Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 969 Oh? Who is your master?


Upon hearing this sound, everyone present frowned and looked in the direction of the source of the sound!

I saw.

Lin Canghai, wearing a tuxedo, stood in the distance with his hands behind his back, like a rock. He stood there with his sharp eyes scanning everyone present!

"Uncle Lin!"

Chu Yao and Chu Qiong seemed to have grasped at straws after seeing Lin Canghai!

"We really didn't mean it! They don't believe us, Uncle Lin, you must believe us!"

"Oh! You two!"

Lin Canghai sighed lightly, shook his head and said:

"You are still too naive! It's obvious that they deliberately set it up to deceive you. Why are you stupidly justifying it?"

Chu Yao and Chu Qiong were both stunned!

When Liu Qiuna heard this, her face changed slightly and she said angrily: "What are you talking about? It was clearly Chu Qiong who spilled the red wine on Sister Zhi's skirt. How could it be a frame-up? Could it be that I asked her to splash it? ?”

Lin Canghai grinned, showing his white teeth, and looked at Liu Qiuna with deep meaning!

"I'll give you a chance to tell everyone the truth now. You just need to kneel down and apologize, and the matter will be over!"

Seeing Lin Canghai's smile, Liu Qiuna's heart shrank slightly and she muttered a little!


But she had no intention of changing her words and said funnyly: "What are you talking about? What's not true? The fact is that Chu Qiong deliberately wanted to make Sister Zhi look bad, so she poured red wine on her!"

"Oh, in that case, let me destroy that leg you just had!"

Lin Canghai nodded lightly!

The next moment, he took action directly, stepped forward to Liu Qiuna's side, stretched out a foot, and stepped on the leg Liu Qiuna had just tripped Chu Qiong on!


A crisp sound came!

Everyone present felt a chill on their necks and couldn't help but shudder!

Liu Qiuna's leg turned into a puddle of rotten flesh and was crushed to pieces by Lin Canghai's foot!


The smile on Liu Qiuna's face completely disappeared, her face instantly turned as pale as snow, and she almost fainted from the pain!

"Can you tell the truth now? If you continue to lie, I will crush your other leg. If the other leg is rotten and you still speak harshly, I will cripple your arms and pull them out one by one. Your teeth!”

Lin Canghai smiled lightly.

When he said this, he was very calm, but no one in the room doubted Lin Canghai's words!

A trace of deep panic flashed through Liu Qiuna's eyes, and she couldn't help but shudder. She had a feeling that the old man in front of her was a devil!

"I said! I said!"

"Sister Zhi wanted to deal with the two sisters Chu Yao and Chu Qiong, so she asked me to frame them!"

Liu Qiuna's words immediately caused huge waves in the crowd!


"It's actually Ni Yunzhi!"

The people standing around and watching had strange expressions on their faces, and they all looked at Ni Yunzhi in surprise!

The corners of Ni Yunzhi's eyes twitched slightly, he glared at Liu Qiuna, and said in a deep voice:

"Liu Qiuna, why did you frame me?"

"Sister Zhi! What you said is clearly your own script, which was taken away by these two sisters, so you are resentful! You promised to let me participate in the female spy starring in your movie, so I agreed to help you teach you a lesson Damn these two sisters, Sister Zhi! You can't turn your back and deny your fault!" Liu Qiuna quickly shouted injustice.

She told all the details of the matter, which made many people believe Liu Qiuna a little more, and the expression they looked at Ni Yunzhi became even more weird!

"So that's it!"

"I'm just telling you, we're just two newcomers, how could they dare to pour wine on a big name like Ni Yunzhi?"

"It turns out that Ni Yunzhi directed and acted herself. She is worthy of being nominated for Best Actress. She has acted in so many palace dramas that she has become a sperm!"

People around were talking quietly!

After being exposed in public, Ni Yunzhi's face turned extremely ugly. His cheeks were burning, and he was holding on with his last breath!

"Kneel down and apologize!"

Lin Canghai didn't care about this, casually threw Liu Qiuna aside and said indifferently.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I know I was wrong!"

Liu Qiuna endured the severe pain and kowtowed to Chu Yao and Chu Qiong!

"Uh...it doesn't matter..."

Chu Yao and Chu Qiong were stunned for a while and answered subconsciously!

"Okay, you can get out!"

Lin Canghai stopped looking at Liu Qiuna. Since the other party had apologized, there was no need to continue pursuing the case!

Ni Yunzhi on the other side was still sitting on the sofa with no intention of getting up. Lin Canghai said funnyly: "What? You don't want to apologize?"

"I'm right, why should I apologize?"

Ni Yunzhi said harshly.

Lin Canghai frowned!

At this moment, a woman's sneer came: "Sister Zhi, you are also a popular actress at TVB. Even if you come to the mainland to act, when will you need to see the faces of these people?"

Hearing this female voice, Ni Yunzhi's eyes lit up. He quickly looked back and saw a tall woman who looked like a super model walking towards her!

Two of them were exactly what Lin Nan saw at the Chanel store during the day, Li Qiong and Charles Williams!

"Rose! It's really you!"

After Ni Yunzhi saw Li Qiong, she stood up from the sofa excitedly!

Rose is Li Qiong's English name. On Hong Kong Island, girls usually give themselves an English name. As for Chinese names, they are a little disgusted and even disdain to use them!

"Sister Zhi, it's me. I came back recently and haven't had time to return to Hong Kong Island yet!"

Li Qiong nodded slightly.

"Rose, you must help me! This old man seems to be no ordinary person. He knows kung fu and just crushed Liu Qiuna's leg with one kick!"

Ni Yunzhi quickly walked to Li Qiong's side and whispered.

"I know everything. My servant just reported it to me. I heard you were there, so I came forward!" Li Qiong replied lightly.

"Really? Thank you!"

Ni Yunzhi was overjoyed. She was a hit in TVB back then, and she still had some affection with Li Qiong. Li Qiong would have dinner with her every time he came back from Europe. Unexpectedly, these affections would come in handy today!

"Sister Zhi and I are considered acquaintances. I can't say who is right or wrong about today's matter. We won't pursue it anymore. Let's just forget it!"

Li Qiong stood there and glanced at Lin Canghai lightly!

"Who are you? My master asked her to kneel down and apologize, and you just said forget it?"

Lin Canghai shook his head funny!

"Oh? Who is your master? Let him come and tell me in person. I think he still dares not to give me face?"

Li Qiong looked at Lin Canghai calmly. As a member of the Li family in Hong Kong Island, she had enough confidence in her heart!

"Rose, I saw it just now. This old man and Chu Yao and Chu Qiong got on the boat together. There was also a young man and a young girl. They were over there. They should be what the old man said. Master!"

Ni Yunzhi whispered, pointing to Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing in the distance, watching the night scene beside the deck!

Li Qiong raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction Ni Yunzhi pointed!

When she saw clearly that Liu Ruqing's coat was the one on sale at the Chanel store this afternoon, her pupils shrank slightly!

'Um? That dress? ’

"Haha! I really didn't expect that such a coincidence would happen!"

Charles Williams on the side also chuckled, obviously recognizing Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing!

"Yes! What a coincidence, Charles. It seems that we have to take care of today's matter!"

Li Qiong also smiled, very brightly!

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