Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 967 Here! Those two vixens!

Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing had just returned to the coffee shop when Lin Canghai walked up!

"Master, Han Zhongyan personally sent an invitation. If you are not here, I will accept it first!"

"He said that there will be a lively cruise party on the high seas outside Tianhai City tonight. If you are interested, you can go and have fun!"

Lin Canghai respectfully handed over the invitation sent by Han Zhongyan!

"Cruise party?"

Liu Ruqing looked a little interested!

In many countries, not just China, there are public waters. Once on the public waters, no laws of any country can touch it!

On most of these cruise ships, there will be some gray industries, such as casinos, underground arenas, etc., things that can make people's blood boil!

"Lin Nan, do you remember? The first time we went to Hong Kong Island, we met Lin Canghai on a cruise ship!"

Liu Ruqing looked back at Lin Nan.

"How could I forget? Everything is vivid in my mind!"

Lin Nan stood there with a gentle smile!

"Haha! I still remember, when Lin Canghai wanted to challenge you, Lin Canghai was so arrogant at that time, we all thought he was a super master!" Liu Ruqing smiled excitedly.

"Lin Canghai, what about you? Do you remember?"

Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Canghai with a smile!

"Mistress, don't mention the past things again. The old slave didn't know Taishan, and he dared to challenge the master!"

Lin Canghai's old face was filled with embarrassment!

Back then, he was a martial arts master, worshiped by the Philippine royal family, and responsible for protecting the son of a certain prince. Lin Canghai thought that Lin Nan was just an ordinary person, so he challenged him!

Who would have known that Lin Nan only made one move, and in the blink of an eye, he was able to destroy his martial arts master, shocking the entire audience!

Lin Canghai later found Lin Nan and wanted to become his servant, but to his surprise, Lin Nan actually agreed!

Lin Canghai felt that this was the most correct decision he had ever made in his life!

If he hadn't chosen to recognize Lin Nan as his master, I'm afraid he would still be a little grandmaster in the Philippines until now. He would have to be trapped on earth for the rest of his life. How would he have any chance to go to the world of high martial arts or even the underworld?

While they were talking, Chu Yao and Chu Qiong just finished their audition and returned to the coffee shop!

"Huh? Boss, Sister Ruqing, do you also have an invitation to tonight's cruise party?"

Chu Qiong's eyes were very sharp, and she immediately saw the invitation in Liu Ruqing's hand!

"We have some too!"

As he said that, Chu Qiong also took out the invitation card from his handbag, shook it in his hand, and said with a smile: "I heard that many dignitaries, as well as big stars in the entertainment industry, and celebrities at home and abroad, are appearing in On the cruise tonight!”

"No, boss, your invitation seems to be of a much higher standard than ours!" Chu Qiong said strangely.

"What's so strange about this? Who is the boss? Is it strange that the invitation is of a higher standard than ours? Silly girl!"

Chu Yao tapped Chu Qiong hard on the forehead!


Liu Ruqing selected the most perfect match among a lot of clothes she bought during the day, and then put on the coat worth three million US dollars!

Wearing a pair of slender high heels on her long and slender calves, wherever she stood, a proud queen was brought to life by Liu Ruqing!

As soon as Liu Ruqing walked out of the room, Chu Yao and Chu Qiong's eyes suddenly widened!

"Wow! Sister Ruqing, you are so beautiful!"

"This is so beautiful!"

Although Chu Yao and Chu Qiong were also wearing evening gowns, they looked like two pure swans!

However, compared with Liu Ruqing, it seems a bit lackluster, not on the same level at all!

Lin Nan was also wearing a suit, matching his slender and well-proportioned figure. When he stood next to Liu Ruqing, anyone would admire them, what a golden boy and girl!

"Master, the car is ready and ready to go at any time!"

Lin Canghai came over and said respectfully.

He was wearing a decent tuxedo, white gloves, and his hair was combed meticulously, just like a loyal old servant!

"It's getting late, let's set off!" Lin Nan nodded slightly.

After everyone got into the car one after another, Lin Canghai drove towards the port east of Tianhai City. At seven o'clock in the evening, the huge cruise ship would stop at the port and leave the port on time at eight o'clock, heading for the high seas. !

According to the route on the invitation, the cruise ship will sail on the high seas all night until it returns to the port of Tianhai City at eight o'clock tomorrow morning!

When they arrived at the port, everyone discovered that the entrance to the cruise ship was covered with red carpet, and reporters and paparazzi were everywhere, taking pictures with cameras!

The entire port scene was like an Oscar awards ceremony. There were people everywhere, well-dressed, and many of them were big stars in the Chinese entertainment industry!

Lin Canghai stepped forward, took out the invitation, and was immediately respectfully invited onto the cruise ship!

Because Liu Ruqing was so dazzling, she was noticed by many people as soon as she stepped on the deck of the cruise ship!

Most of the people who can board this cruise ship tonight are socialites or respectable social elites!

Although none of the big names who arrived first, and some of the rich locals in Tianhai City did not appear on the deck, there were several big directors in the entertainment industry, or top stars, who were surrounded by a group of people at the moment. Talking and laughing, he can be considered a heavyweight!


One of the women, who looked to be in her thirties, raised her eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "It's the two of them!"

"What's wrong? Sister Zhi?"

Several people nearby asked suspiciously.

This woman in her thirties, named Ni Yunzhi, is a big star from TVB on Hong Kong Island. In the past two years, she has come to the mainland to develop. Due to her wide network of contacts, she has filmed many TV series and movies!

But just at noon today, she was suddenly told that the script for the heroine had been decided, but director Feng Dagang had temporarily replaced her. As for the reason, Ni Yunzhi didn't know yet!

And the people who were replaced were actually Chu Yao and Chu Qiong, who were supposed to play the roles of his personal maid and maid!

After Ni Yunzhi learned the news, his face turned green with anger!

I didn’t expect to see Chu Yao and Chu Qiong on this cruise ship tonight!

"Didn't I tell you that a costume script I negotiated half a year ago was robbed of the heroine at noon today!"

Ni Yunzhi had a gloomy face, stretched out her delicate chin, and pointed at Chu Yao and Chu Qiong!

"Here! They are just two vixens! I don't know what tricks they used, but they dared to steal my show at such a young age. If they are allowed to grow stronger in the future, where will our status be in the entertainment industry?"

Listening to Ni Yunzhi's words, several people around him couldn't help but frown!

The most taboo thing in the entertainment industry is to steal other people's scripts. Chu Yao and Chu Qiong are newcomers who have just debuted. Without any works, they can actually steal Ni Yunzhi's script?

It's easy to think of some dirty deals here!

"Haha, Sister Zhi! With your status, the script can be snatched away. Do you want to swallow this?" asked a second-tier actress.

"So what if I can't swallow it?"

Ni Yunzhi glanced at this person lightly!

"Sister Zhi, I am willing to help you to stop your bad temper today. I just want you to help me a little bit when filming next time!" This second-tier actress immediately volunteered!

Ni Yunzhi's eyes flickered slightly. With her status, if Sister Zhi took action against the two newcomers, she would be criticized!

But if others are allowed to take action, Ni Yunzhi will have no such scruples!

"Next month, I'm going to shoot a spy film, and the assistant director said there's a shortage of a female agent. I think you'd be a good fit!" Ni Yunzhi said with a smile, speaking concisely and to the point.

"I know! Sister Zhi, just wait and see the good show!" This second-tier actress smiled meaningfully!

Then, she turned around and walked slowly towards Lin Nan and others, with an imperceptible sneer on her lips!

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