit, although there were hundreds of millions of monks hoping to enter the City Lord's Mansion and see with their own eyes the majestic face of the Saint King of Central Continent!

However, in the end, only about a million people were able to enter the city lord's palace and participate in the banquet!

Lin Nan not only came alone, but also brought his wife and children, Leng Yan, Lin Canghai, Wang Xuewei, Ouyang Anyan and others to the outside of the city lord's mansion!

"Are you Lin Nan?"

After Ouyang Anyan handed over the invitation, a dragon knight guarding the entrance of the City Lord's Mansion took a deep look at Lin Nan!

"This is Lin Wudi, Senior Lin!"

Ouyang Anyan nodded!

As the master of the Shengdan Pavilion, he can still remain calm in front of a dragon knight!

"go in!"

The dragon knight did not stop him and allowed Lin Nan and others to enter the city lord's mansion!

However, as soon as Lin Nan and others left, he reported the news privately and came to a quiet courtyard in the city lord's palace!

City Lord's Mansion, in a deep villa!

Young Master Shengxu was sitting there, surrounded by the crowd like stars holding the moon. All around him were the best of the young generation in Central Continent. Everyone was enjoying themselves and talking happily!

Long family, Di family, Ning family, Feng family, Ji family, Jiang family...

The descendants of all the major Taikoo families were all present to accompany Mr. Shengxu!

Although his cultivation was abolished by Lin Nan, because the Saint King of Central Continent is his father, he is still alive and nourishing!


The ten dragon knight captains beside the Saint King of Central Continent have all become the bodyguards of Master Shengxu!

The cultivation levels of the ten dragon cavalry captains are all above the Supreme. They are comparable to the guardians of the Saint Son level, and their strength is terrifying!

"Brother Shengxu, we said goodbye to each other in Canglan County last time. I didn't expect to see each other again so soon!"

Long Ming from the Long family has a faint smile that makes people feel like a spring breeze!

As the first of the seven sons of the Long family, he was sent out by the head of the Long family to accompany Master Shengxu, which is enough to prove that the major ancient families attach great importance to the Saint King of Central Continent!

Even though Master Shengxu has no cultivation at all, he still occupies a place among the young generation in Central Continent!

"Brother Long, last time you refused to reward me and left without finishing half of the pot of osmanthus wine. This time you will have to punish yourself with three glasses of osmanthus wine at the banquet!"

Young Master Shengxu spoke slowly, giving Long Ming a faint sideways glance, with a hint of pride in his tone!

"Don't talk about three cups! As long as Brother Shengxu opens his mouth, what about thirty cups?"

Long Ming smiled boldly.


Young Master Shengxu chuckled, with a strong sense of pride in his laughter!

Even if he becomes a useless person and loses all his cultivation, these geniuses of Central Continent still want to flatter him?

There is only one reason. His father is the Holy King of Central Continent, an invincible man!


"Sir, Lin Nan is here!"

The dragon knight at the door hurried into the villa and reported in a low voice!


Master Shengxu's face suddenly darkened and he sneered, "Haha! Are you finally here? I thought you would be afraid of my father and hide in the Shengdan Pavilion and dare not come out!"

"Let's go! Let's go see it together!"

Master Shengxu sneered!

"Brother Shengxu, wait!"

Di Xiao quickly spoke. Not long ago, he met Lin Nan with Liu Yunfeng outside Yuancheng!

"Brother Emperor, what do you mean?"

Master Shengxu frowned!

"Brother Shengxu, Lin Wudi is very powerful. Let's wait until the banquet starts and let the Holy King confront him. Let's not get into trouble!" Di Xiao shook his head!

"Lin Wudi? Hahaha! In the whole world, my father is the only one who is invincible!"

Young Master Shengxu laughed proudly, his eyes full of confidence, and then he smiled and said:

"As for Lin Nan? Haha! When my father was away, he didn't dare to kill me. He only dared to destroy my cultivation. Now that my father is in the city lord's palace, what else does he dare to do?"

"At the beginning, this person ruined my cultivation. Today, I will let him return my capital with profits!"

The corners of Mr. Shengxu's eyes twitched slightly, and the cold light in his eyes skyrocketed!


Master Shengxu ignored Di Xiao and led these young people from the Taikoo family towards the outside of the courtyard!


Di Xiao sighed lightly. He knew deeply that Lin Nan was not afraid of the sky or the earth!

Even if he dares to kill the Holy Son of the Great Thousand Holy Land, he may not be afraid of the majesty of the Holy King of Central Continent!

If Master Shengxu angers Lin Nan, he may be killed on the spot by Lin Nan!

Thinking of this, Di Xiao was shocked and quickly followed!

Not long after, Master Shengxu, led by the Dragon Knight, came to the front yard of the City Lord's Mansion. Lin Nan's family, plus Leng Yan, Lin Canghai, Wang Xuewei, Ouyang Anyan and others, happened to be walking towards them!


Master Shengxu stopped and stood directly in front, blocking the path of Lin Nan and others!

He held his head high and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"I didn't expect it, Lin Nan, we meet again!"

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