Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 938 What if Lin Nan dies directly in another world?

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In the villa area of ​​Jiangnan Liu family!

Today, the Liu family, relying on Lin Nan's prestige, is already the largest family in Jiangnan. There are seven or eight listed companies with assets exceeding hundreds of billions. Together with the Li family of Hong Kong Island and the Ye family of Yanjing, they are also known as the three Chinese families. big family!

Whether it is domestic or international, any country or multinational group will give the green light all the way after hearing about the Liu Group, and many international super consortiums are willing to do business with the Liu Group!

This is the Liu family's wish to become one of the three major families in China in a very short period of time!

But at this moment, everyone in the Liu family gathered together, frowning!

Liu Anguo and Shen Qingxue sat in the first place. Although Liu Xinyuan, Liu Haichuan, Liu Shiming and others once competed with Liu Anguo for power, no one dared to do anything to Liu Anguo and Shen Qingxue because of Lin Nan. !

Moreover, because the Liu family is now so big, several of them control international listed companies and are worth a lot of money!

The younger generation of the Liu family, Liu Minghui, Liu Qianqian, Liu Mei and others, also work in the family. Although they were hostile to Lin Nan in the past, when they learned about Lin Nan's terrifying strength, the trace of jealousy in their hearts disappeared. Disappeared without a trace!

"Uncle, a few days ago, our handling fee for the containers of Sino-Ocean Group increased by 20%, and they are planning to re-draw the contract. The president of Sino-Ocean Group said that the profit distribution needs to be re-divided!"

Reported by Liu Minghui.

"Several CEOs of Nebula Real Estate didn't even accept my toast a few days ago. They also made some excuses and said that the dividends of those companies need to be re-determined!"

Liu Qianqian sighed lightly!

"And Hongsheng Group..."

"And Qingyuan Group..."

"And Poly Group..."

Everyone in the Liu family was chattering away with anger on their faces!

When these people did business with the Liu family before, they greeted everyone with smiles. I wonder how many benefits they got from being here with the Liu family!

But Lin Nan didn't show up for nearly a year, and these people all seemed to have forgotten Lin Nan's existence!

"This is nothing. Even the rich people in Jiangnan have violated our Liu family openly and secretly. They are extremely respectful on the surface, but in private, many people have been unable to drive them. They say one thing and secretly say another. In fact, It's so irritating!" Liu Shiming said angrily.

It was obviously a family annual meeting, but the state and atmosphere of the Liu family were very heavy!

"Qingxue, where did Lin Nan go?"

"Yes! And Ruqing, who has stopped reading, brought back a daughter out of nowhere. Is that daughter Lin Nan's child?"

"None of these are important. What's important is where is Lin Nan? If he doesn't show up to scare these people, I'm afraid our Liu family will become more and more sad!"

Several uncles from the Liu family said, sighing!

Shen Qingxue looked calm and shook her head: "I don't know where Ru Qing and Lin Nan have gone, but don't worry, nothing big will happen! Those people are just testing. If Lin Nan really comes back, I’m afraid these people will change their attitude immediately!”

Of course Shen Qingxue knew where Lin Nan had gone!

However, she had no way to contact Lin Nan!

Seeing Shen Qingxue's calm look, everyone in the Liu family sighed!

At this moment, a strong registration voice came from outside the hall:

"Chairman Wang of Sino-Ocean Group is here!"

"Ocean Group? Wang Xianzhong?" Liu Xinyuan's face sank slightly!

At the same time, a hearty laughter came!

"Hahaha! Everyone is staying well. Taking advantage of the Chinese New Year, Mr. Wang came uninvited to pay you New Year greetings. I hope you don't blame me, Mr. Wang, for being abrupt!"

Everyone in the Liu family looked towards the entrance of the hall. Following the sound, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes slowly walked in surrounded by a group of wealthy people!

"Wang Xianzhong, what are you doing here?"

Liu Anguo said displeased: "Today is a family meeting of my Liu family. Isn't it inappropriate for you to come uninvited?"


Wang Xianzhong chuckled, walked into the hall minding his own business, shook his head and said: "No! No! It happened to be that everyone was here, and I, Wang, came at the right time. If everyone was not at home, , some things are hard to talk about, don’t you think so?”

"Mr. Wang is right!"

Beside Wang Xianzhong, another rich man with a big belly immediately nodded in agreement!

"Yes, your Liu family is now a big family, and you are all very busy people. If I hadn't taken advantage of the Chinese New Year to visit, I don't know when I would be able to see you!"

"You, the Liu family, are now a wealthy family. Do you look down on people like us now?"

"The Liu Group's current market value is hundreds of billions. Isn't it normal to look down on us little fools?"

Several other wealthy people also nodded and said with half-smiles.


Liu Anguo snorted coldly, looked at Wang Xianzhong, and said in a deep voice: "Wang Xianzhong, if you come here uninvited like this, are you not afraid of Lin Nan?"

"Lin Nan?"

Hearing these two words, Wang Xianzhong's expression turned slightly normal, but he soon regained his composure. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said amusingly: "If Lin Nan came back, he would have come back long ago, why wait until now? "

"Don't think that I don't know. I have obtained the information. Lin Nan has left the earth a long time ago and went to another world from the Tianmen of Kunlun Mountain. Do you think he can come back in a year and a half?"

Wang Xianzhong said, the smile on his face became even thicker!

"Besides, what if he dies in another world? These are all uncertain things! What do you think?"

Wang Xianzhong glanced around, and the group of rich people he brought all laughed, and the laughter was extremely hearty!


"What if Lin Nan dies directly in another world?"

"Ha ha!"

"I've heard that few people who enter the Tianmen can come back. Lin Nan is invincible on earth, but in another world, is he still invincible? Maybe he has too much time to take care of himself. How can he still have time to take care of it? Things about the earth?”

These rich men smiled, and the mockery in their eyes became more and more obvious. They had fully understood all the situations, so they dared to visit the Liu family's door today. Otherwise, as long as Lin Nan's majesty was still there, how could they dare to make a mistake?

"Then why are you still here at Liu's house?"

A young man from the Liu family couldn't help but ask.

"What? Haha! When Lin Nan was here, is it time to spit out the benefits that your Liu family took away? There are some things that don't belong to you! When Lin Nan was here, we had nothing to say, but now Lin Nan is gone , do you really think that you can continue to take advantage of the Liu family’s interests? Are you not afraid of being strangled to death? "

Wang Xianzhong grinned, completely showing his fangs!

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