Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 940 You talk too much nonsense!

"Lin...Lin Nan?"

Hearing this voice, Wang Xianzhong's body visibly stiffened, and then he turned back in surprise and looked towards the entrance of the hall!

Not only Wang Xianzhong, but also the other rich and powerful men present were all shocked. Cold sweat suddenly poured out from their foreheads, and they felt a little confused!

When Lin Nan was still in Jiangnan, he was the god in almost everyone's hearts. No one dared to disobey or go beyond the realm of possibility!

Unexpectedly, Lin Nan would come back at this juncture?

"Mr. Wang, don't... don't be afraid... maybe this is a trick by the Liu family. Lin Nan has disappeared for more than a year. According to reliable information, he left the earth from the Tianmen of Kunlun Mountain and went to another world. Why? Maybe you're going home to celebrate the New Year? Do you think going to another world is just to play house?" said the rich man named Wan Kuncheng.

His tone was a bit stuttering at first, but the more he spoke, the more confident he became!

When Wang Xianzhong heard this, the worry in his heart disappeared without a trace in an instant!


Lin Nan has gone to another world and left the earth. How could he come back to celebrate the New Year?

"Liu Anguo, your method is too low-level, isn't it?" Wang Xianzhong looked at Liu Anguo and Shen Qingxue!

"We are not using any means!"

Shen Qingxue chuckled lightly!

At this moment, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing walked into the hall of the Liu family side by side. Seeing Lin Nan's familiar face, Wang Xianzhong was so frightened that his legs weakened and he almost knelt down!

Upon seeing this, the other rich people turned pale in an instant, lowered their heads in fear, and did not dare to look at Lin Nan's face!

‘Lin Nan? The legendary Mr. Jiang Nanlin? ’

Li Xunze was the only one who raised his eyebrows slightly. He had heard of Lin Nan's reputation, but he had never seen Lin Nan himself!

‘He is an ordinary person, why are everyone so afraid of him? ’

Li Xunze was thinking secretly in his heart!

Liu Ruqing seemed not to notice everyone, and trotted all the way lively, came to Shen Qingxue, and threw herself into Shen Qingxue's arms!

"Mom, I'm back!"

The moment they saw Lin Nan, everyone in the Liu family breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the hall with half-smiles at the group of wealthy people who were restless and had nowhere to put their hands and feet!

"What's wrong? Do you still know that you're coming back to see mom?"

Shen Qingxue stretched out a finger and flicked it lightly on Liu Ruqing's forehead!

"Hehe, am I back now?"

Liu Ruqing laughed coquettishly, and then realized that everyone in the hall asked strangely: "Mom, why are there so many people?"

"Oh, we are preparing to hold the annual meeting today!" Shen Qingxue explained with a smile.

"Annual meeting?"

Liu Ruqing nodded thoughtfully. According to tradition, those big families would find a good opportunity to hold an annual meeting at the end of every year!

The Liu family is now considered a wealthy family, one of the three major families in China. There are many strange faces coming to the annual meeting, and Liu Ruqing feels normal!

Shen Qingxue smiled softly, her eyes fell on Wang Xianzhong, and said: "Mr. Wang, we can continue talking about the contract and profit distribution you just mentioned!"

‘Continue talking? Lin Nan is back, how can we talk! Am I looking for death? ’

Wang Xianzhong had the urge to curse!

‘Damn it, didn’t news come out that he went to another world? Won't he never come back? Why did this critical moment appear? ’


Wang Xianzhong's old face alternated between green and red. He coughed twice in embarrassment and said with a smile: "Ms. Shen, I don't think there's any need to talk about it. The previous profits were pretty good, and we think they're pretty good!"

"Yes! We think it's great!"

"Mr. Wang, let's go back first!"

The group of wealthy people behind Wang Xianzhong all nodded and trembled. How could they dare to stay long after Lin Nan appeared?

"My mother is about to give birth. I have to go to the hospital to take care of her!" said a fat and rich man.

"Haha? Your mother is going to give birth to a baby? How expensive are you this year?" A young man from the Liu family sneered!

"Weren't you arrogant just now? You want 50% of the profits of our Liu Group?"

"We also need the shipping agency rights of Dajiang, and even the real estate development rights of Jiangnan. Why are we leaving now?"

Everyone in the Liu family was talking in a hurry.

Lin Nan glanced at everyone indifferently. He probably understood what these people came to Liu's house for!

"Mr. Lin, spare your life, it's because we were blinded by lard that we think this way!"

"Mr. Lin, we know we were wrong. We will leave immediately. If we dare to have second thoughts in the future, we guarantee that we will not die well!"

Seeing Wang Xianzhong and other rich men glanced at by Lin Nan, they were so frightened that they knelt down!

Only Li Xunze was still standing there. He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes and looked very bright, so he was very eye-catching among a group of standing rich people!

"Li Xunze, what are you doing? Kneel down quickly!"

Wang Xianzhong's voice was trembling!

"Mr. Wang, are you too courageous? I think this Lin Nan is just an ordinary person. What's so great about him? Everything we do is the intention of the Jin family!" Li Xunze shook his head gently. .

"If we just go back like this, how will we explain to the Jin family?"

Wang Xianzhong's old face was completely pale!

"The Jin family?"

Lin Nan finally spoke!


Li Xunze nodded proudly, stared at Lin Nan and said, "Changbai Mountain Jin Family!"

"Mom, what is the origin of this Jin family? Why have I never heard of it before?" Liu Ruqing asked doubtfully.

Shen Qingxue solemnly said: "They claim to be the descendants of the royal family. Before the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, the Aixinjueluo family was a royal family that stayed outside the customs. The head of their family was known as the Dragon Lord. He suddenly appeared in the past six months. Just now As soon as I took action, I gathered many big families in China into my pocket. I didn’t expect that they would take action against our Liu family so quickly!”

"Haha! Since you know this, why don't you submit?" Li Xunze laughed confidently!

"I am the representative of the Jin family, responsible for gathering the forces in Jiangnan. As long as your Liu family surrenders, I guarantee..."

"You talk too much nonsense!"

Lin Nan shook his head gently and flicked his fingers!


Li Xunze was only halfway through his words when he saw a flash of light and his voice suddenly stopped!

A hole as thick as a finger appeared between his eyebrows, and Lin Nan had penetrated his head directly, killing him on the spot!

He never thought that Lin Nan would kill him directly!


When Wang Xianzhong and other wealthy people saw this, their faces turned pale with fright. They kowtowed one by one like pounding garlic, making the floor of Liu's house bang!

"Bang bang bang!"

"Mr. Lin, spare your life!"

Everyone was horrified. The original divine method appeared again!

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