Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 934 The Holy King of Zhongzhou...is dead? (eighth update)

Nearly 100,000 Martial Kings, plus a thousand Supremes!

This terrifying power, as long as it is not an enemy of the Holy Land, is enough to sweep across the entire Gaowu world!

One hundred thousand dragon knights attacked, and Lin Nan finally stopped. The Holy King of Central Continent took this opportunity to jump up and get out of Lin Nan's attack range. He stood in the distance with a gloomy face and his eyes filled with murderous intent!

"Kill everyone who has anything to do with Lin Nan!"

The Holy King of Central Continent gave the order!

"As you command!"

One hundred thousand dragon knights answered at the same time, the sound was overwhelming and shocking!


One hundred thousand giant Western dragons, under the control of dragon knights, spewed flames from their mouths and charged towards Lin Nan. Among them, one thousand supreme dragon knights were even more powerful and terrifying!

"This is... such a terrifying power!"

Even the Holy Lord Taichu felt terrified. If one hundred thousand dragon knights attacked with all their strength, even he would not be able to block a single blow, and would be wiped out on the spot with overwhelming force!



A dragon roar came from the top of the sky, bringing with it a terrifying majesty and descending from the sky!

The 100,000 giant western dragons below, after hearing this dragon roar, seemed to be bound by gravity. They all fell from the sky in horror and fell to the ground, lying there trembling!

No matter how their master drove them away, they didn't move at all. They just lay there, shaking uncontrollably!

"what happened?"

These 100,000 dragon knights were all stunned. They didn't understand why their mounts were acting like this suddenly. It was definitely related to the roar just now!

In the city lord's mansion, other monks also raised their heads and looked towards the sky!

I saw a golden creature, with a startling glance, flashing from the depths of the clouds. Although it was very fast, many strong men could still see it clearly!

It was a divine dragon, with golden scales all over its body, its folds were shining, and it was full of the aura of the Holy God. It was this golden divine dragon that roared just now, frightening all the giant dragons below!

"Did I see it wrong?"

"How is it possible! It's actually a golden real dragon?"

"Don't true dragons only exist in the fairy world? How come they appear here!"

Everyone was extremely surprised and started discussing fiercely!

Lin Nan was the only one who was very calm!

"This dead dog actually appeared at this time! But it's okay, it saves me the chance to take action!"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Lin Nan's mouth!

"Huh? Is this a big dog?"

Lin Momo let out a light sigh, her big eyes full of doubts and confusion!

Leng Yan and Lin Canghai looked at each other and said nothing. Of course they knew that the creature that had revealed half of its true body just now was the Golden Holy Dragon!

One hundred thousand dragon knights, if they lose their mounts, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced!

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Holy King of Central Continent did not hesitate at all. He turned around and left without stopping for a moment. He did not want to fight with Lin Nan at all, and judging from the terrifying strength shown by Lin Nan, even if he fought with Lin Nan, he would not be able to fight in the end. Definitely no match for Lin Nan!

Lin Nan just slapped him one after another, shattering all the confidence of the Saint King of Central Continent!


The Holy King of Central Continent will never have a second thought!

Why avenge your son? What's the way to kill Lin Nan and prove to be invincible?

Compared with life, these are not even bullshit. Only if you are alive can you have the right to say anything else. Otherwise, what qualifications does a dead person have to say?

"The Holy King...the Holy King escaped..."

The moment the Holy King of Central Continent turned around and ran away, someone who was interested saw it and couldn't help but exclaimed!

"Damn it!"

The Holy King of Central Continent cursed angrily, even if you see this king escaping, there is no need to shout loudly!

Seeing the Saint King of Zhongzhou turning around and running away, the heads of the Taikoo family who had started to worship the Saint King of Zhongzhou as soon as he entered, and the leaders of the major super sects, were all stunned!

Their faces looked weird!

"Holy Lord, am I right! This Lin Wudi is truly invincible. Even the Holy King of Central Continent is not his opponent!"

Yan Qingxian, the saint of the early days, smiled.

For some reason, her pretty face turned red and she was very excited!

Yan Qingxian was even a little happy. After all, Lin Nan defeated her with just a raised hand, and even her lotus lantern was shattered by Lin Nan. Now that she saw the Holy King of Central Continent and fled without a fight, she was afraid of Lin Nan. The knot in Yan Qingxian's heart was instantly resolved!

Even a strong man like the Saint King of Central Continent is no match for Lin Nan. What's the shame in her losing to Lin Nan?

"If this person escapes, according to his character, he will definitely lie dormant, waiting for one day to make a comeback!"

The Holy Lord Taichu looked at the leaving figure of the Holy King of Central Continent and shook his head.

At the level of the Holy King of Central Continent, if he wants to escape, even if the old Holy Master in seclusion in the Holy Land takes action, he will not be able to keep him!

This is also the reason why the Saint King of Central Continent dares to be so arrogant and dare to offend even the Holy Land!

If you can't beat him, you can leave!

At this time, the Saint King of Zhongzhou had fled to the horizon, and his whole person had shrunk into a black dot. His human form could no longer be seen clearly. According to the monk's field of vision, the Saint King of Zhongzhou might have fled hundreds of miles away at this moment!

It's too late to chase now!


Di Xin, the old head of the Di family, sighed lightly and said quietly: "It's a pity. If Lin Wudi had taken action earlier, maybe he could have kept the Holy King and killed him!"

The monks around him were all frightened and kept retreating. They looked at Di Xin in horror, their scalps numb with fear!

At this time, only such a big man dares to say such things, right?

Ordinary monks, even if the Holy King of Central Continent fled without a fight, would never dare to speak, as this would undermine his majesty!

"Now, the Holy King has fled a hundred miles away and can no longer catch up!"

Jiang Yuntian, the head of the Jiang family of the Taikoo family, also nodded slightly in agreement!

"Do you think the Holy King will continue to retreat and wait until he breaks through to a higher realm before coming out to seek revenge on Lin Nan?" Ji Huanyu, the head of the Taikoo Ji family, asked with a frown.

"According to the character of the Holy King, it is impossible to come out unless you are absolutely sure. Today he fled without a fight and has become a frightened bird! From today on, no one will doubt Lin Wudi's reputation!" Di Xin shook his head and nodded again!

The people around were also talking softly!

On the other side, Lin Momo ran up to Lin Nan's side and raised her little hand:

"Daddy, the bad guy got away!"

"Don't worry, the bad guys can't escape. Let's see how Daddy beats them to death!" Lin Nan smiled softly, squatted down and held Lin Momo in his arms!

The next second.

Lin Nan pointed towards the direction in which the Saint King of Central Continent was leaving and flicked his fingers!


A blazing white light pierced the city lord's palace, rushed into the sky, and struck in the direction where the Holy King of Central Continent escaped!

"what is that?"

This blazing white light was so dazzling that it illuminated the entire world. Everyone in the City Lord's Mansion was alarmed and looked in the direction of the white light!

Everyone could clearly see that this blazing white light directly caught up with the little black dot and landed on it!


A huge mushroom cloud exploded at the end of the horizon, like an atomic bomb exploding, in the direction in which the Holy King of Central Continent left!

At this moment, the whole world is dead silent!

"The Holy King of Zhongzhou...is dead?"

There was only one old man left, paralyzed on the ground, the depths of his pupils reflecting the terrifying mushroom cloud, na na muttering to himself!

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