Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 958 Lin Canghai obeys the order——!


The old man in a dark red Tang suit fell to the ground with a clatter of the jade fan in his hand, which was particularly harsh in the dead silence of the manor!

The faces of the other rich people all had different expressions!

Some were surprised, some were scared, some were shocked, and some were horrified, but most of the faces showed surprise!

"He...how could he be back!"

Hu Nianxu said in disbelief.

"It's not that he went to the high martial arts world. That gate of heaven is the gate of hell. Not many people who go in can come back. Why did he come back!" The rich man with a big belly also exclaimed in disbelief!

"Are you sure? He is the one from Jiangnan?"

Sun Shiru's face also turned a little sallow!

More than a year ago, he was just a small rich man and had no access to this level. However, among the rich and powerful men above him, everyone talked about Mr. Lin's lust!

Even the Han family, the first family in Tianhai City back then, was extremely respectful to Lin Nan and worshiped him like a god!

"It's definitely him, and I've already inquired about the news from Jiangnan. It's true that Mr. Lin is back!" Old Liu lowered his voice, his voice trembling slightly.

"What did he come back for?"

Sun Shiru asked subconsciously!

"According to people in Jiangnan, this Mr. Lin seems to have brought his woman back to the Liu family for the New Year..." Old Liu explained.

"Come back for the New Year?"

When everyone heard this, they all felt incredible. Is going to another world child's play? Come back right away?

In everyone's minds, Lin Nan went to the high martial arts world and could not come back for ten or eight years, so he dared to follow the orders of the Jin family and deal with the Han family!

Ten or eight years later, when they have grown stronger and everything has settled, Mr. Lin and Mr. Li, these people are not afraid at all!


Lin Nan suddenly came back, and Sun Shiru, Hu Nianxu and others panicked!

"What should I do? What should I do?"

The rich man with a big belly turned pale with fright, and said in horror: "I have seen Mr. Lin from a distance before. This man kills without blinking an eye! And he kills at will. When he was in Dongdu City, Mr. Han's family was killed." Kill them all, young and old, and in the end, Mr. Han has to surrender to this man!"

"This is the revenge of killing a son. Mr. Han can put down his hatred and surrender. Think about it, how terrifying this young man is!"

The rich man with a big belly almost peeed in fear. His arms were trembling and he couldn't stand firm at all!

If the men next to him hadn't helped him up, he would have fallen to the ground!

"Don't panic! Don't panic!"

The man in a dark red Tang suit picked up the jade fan he had dropped from the ground and fanned himself calmly, but everyone saw it and his hands were shaking!

"Can you not panic? Even the Dragon Team can't do anything to this guy. If he kills him directly, can our heads be saved?" Hu Nianxu's eyes widened and he jumped on the spot anxiously!

"Damn it, it's all your son's fault. Why did you do anything wrong? You had to provoke that god of murder. Now it's over!"

Hu Nianxu said, glaring at Sun Shiru fiercely!

Sun Shiru also turned pale. He had also collected a lot of information about Lin Nan, but the more information he collected, the deeper his fear of Lin Nan became!

I originally thought that Lin Nan would not appear on Earth in a short time, but who would have known that he would come back after disappearing for only a year!

Sun Shiru's mind was constantly turning, thinking of countermeasures!

Finally, a terrifying killing intent burst out in his eyes!

"In this case, the only way is to strike first!"

"What are you going to do?"

Everyone present was shocked and looked at Sun Shiru in surprise!

On the other side, Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing, Chu Yao, Chu Qiong and others were still in the box of Tianying International Hotel!

After listening to Chu Qiong's explanation, Lin Nan realized that the Han family, the largest family in Tianhai City, had been completely destroyed more than half a year ago. The Han family also fell apart instantly, and the stocks of several multinational companies collapsed one after another. , was shorted by another group of rich people, accelerating the demise of the Han family!

"So, many rich people in Tianhai City are involved in dealing with the Han family?" Lin Nan frowned!

"Boss, I don't know about this. I only know that things were very violent at that time. The news has said it many times. At that time, the price of the Han family's stock kept falling every day. All kinds of investors rushed to sell the Han family. Stocks!" Chu Yao shook her head, as if recalling the situation at that time!

"In the end, many investors ran to the door of Han's house to cause trouble, which made it to the news many times and caused a very bad impact!"

"Many businesses of the Han family have also been affected. The old man of the Han family also died suddenly. The Han family suddenly lost its backbone and was completely over!" At this point, Chu Yao shook her head!

"The current Han family is not even comparable to a third-rate small family. There is only a small company left, which is running miserably..."

"The father of Sun Sun Rui just now was developed after the fall of the Han family... In the past, Sun Sun Rui's father seemed to be a small boss under Mr. Han!" Chu Qiong looked at Lin Nan's face, and she became more and more confused. The uglier it gets!

"Haha! These people really don't know how to live or die!"

Lin Nan sneered. Han Zhongyan was his subordinate who supported him with one hand, although Lin Nan basically didn't care much about the development of the Han family!

All he wants is an obedient Han Zhongyan!

But that doesn’t mean that Lin Nan’s supportive men can be manipulated by others!

How long had it passed before the Han family was almost destroyed? Even Han Zhongyan is dead?

"Lin Canghai obeys the order!"

Suddenly, Lin Nan shouted softly!

Thousands of kilometers away, in a luxurious manor somewhere in the Philippines!

Lin Canghai was visiting the manor, and there was a group of royal family members from the Philippines nearby who were carefully accompanying him. After Lin Canghai returned to the Philippines, it only took him an hour to take back all the power that had previously belonged to him!

On today's earth, even if a fairy is born, he is no match for Lin Canghai!

The mere Philippines is not taken seriously by Lin Canghai at all!

"Grandmaster Lin, are you satisfied with this manor? If you are satisfied, from today on, this will be the residence of your family!" A middle-aged man in luxurious clothes said respectfully with a slight stoop.

Although Lin Canghai's strength has far exceeded the master level!

However, these people still call him that, Grandmaster Lin!

"not bad!"

Lin Canghai nodded lightly and said: "That's it. I have pursued martial arts all my life and have never married. However, my brothers and sisters will have the same status in the Philippines as me. If I find out in the future, do you dare to attack my family?" There is no respect for people at all, you should know the fate of those people, right?"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked!

Just two days ago, Lin Canghai had just returned to the Philippines and carried out a thunderous purge. Anyone who disobeyed him was killed on the spot!

Even the royal family of the Philippines bowed their heads!


All the princes, nobles, and super-rich people present nodded their heads!

But at this moment, the void trembled!

"Lin Canghai obeys the order——!"

The sound came like thunder, exploding from the sky, making people deafening!

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