Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 990 You are playing with fire! I'm going to kill you sooner or later!

"If you let me kneel here, are you really not afraid of death?"

Chen Yuan's eyes were full of resentment. He gritted his teeth, blood overflowed from his mouth, and his teeth bit his lip!

As people from the Holy Domain, in their eyes, the Gaowu World is a barbaric place, an uncivilized place!

It's like a person living in a modern metropolis suddenly appears among a prehistoric savage tribe. Everything he sees is like a god!

However, you suddenly kneel at the feet of these savages, and you can imagine the gap in your heart!

"You have offended my master's majesty. My master didn't kill you. You still don't know how to repent?"

"It's time to hit—!"

Lin Canghai let out a light chirp, took one step forward, and landed directly in front of Chen Yuan!




He slapped him across the face several times, and each slap landed accurately on Chen Yuan's cheek!

Everyone was stunned and looked at Lin Canghai dreamingly!

"Ah! You are just a servant, how dare you hit me?"

Chen Yuan's brain was buzzing and he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood!

Chen Yuan wanted to kill someone, but his cultivation had been directly defeated by Lin Nan when he forced his way into the courtyard where Lin Nan lived!

"Shut up!"

Lin Canghai shouted again, and slapped him again. He slapped Chen Yuan staggeringly and almost fell to the ground on the spot. He raised his head angrily and glared at Lin Canghai!

"Just wait, I remember you! When my Chen family members arrive, I will make you, an old slave like you, worse than a dog!"

Chen Yuan glared at Lin Canghai fiercely!

"Is it?"

Lin Canghai chuckled lightly, raised his leg and stepped on Chen Yuan's face, completely trampling him to the ground!

"This is……"

The onlookers were shocked!

"Oh My God!"

The Holy Son of Zifu, the Saint of Taichu and others were already surprised because Lin Canghai slapped Chen Yuan. Now when they saw Lin Canghai dared to step on Chen Yuan's head with his foot, they screamed out in surprise and felt a little dizzy. I touched my forehead to make sure I wasn't dreaming!

"Now tell me, whose face am I, an old slave who is worse than a dog, stepping on my feet?" Lin Canghai asked funnyly.

Since following Lin Nan, Lin Canghai has gained a sense of arrogance in his heart!

As a servant of the Emperor of Heaven, how many people in the world are more noble than him? So what if these people come from the Holy Land? Even if he comes from the fairy world, when he sees Lin Nan, do he still have to kneel down and prostrate himself?

"You are playing with fire! I will kill you sooner or later!"

Chen Yuan roared angrily, humiliated to the extreme!

He had lost all his cultivation by Lin Nan, so he was still being humiliated like this by a servant?

"Haha! When you sent a servant to kill my master, why didn't you think about the current situation? You asked a servant to humiliate my master, can't I humiliate you?"

Lin Canghai kept shaking his head!


With a sudden force, he forced Chen Yuan's entire head into the depths of the stone slab!


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but gasped, and their hearts were scared out of their wits!

"Alas! Why is your head so hard? It can't be exploded by stepping on it?"

Lin Canghai sighed lightly!

Outside the Shengdan Pavilion, everyone who saw this scene was terrified!

Holy Son Zifu, Holy Son Daqian, Saint Yan Qingxian and others were even more stunned, dumbfounded, and turned to stone. They could not believe that all this was true!

You know, this is a person from the Holy Realm. Putting aside Chen Yuan’s background and power, his cultivation alone is not something that the high-level martial arts world can possess!

However, now Chen Yuan and Chen Zhenjun are stepped on by an old servant?

Who dares to believe what I say!

Chen Yuan's lungs were about to burst with anger. Although his cultivation was abolished, his physical body was still at the level of a true king. Lin Canghai's cultivation was insufficient and he could not harm Chen Yuan's physical body at all!


Chen Yuan yelled!

"How dare you shout?"

Lin Canghai raised his eyebrows and stepped hard several times!

Seeing this scene, everyone's minds were a little dizzy, and it felt very unreal. This was Chen Zhenjun, and he was stepped on by Lin Canghai like this?

"Are you convinced?"

"I don't accept it!"

Chen Yuan gritted his teeth and shouted, asking him to surrender to Lin Canghai would be more uncomfortable than killing him!

"Haha! In that case, I won't step on you!"

Lin Canghai grinned!

Chen Yuan felt happy in his heart. Could it be that the other party was afraid of him? He couldn't help but growled: "Since you don't humiliate me anymore, I will give you a treat later, but I will definitely not let that person named Lin Nan go!" "

"Come here! Bring me a hundred donkeys!"

"Senior Lin, what do you want a donkey for?"

A servant of Shengdan Pavilion asked strangely!

"Haha, I'm tired of trampling, so let these hundred donkeys take turns trampling for me!" Lin Canghai grinned!

Chen Yuan shuddered and shuddered. He was a majestic true king. If a hundred donkeys really stepped on his head, it would be really embarrassing and he would become the biggest laughing stock in his life!

After the incident was over, even if he killed Lin Canghai and Lin Nan a thousand or ten thousand times, he could not wash away the shame in his heart!

"don't want……"

Chen Yuan was finally afraid!

"I'm convinced! Please don't let...don't let the donkey step on my head..."

Chen Yuan's body was trembling slightly!

Even if he was killed, he was not afraid, but Chen Yuan, who was so arrogant that he let a hundred donkeys step on his head, simply couldn't accept it!

"Now that you've accepted it, just kneel down properly!"

Seeing Chen Yuan bowing his head, Lin Canghai suddenly lost interest and casually pulled Chen Yuan's head out of the ground, then clapped his hands and turned around and walked towards the Shengdan Pavilion!

Everyone looked at Lin Canghai's leaving figure and couldn't help but secretly gave a thumbs up!

"What a cruel person!"

"This is a true king! He comes from the Holy Realm, and this person dares to humiliate him like this!"

Everyone was stunned and looked at Lin Canghai's back with admiration!

After Lin Canghai left.

"How to do this?"

The Holy Son of Zi Mansion frowned!

"How about we go over and take Chen Zhenjun away?" A descendant of the Taikoo family said with some uncertainty.

"Do you want to die? Senior Lin asked him to kneel here, who dares to let him go? Unless you are tired of living!" The Saint of the Beginning Yan Qingxian sneered!

"Here comes someone! Pass the news to the adults in the sanctuary!"

Holy Son Daqian suddenly spoke!

The former Holy Son of Daqian Holy Land was beheaded by Lin Nan, and the Holy Lord of Daqian came to Yuan City in person to apologize to Lin Nan and admit his mistake, which embarrassed Daqian Holy Land!

If those people from the Holy Land could kill Lin Nan, wouldn't it be a good thing for the Daqian Holy Land to kill someone with a borrowed knife?

"Yes, Holy Son!"

One of the followers left quickly!

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