Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 936 Go and ask them, do they dare to have any objections? (Second update)

After Lin Nan left, everyone in the city lord's mansion suddenly reacted!

"The Holy King... is he really dead?"

"I still can't believe that the Holy King was really killed by Lin Wudi! You know, the Holy King has been invincible for ten thousand years!"

Everyone felt sad and had an unreal feeling!

The Holy King of Central Continent has been invincible for ten thousand years. Ever since he was born, he has been invincible among his peers, and he has continued to crush the Holy Sons of all major Holy Lands!

After becoming famous, he continued to challenge the Holy Lords of the major holy places and became the king among the Holy Lords. He made all the major Holy Lords bow their heads and became known as the Holy King!

Even the older generation of powerful men in the major holy places have no way to deal with the Holy King of Central Continent!

However, such a terrifying and powerful man was killed in public today, and everyone was calming down!


"Wait a minute, why did Lin Wudi just let the Ning family and Feng family be disbanded on the spot, but nothing happened to the Long family?" Someone asked strangely.

"It's very strange!"

Everyone nodded, but they didn't know that the entire ancestral land of the Long family had been wiped out by the golden holy dragon!


At this moment, someone rushed over in a hurry, fell from the sky, knelt down and reported loudly!

"Report to the Holy Lord!"

A spy from the Holy Land of Taichu rushed over. His face turned pale and his lips were trembling, as if he had seen something terrifying!

"What's the matter?"

The Holy Lord Taichu frowned!

"Something bad happened. The ancestral land of the Taigu family, the Long family, was attacked by unknown creatures. All the ancestral lands within a radius of 700 miles were... sunk!" the spy from the Taichu Holy Land reported.

"What's the meaning?"

Holy Lord Taichu asked suspiciously.

"Holy Lord, please look!"

The spy gently raised his hand and offered up a water-blue orb. The bead was the size of a basketball and was suspended in the air. Stars flickered out of it, and finally condensed into an impact, like a 3D projection!

The picture shows the ancestral land of the Long family!

In the center is a huge lake. In the middle of the lake, there is an island with a radius of a hundred miles. Around the lake, nine mountains are like nine real dragons, guarding the lake!

In the field of Feng Shui, this kind of Feng Shui is called the Nine Dragons Guarding One Pearl, which is a sign of the Nine-Five Lord!

As soon as everyone saw the picture clearly, they saw a golden claw appearing in the picture, falling from the sky and shooting towards the ancestral land of the Long family!


The nine mountain ranges of the Long family's ancestral land, plus the lake, were like paper mache, crushed in an instant and turned into powder!

The entire land covering an area of ​​700 miles was sunk, and a terrifying canyon appeared in place!


Hearing this, everyone present almost jumped up in shock, looked at each other, and couldn't help but take a breath!

I only heard the spy from Taichu Holy Land continue: "Holy Lord, this is what happened in the Long Family's ancestral land a quarter of an hour ago, and it was recorded! The Long Family is completely finished!"

"It's not that Lin Wudi doesn't care about the Long family, it's that the Long family has been completely wiped out!"

Emperor Xin, the head of the Taikoo family and the Di family, opened his mouth, his mouth filled with bitterness!

The Holy King of Central Continent is dead!

The ancestral land of the Long family was sunk by a mysterious creature on the spot!

The Ning family and the Feng family were disbanded on the spot!

The news was like a tornado, sweeping across the entire land of Central Continent. The Holy King of Central Continent, who was said to be invincible for ten thousand years, unexpectedly died in the hands of Lin Nan. Three Taikoo families disappeared directly, the major holy places, the Taikoo family, and the super sect. Shocked!

"what is going on?"

The masters of these major religions passed the news back, and the supreme elders of the major religions or the ancestors in seclusion were completely shocked after hearing the news!

"The Holy King of Central Continent has left seclusion and arrived at the city lord's palace in Yuan City..."

These great sect leaders did not dare to neglect and told everything that happened in Yuancheng without missing a single detail!

"how so?"

"The Holy King is dead?"

"Three of the Taikoo family were completely wiped out?"

"How can it be!"

These supreme elders, secluded ancestors, old holy masters, and others behaved exactly the same after hearing the news. They were all shocked!

However, this is the fact. Even if everyone cannot accept it, it is all true!

The turmoil intensified, and almost everyone in Central Continent remembered these three words!

"Lin Wudi!"

The terrifying power displayed by Lin Nan shocked Zhongzhou!

Yuancheng, outside the Shengdan Pavilion!

"The Holy Lord Taichu asks to see you!"

"The Holy Lord of Purple Mansion asks to see you!"

"The Lord of the Sky Eagle Sect, I would like to see Senior Lin. I hope you can trouble me and let me know!"

"The Lord of the Imperial Family..."

"The head of the Ji family..."

Outside the Shengdan Pavilion, countless forces took pictures of their representatives and came to see Lin Nan, hoping to see him!

Among these people, there are many familiar faces. Holy Lord Taichu, Yan Qingxian, Di Xin, Ji Huanyu, Jiang Yuntian and others are all among them. They are all standing outside the door of Shengdan Pavilion with amazingly powerful auras. !

Ouyang Anyan was almost stunned. When had Shengdan Pavilion ever been so beautiful? Let these big shots with astonishing backgrounds stand waiting outside the gate!

Ouyang Anyan ran non-stop and ran outside the courtyard where Lin Nan lived. He was already sweating profusely. With his cultivation level, even if he walked ten thousand miles continuously, he would not be sweating profusely. The reason why he was like this was entirely because of excitement!


Lin Nan was standing under a big tree, pushing the swing. Lin Momo and Ling'er were sitting on the swing, singing children's songs, very comfortable!

Liu Ruqing was in the distance, cutting fruit, Leng Yan and Wang Xuewei were helping nearby, and Lin Canghai stood aside, waiting for orders at any time!

No one can imagine that this man pushing the swing with a doting smile on his face is the person that the holy masters, family heads, and heads of the great religions in the outside world are all asking to see at this moment!

"Senior Lin, many important people from the outside world are here, hoping to meet you!"

Ouyang Anyan came to Lin Nan!

"not see!"

Lin Nan only said one sentence, and his tone was very calm!

"Senior Lin, Holy Master Taichu and Holy Master Zifu are all outside! There are also other super great sects, the heads of the Taigu Family, the Emperor Family, and the Ji Family, they are all here, waiting outside just to see you..." Ouyang An Yan explained quickly.

I'm afraid only Lin Nan, such a big shot, dares to let them wait outside!

Ordinary people, who would dare to do this?

Only Lin Nan, with his terrifying reputation, has this kind of face!

"The master said he couldn't see you, just go back and report it!"

When Lin Canghai saw Ouyang Anyan and still wanted to speak, he took a step forward and blocked the way!

He knew that in Lin Nan's eyes, the Lord of the Holy Land, the Ancient Family, and the Super Great Religion were not as important as his own daughter!

"But... wouldn't it be bad? What should those big shots do if they have objections?" Ouyang Anyan asked hesitantly.


Lin Canghai smiled proudly and said disdainfully: "Go and ask them, do they dare to have any objections?"

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