Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 984 The Emperor of Heaven’s word is law!

Lin Nan ignored the Jin family elder who was kneeling on the ground, but turned his eyes and landed on Ye Qi!

"You brought these people, is that what you meant?"


Ye Qi shook his head quickly and explained with great fear: "Mr. Lin, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with me! It was the Jin family who said they wanted to apologize to you, but after they saw you, they suddenly changed their tune for some reason!"

"Mr. Lin, we are obsessed with it and we shouldn't negotiate terms with you!"

The fourth elder of the Jin family looked sallow and knelt there without even daring to raise his head!

"Mr. Lin, we know we were wrong! All the wealth, property, gold, jewelry, and assets of the Jin family can be given to you. I just ask you to spare us!"

The second elder of the Jin family also knelt there and said tremblingly!

A minute ago, they were still arrogant, negotiating terms with Lin Nan as if they were strolling around in a leisurely manner!

However, when Lin Nan raised his hand and smashed a mountain into pieces with a slap, this group of people truly understood what kind of existence they were facing!

"Shut up, everyone!"

Ye Qi shouted angrily, her pretty face turned pale with anger!

"If it weren't for you guys, how could things have turned out like this!"


Seeing Ye Qi getting angry, everyone in the Jin family looked at Ye Qi in surprise. They never thought that Ye Qi, who had always been so docile in front of them, would be so angry!

"What are you looking at? The most useless person is you, Fourth Elder! You clearly have no brains at all and are as stupid as a pig, yet you think you are a master of strategy. How many times have I told you that Mr. Lin is not to be messed with! If you don’t listen, now it’s better, you all just wait to die!”

Ye Qi's chest heaved violently with anger!

Everyone in the Jin family opened their mouths, but were silenced by Ye Qi's scolding!

Lin Nan looked at all this indifferently!

"Give you a chance to make up for your mistakes!"

"Mr. Lin?"

Ye Qi trembled all over and raised his head to look at Lin Nan in surprise!

"Integrate all the forces of the Jin family, and at the same time merge all the Jin family's heritage and assets into the name of the Liu Group! As for your Yanjing Ye family, from now on, you will be the slaves of the Liu family for generations. Are you convinced?" Lin Nanping said.


Ye Qi felt bitter in her heart!

"What? You don't accept it?"

Lin Nan narrowed his eyes, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes!

Ye Qi opened her mouth, but she could not say the word 'dissatisfied', because she knew that once she spoke, she would be immediately wiped out by Lin Nan, and the Ye family in Yanjing would not be able to escape the disaster of annihilation!

"I accept it!"

In the end, Ye Qi could only lower his head!

"These people are yours to deal with. Remember, I don't want to ask about the smell of blood today. I want to kill people, so stay away!!"

Lin Nan gently raised his hand and slapped him out, sending everyone in the Jin family flying away and falling on the corridor outside the box!

Seeing this, Ye Qi ran out of the box and closed the door at the same time!

Everyone in the Ye family outside the box looked pale. Lin Nan's slap just now directly destroyed all their cultivation and turned them into completely useless people!

"Ye Qi... let's discuss it... spare us!"

The fourth elder of the Jin family was lying on the ground like a worm, slowly crawling over!

"Yes! We cooperate with you. From now on, all the power of the Jin family will be decided by you. You just need to let us go!"

The second elder of the Jin family trembled and looked at Ye Qi and quickly begged for mercy!

Ye Qi's face was indifferent, and his eyes were full of anger!

"Hahaha! I went around you? Are you worthy?"

Ye Qi couldn't help but laugh!

"You idiots! It was already agreed upon. As long as you apologize sincerely, how can there be so many things? Nothing will happen to the Jin family. At most, they will remain closed for a hundred years!"

"But you are so smart! Do you think Lin Nan is easy to bully?"

"Now, it's too late to say anything!"

Ye Qi sneered again and again. She waved gently, and a group of Ye family retainers who had been guarding the corridor rushed up and tied up the elders of the Jin family!

"What are you going to do?"

"Ye Qi! You are so cruel, do you really want to kill us?"

A group of elders from the Jin family were shocked. They all stared at Ye Qi and shouted loudly!





Ye Qi struck one after another, with incomparable iron-bloodedness and no intention of showing any mercy, and directly smashed the jaws of the elders of the Jin family!

"If you don't want to die right away, shut up!"

Ye Qi's voice was so cold that it was almost heartless, and her beautiful eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes and murderous intent!

The elders of the Jin family were so frightened that they did not dare to look directly into Ye Qi's eyes!

"Take them all away!"

Following Ye Qi's order, the corridor of Jinling Hotel fell into silence again!

After lunch, Yang Huaian and others returned to the villa, while Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing took a walk along the riverside of Jinling!

It can be clearly seen that many wooden boats have gathered on the river, all with red paper-cuts on them. Some craft workers have hung red lanterns on the bows and sterns of the wooden boats!

"Is this going to start the lantern festival again?"

Liu Ruqing blinked her big eyes, looking interested!

"It's almost the Chinese New Year. From the Chinese New Year to the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, waiting parties will be held on the river in Jinling every day. At that time, many lovers will come here to make wishes. Two young people, buy a lantern. Make a wish?"

An old lady with a kind face walked up and said with a smile!

In her hand, she held a string of big red lanterns, very small and exquisite!

"How much?"

Liu Ruqing asked with a smile.

"Ten yuan a lantern!" the old woman laughed.

"Old lady, let's buy one!"

Liu Ruqing nodded, immediately took out a hundred-dollar bill from his pocket and handed it to the old woman!

The old woman stretched out her hand and touched in the air, but did not catch any money. Only then did Liu Ruqing realize that the old woman could not see her eyes, so he had to put the money in her hands!

"Old lady, your eyes..."

"I have been blind for decades. Although I can't see, my heart is bright. You two are not ordinary people, right? I'm afraid your status is either rich or noble. I am here to wish you a happy marriage and a family full of children and grandchildren!"

The old lady smiled and blessed!

"Thank you, old lady!"

Liu Ruqing pursed her lips and smiled, narrowed her eyes into a crescent shape, and handed the money to the old woman without asking for change!

"I also wish you that you can see the light soon and live longer!"

Lin Nan spoke calmly.

After saying this, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing turned around and left with the lanterns!

The word of the Emperor of Heaven is the law!

The old woman's eyes suddenly felt a gentle breath, and then her whole body trembled, and the lanterns in her hands all fell to the ground with a clatter!

"I can see it? I can see it!"

The old woman was so happy that she ignored the strange looks of the people around her and asked a passerby: "Did you see the two young people who just bought my lantern? They cured my eyes. They cured my eyes." ah!"

"The sky has eyes. Old lady, I have been blind for decades. I have really met a noble person. Today I can see the light again!"

"Thank you, heaven! Thank you, heaven!"

The old woman knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the sky!

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