Following Ye Qing’s trail all the way to the Hidden Dragon Cave, Lin Yueru chased here, but met the snake demon and fox demon couple who lived here, and were arrested after a fight.

Poor Lin Yueru caught up, but was caught by the monster, and sealed her internal strength to make her a maid.

“Gongzi, was she caught by a monster and won’t she be saved?”

Outside the Hidden Dragon Cave, on a big tree, Ding Xiulan looked at Ye Qing with a puzzled face.

A month later, Ding Xiulan and the Lilac Lan sisters have been unsealed and cultivated by him, and the two have learned the previous lessons, and naturally deeply reflect on themselves.

“Let her grind off the temper of the eldest lady on her body first, anyway, she is not hurt, let’s keep these two snake demons and fox demons first.” Ye Qing said lightly.

After speaking, he hugged Xiulan one by one, and the Xianglan sisters turned around and smiled: “Come, let’s go back first.” ”

When Ding Xiulan and Lilac Lan saw it, they immediately blushed, and they bowed their heads shyly, naturally knowing what would happen next.

Sure enough, Ye Qing, this bastard thing, knew every day that he was addicted to gentle villages, and was served by the two sisters of the Ding family with all their hearts.

“Damn, -who’s going to save me…”

On this day, Lin Yueru huddled with a group of little girls who were arrested, her pretty face was full of pain, and she actually did a month of hard work.

Whether it’s cleaning, cooking food, or even cleaning up the cave, this is simply not what a big lady should do.

But she couldn’t beat the snake demon and the fox demon, so she could only be left here tragically, secretly hating Ye Qing in her heart, it was all him, otherwise she would not have encountered such a thing.

“Miss Yueru, are you used to living here?”

Just when Lin Yueru was sad in her heart, a familiar voice came, making her ecstasy in her heart and look up.

Sure enough, Ye Qing was standing not far from her, looking at her with a smile, her heart suddenly aggrieved, her eyes with tears.

“Quick, get me out.” Lin Yueru couldn’t care a lot, and came up and grabbed Ye Qing deadly, which seemed very urgent.

Ye Qing looked at her embarrassed appearance and said with a smile: “I said it all, tell you not to follow you and you don’t listen, now do you know that you are afraid?” ”

“Got it, you quickly take me out, I don’t want to stay here for a moment.” Lin Yueru pleaded, and then said: “By the way, can you save these poor little girls together, after all, they were all captured by snake demons.” ”

“Don’t worry, it’s just two monsters, and now I think it’s been solved.” Ye Qing said, and saw two graceful figures walking outside.

It was Ding Xiulan, the Lilac Lan sisters, followed by a man and a woman with two monsters, the male was a snake demon, covered in scars, and the female was a fox demon, no injury, but followed honestly, looking terrified.

“Gongzi, it’s already settled.” Ding Xiulan came up and said.

Ye Qing swept over the snake demon and fox demon, and said in an indifferent tone: “If you have not harmed people’s lives, I will not kill you, but it is a crime for you to kidnap these little girls, the capital crime can be avoided, and the living crime is inevitable, I will take your daughter away, if he endangers the world on his day, then let your daughter kill you when she comes personally.” ”

“Thank you Shangxian!”

“Thank you for the grace of the immortals not to kill.”

The snake demon and the fox demon immediately thanked and looked terrified, but they could not only respectfully send a little fox up.

This is the daughter of the snake demon and the fox demon, what makes Ye Qing speechless is that one and one fox, how can a nine-tailed fox with pure blood be born?

This is not right, Ye Qing doesn’t care so much, anyway, he came for this nine-tailed fox with pure blood.

“Things are done, let’s go.” Ye Qing grabbed the shoulder, and then left the Hidden Dragon Cave with Lin Yueru and the girls who were caught.

Out of here, Ye Qing asked the Ding Xiulan sisters to send these captured girls back one by one, which was regarded as giving them a chance to practice.

As for Lin Yueru, she followed Ye Qing alive and dead, and even inseparable.

Looking at Lin Yueru, who was inseparable, Ye Qing couldn’t help but laugh: “I said, Yueru girl, do you have this?” ”

“Yes, I’m following you anyway.” Lin Yueru raised her face and hummed angrily: “If I don’t follow you, do you want to see me being caught by a monster again?” ”

“As you wish.” Ye Qing shook her head and smiled secretly in her heart, as for driving her away? Don’t joke, she was deliberately lured to follow, what else to rush?

“Little one, pass on your method and cultivate well.” Ye Qing looked at Su Mei, who was looking at Ye Qing with wide eyes on her shoulders curiously.

This little fox actually has a strong intelligence, similar to a human five-year-old child, but she has not yet spoken.

I saw that Ye Qing nodded her eyebrows, and passed the Ten Thousand Demon Ancient Scripture into her sea of knowledge, and gradually, Su Mei fell into a deep sleep and comprehended this extremely profound Ten Thousand Demon Ancient Scripture.

Seeing this, Lin Yueru understood no matter how stupid she was, this is a teaching. She looked envious and muttered dissatisfiedly: “Even a little fox is willing to teach the Dharma, why won’t he pass it on to me?” Am I inferior to a vixen? ”

Listening to her muttering, Ye Qing was dumbfounded and asked, “Yueru, do you want to learn to cultivate immortal spells?” ”

······· Asking for flowers0…

“Think, of course you want to, if you want to teach me the immortal method?” Lin Yueru said with a look of surprise.

Somehow, Ye Qing shook his head and said, “You are not suitable for immortal law, in fact, you are more suitable for swordsmanship.” ”

“Swordsmanship?” Lin Yueru was disappointed, but quickly came to her senses and asked expectantly: “The swordsmanship you are talking about, is it the high-strength sword technique cultivated by the Sword Immortal?” ”

“So to speak, you want to learn?” Ye Qing looked at her with a smile.

Lin Yueru nodded fiercely, naturally she wanted to learn, but Ye Qing’s next sentence made her blush.

“I want to learn, but my stuff is only passed on to those closest to me.” Ye Qing smiled and stopped talking.

Lin Yueru stood there with a pretty face changeling, feeling ashamed and angry in her heart, but suddenly thought of something.

“If you win against me in a contest, then I am your fiancée, is this the closest person?” Lin Yueru grinned, and when she said this, her face turned red.


Shame is not ashamed, opening your mouth to say that you are someone’s fiancée, it feels as if you pasted it backwards.

“Ha, you take this seriously, okay, I’ll throw you to play, come here, I’ll pass on your supreme swordsmanship.” Ye Qing shook her head and smiled, waving at her.

Lin Yueru immediately stepped forward and saw Ye Qingyi pointing at the center of her eyebrows, passing a swordsmanship cultivation method into her mental consciousness.

In fact, Ye Qingchao saw that Lin Yueru was very suitable for practicing swordsmanship.


At this moment, the little fox on his shoulder glowed with a misty white light, and then the demonic energy condensed, leaving Ye Qing’s shoulder and falling to the ground.

In an instant, a misty white light shrouded and gradually dissipated, and the little fox disappeared, replaced by a fox girl who looked eleven or twelve years old.

The fox girl, with a delicate face, two fox ears and furry, a pair of big eyes slowly opened, and looked at Ye Qing with a twinkle.

“Su Mei, thank Young Master for giving the immortal method.”

The fox girl, named Su Mei, Yingying worshipped, that beautiful and feminine, charming face, at the age of eleven or twelve, she had a seductive appearance, and she grew up and returned it?

“Ha, I didn’t expect you to transform into shape, but your cultivation is still weak, cultivate with your heart, and keep advancing to become a true immortal.” Ye Qing smiled indifferently.

Su Meiqiao’s face flashed a trace of joy, Cheng Xian, that is what she dreamed of, she didn’t expect to encounter such a big opportunity.

“Gongzi, Mei’er will beat your back.” Su Mei smiled playfully, stood up, and ran to Ye Qing’s side to squeeze his shoulders and beat his back.

This little fox knows how to please Ye Qing. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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