Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 949 His surname is Lin! For the rest, you can guess by yourself!

About half an hour later.

There was a commotion at the entrance of the box where Lin Nan and others were, and Liu Minghui, led by several waiters, slowly walked into the box!

"Minghui, you're here!"

Seeing Liu Minghui arriving at the scene, Gu Cheng immediately stood up from the sofa and walked up with a smile on his face!

Liu Minghui was able to come here entirely because of the Gu family behind Gu Cheng. The Gu family has risen very quickly in the past two years and has become a member of the upstarts in Jiangnan!

If Liu Minghui needs to gain a foothold in the Liu family, the support of these rich people is indispensable, and the Gu family also needs the support of the Liu family to continue to grow and gain a firm foothold in Jiangnan!

Therefore, Liu Minghui and Gu Cheng have a good relationship and often communicate together!

"Master Liu!"

Zhou Wenli and a group of friends also greeted each other with smiles and their eyes were extremely fiery!

You must know that the Liu family is now at its peak and ranks as the second largest family in China. Countless people have no time to curry favor with them. This opportunity to meet the core direct descendants of the Liu family is even harder than reaching the sky!

Now that Liu Minghui is here, who wouldn't want to go up and become familiar with him?

"What's going on? I heard you say on the phone that someone was pretending to be a relative of the Liu family and was cheating?" Liu Minghui frowned!

"No way! That woman was dressed in fake clothes and said she was from the Liu family. Mr. Liu, you have to take a closer look and see who dares to pretend to be a member of your Liu family. You can't let the reputation of the Liu family be ruined by such rubbish." It’s corrupted!” Zhou Wenli said quickly.

Liu Minghui smiled faintly, nodded and said, "This is natural. If someone ruins the reputation of my Liu family, I will definitely take care of it!"

"Where are the people?"

"Here! Right over there, still chatting pretending to be calm!" Zhou Wenli stretched out her delicate chin and pointed at the booth not far away!

I saw.

Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing, and Wei Anran were sitting in the booths, talking and laughing among themselves!

Liu Ruqing and Wei Anran had not seen each other for more than a year, and they were in high spirits. They were talking about what had happened in the past year. The two women talked a lot, and Lin Nan couldn't get in the conversation at all, so he could only listen quietly from the side!


After Liu Minghui saw Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, his body visibly stiffened, and the smile on his face completely froze!

"Minghui, if it's really a relative of your Liu family, I won't make it too difficult for you. Just ask them to apologize to my girlfriend, and forget it!"

Gu Cheng said with a smile.

He is a good person. If Liu Minghui comes to the scene and proves that Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing are really relatives of the Liu family, and they make people kneel down to apologize, wouldn't they slap Liu Minghui in the face in public? Gu Cheng is not a fool!


Liu Minghui turned around suddenly and slapped Gu Cheng in the face with his backhand. His eyes were red and bloodshot, like an angry beast!

"Are you fucking crazy? How dare you ask him to apologize?"

Liu Minghui lowered his voice out of fear, and his voice was trembling!

Everyone in the audience looked at Liu Minghui in horror!

Gu Cheng looked confused, his handsome face full of disbelief and horror. Zhou Wenli beside him was even more stunned, never expecting that Liu Minghui would suddenly take action!

"Minghui... what on earth... happened?" Gu Cheng asked foolishly.

At this moment, Lin Nan's calm voice came:

"Now that you're here, let's deal with this matter!"

Liu Minghui was startled. He didn't have time to reply to Gu Cheng's words. He hurriedly ran all the way and came to Lin Nan's booth. He bowed slightly, not daring to breathe a word, and his legs were trembling slightly!

"Please give me your orders!"

"What is the origin of this Gu family? Why haven't I heard of it before?" Lin Nan asked lightly.

"The Gu family used to be a small third-tier family. In the past two years, the head of the Gu family, Gu Tingsheng, has been very lucky. He has listed his company on the market. After cooperating with our Liu family, in just over a year, the family assets have increased dozens of times. Now they are in Jiangnan. One piece, ranked seventeenth on the rich list!" Liu Minghui explained quickly, not daring to omit a word!

Seeing Liu Minghui's attitude, a group of people in the distance were completely shocked!

No matter how stupid they are, they still know that the identities of Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing are definitely not simple. I am afraid they are not only the core direct descendants of the Liu family, but also more core than the core!

Gu Cheng's face turned pale. Thinking of what he had just said, he felt extremely regretful!

His girlfriend Zhou Wenli was so frightened that she sat on the ground, trembling!

"Oh? Are you still cooperating with the Liu Group? From now on, all cooperation with the Gu family will be terminated! Including all companies, enterprises, and industrial chains of the Gu family, the Liu Group will no longer have any dealings with them!"

"At the same time, the order is passed. Anyone who is attached to the Liu Group is prohibited from having any cooperation with the Gu family!" Lin Nan announced calmly!

His words completely sentenced the Gu family to death!

"I know...I know. I will release the news immediately after I return. Do you have any other instructions?"

Liu Minghui nodded. He Hui knew that the Gu family was completely finished!

"What is the situation of Wei Anran's family? She is Ruqing's best friend. She will try to help the Wei family wherever she can. I don't want to find that the Wei family is still a third-rate family when I come back next time. Do you understand? ?" Lin Nan frowned.

Hearing this, Wei Anran trembled all over and looked at Lin Nan in surprise, with an expression of ecstasy on her pretty face!

Lin Nan's words directly determined the future of the Wei family!


Liu Minghui didn't dare to say anything and could only nod his head frequently. The man in front of him made the whole world tremble. Who dared to refute him?

"Okay, now that everything is settled, let's go eat first. Cousin, is there any good place to eat in this hotel?" Liu Ruqing asked with a smile.

Liu Minghui quickly smiled and said: "Of course, I will have someone prepare the box right away!"

As he spoke, Liu Minghui took out his mobile phone, dialed a number and said, "I'm Liu Minghui. Arrange the best dining room for me immediately!"

"Dr. Liu and Jay Chou are already eating inside! Tell them to get lost and I'll finish it within three minutes!"

Liu Minghui scolded!

After hanging up the phone, Liu Minghui respectfully asked Lin Nan and others to walk out of the box and headed towards the upper floors of the Imperial Hotel!


Before Liu Minghui left, Gu Cheng couldn't help but call out to him!

"He...who is he? And what he said just now was a joke, right?"

"Are you kidding? Haha!"

Liu Minghui sneered, shook his head, and said amusedly: "Gu Cheng, you'd better go home and tell your father so that he can prepare the Gu family's escape plan!"

"As for who he is? I can only tell you that his surname is Lin! You can guess the rest by yourself!"

After saying this, Liu Minghui turned and left!

"Last name is Lin?"

Gu Cheng's face was filled with endless doubts, but then his whole body trembled, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he fell to the ground on the spot, his face turned pale!

He thought of a person named Lin!

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