Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 1053: Blitz

In fact, they did not use all their armed forces this time. Originally, they still had a few boats carrying water cannons, but because the people on the island were indeed people of low quality, they were desperately killed. Fighting ruthlessness can also be taught by training, but it is difficult to learn how to manipulate some sophisticated weapons.

Therefore, those boats in this battle were useless. Ye Shengling was very upset about it, but at this time he could only count on letting Pei Changdao drop a few more advanced talents after this stop was over.

They had received information from the spies last night, and other forces within hundreds of miles around them had formed an alliance and wanted to attack and destroy the Hazard Harmony Army in one fell swoop the next day.

Of course, Ye Shengling would not give them the opportunity to take the initiative. As soon as he received the news, he directly organized the offensive team to capture the thieves first. One force is resolved.

Ye Shengling was sitting in the headquarters office wearing an American military uniform, his face was full of murderous air, and people couldn't even look directly at him.

"Brother Ye! Our team has entered the waters under the jurisdiction of the other party, and it will take more than an hour to reach the other party's island."

At this time, a man with the appearance of a chief came forward and said.

"Are there ships in their waters."

Ye Shengling asked.

"The visible range on the sea is very short, but we have not received signals from other ships."

The officer continued.

Ye Shengling nodded, and finally waved his hand to let him continue working.

Before they were dispatched, Ye Shengling had made a pre-war mobilization for all middle-level and higher officials.

"You should be very clear about what this battle means to us. If we can win, then we are the only kings within a few hundred miles. If we lose, they will take advantage of the opportunity to swarm up. The ending is not failure, but death, it is bound to die!"

"Some people may not know why we have to fight this battle, but I tell you, if we don’t solve each other today, the next thing we have to face is the other’s allies. Then you think we should start solving them one by one. , Or wait until they come to form a coalition to attack us."

"Since we live in this world of the weak and the strong, we should have the consciousness to close our eyes and see nothing. Then this world is perfect, but if you open your eyes, you will see the enemy’s guns and guns. It has reached the top of our heads, this world is dying every second, but I hope it is not us who die. Whether it is to live or to make money, today I want to see your bloodliness, I hope each of you Come back all covered with blood."

"In this battle, I will set up a meritorious service. Those who can get meritorious service will have a special promotion mechanism. Tell me, do you want it or not?"

Ye Shengling continued to roar out again.


The people under him shouted heartbreakingly.

"Then what should you do!"

Ye Shengling continued to shout.


The target of their surprise attack tonight is the Tiran organization, which has been entrenched in the waters near India and has been developing in this area for decades.

In the entire Eastern Crossroads area, the Tillan Organization is not a very strong organization, but because of many violent incidents, this organization was once quite famous.

As early as the last century, every time the pirates finished a single order, they would also kill all the captives by the way. This behavior aroused the attention of the international department, and began to deal with this piece of pirates. Suppress and assist the Indian military to control nearby waters.

Of course, these countries are basically doing this out of their own interests, especially Dongying. Although Dongying belongs to the Western countries ideologically, it is an out-and-out Eastern position.

Whether it’s oil or commercial trade, their ships must pass through the Eastern Crossroads. Pirates in Southeast Asia are rampant. To a certain extent, the most severely damaged is Dongying. For this reason, Dongying also thought of directly letting the Marine Guards. Come to escort, but because this has touched military security, we can only give up.

However, Dongying’s international demands are increasing day by day. Coupled with the reason that they pay a lot of dues every year, the international department has begun to put pressure on India.

In fact, the various pirate forces in Southeast Asia were more tense during that time, and they were also afraid that official forces would intervene, so they also kept a lot of low-key at this time, basically just grabbing money and not hurting people.

But among them, the Tielan organization is the most special one. Every time they encounter a business, they always collect both people and goods. Those who can exchange money for it will be exchanged, and those who can't be exchanged will be killed on the spot. So This organization has always been on the international anti-piracy list.

Shentong Island is actually not close to the Tielan organization. The two sides are separated by hundreds of miles. Under normal circumstances, there will be no conflict.

It’s just that Shentong Island’s actions have been too great during this period, and the pirates around him are in danger, so after forming an alliance, they also sought the asylum of the Tillan organization.

So if they wait until their coalition forces are really assembled, the pressure that Shentong Island will face will be great. Ye Shengling's only way is to destroy the Tielan organization before this, so that their alliance will not be attacked. broken.

After about an hour and a half, the sky on the sea had almost reached its darkest moment. At this time, the fog on the sea was thicker, and Ye Shengling could already see the base of the Tielan Organization from the window of the command headquarters.

"Brother Ye, if we take this island down, do we need to send someone up to station in it?"

Dong Xinghu asked from the side.

"No, it's too far away from our homeland, I can't manage it!"

Ye Shengling took the walkie-talkie in his hand and shouted into the walkie-talkie.

"The commanders on all the ships obeyed the orders, aimed their guns at the base in front of them, and shot me fiercely at their ships and islands, covering them with firepower first, and organizing members to attack the islands after forty minutes."

This was exactly a blitzkrieg-like attack. Ye Shengling just weighed it for a moment after receiving the news and set off immediately, and it took less than six hours to arrive here.

The people of the Tielan organization never thought that Lord Hazard would have such courage. This was a surprise attack that lasted hundreds of miles, not to mention that this was a day when the visibility of the sea was so low.

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