Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 1226: I'm the one who is most suspicious

However, there is something here that makes Ye Shengling feel quite strange. It stands to reason that this foreigner shouldn't come here at all. He has already heard that the relationship between the center and Huaxia is subtle and there is no exchange of interests between the two sides, but the same is true. Will not interfere with each other.

This is a very important thing for the international reputation of the center. He has no reason to offend China at this time. It is impossible for the boss of the center to think of this. It is impossible to say that he planned so many things and now he wants to come and see for himself. Did Ye Shengling fall down?

Ye Shengling was thinking hard in his heart, and suddenly remembered what Meng Qiyong had said to him.

He said that he has arranged everything for himself, and many things can be known as long as they wait for it to happen. Since Meng Qiyong's death, things have been true. Ye Shengling has experienced one after another until today, and it seems that the progress has accelerated. A lot of the same.

Is it possible to say that these are what Meng Qiyong arranged for him, but he still feels that many things have not been figured out, what is it?

"What's the matter, why are you silent when you come in?"

Zong Cong glanced at the people around him, and then said with a sneer.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Bai. Aren’t you still arguing just now? There’s nothing to say now. There is something wrong with the Patriarch of the clan, and all interests should have been gathered by now, so to put it bluntly, the murderer is in your place. Among a few people. Moreover, the Zong family has had a career for hundreds of years, and the power in the mainland is even stronger. I don't believe it, there are others who dare to trouble our Zong family."

After that, he looked at Bai Heran again and continued.

"I believe that the strength of the clan family will never dare to provoke easily. And since my brother Zhengren has been the head of the family for so long, he has a good relationship with friends on the road, not to mention how many friends we have, but at least not. There are too many enemies. So let’s just talk about it today. Why on earth did my brother Zhengren happen? Everyone should be very clear, what do you think?"

"What do you mean when you say this to us? Do we know or not? This matter has nothing to do with us. The murderers have all come to your door to presumptuously, and you have nothing to do. Now You are still spitting blood, Zong Cong, are you really stupid, or are you talking about something unspeakable deal with Ye Shengling!"

Bai Changlin said furiously.

This time Bai Heran didn't let his son shut up. In fact, he was quite dissatisfied now. Even if Bai Changlin didn't accuse them, Bai Heran could not help but curse them. It's just that now it's the chassis of the Zong family, and there are a few bodyguards staring at each other next to it. Perhaps as long as the people of Zong Cong give an order, they can do it at any time. This is really in the hands of others.

But Zong Cong didn't seem to be too angry, just said lightly.

"Actually, I invite you in today. I definitely don’t mean to target a certain person. For the time being, the Zong family is temporarily in charge of the overall situation, and the death of the righteous person is also a major event in our Zong family. I have the responsibility and obligation to check things out. The truth. If anyone is upset by what happened today, then after the incident is revealed, I can come to my door to apologize personally. Then you will beat or scold whatever you want. But at this time, I still hope you can Cooperate with me, because I don’t necessarily have such a good temper to tolerate you."

Then he looked at Ye Shengling again.

"Mr. Ye, let me just say it straight. Among the people present, you are definitely the most suspected one. You should not deny this. Let's not talk about the feud between our clan and your Meng clan. , Some time ago, your old man Meng had an accident. You seem to think that this matter was done by our clan family, and you even came to southern Yunnan in person. It happened at this time that the clan’s family had an accident. This time point is quite consistent. I It’s hard to tell if you think about it, it really doesn’t matter."

"Indeed, from all aspects of the evidence, I am the person who is most suspected. Even if I really want to, I actually think that it is most likely that I did this thing."

Ye Shengling didn't refute, just nodded faintly and said.

"Mr. Ye doesn't seem to care at all. Okay, then I will continue."

Zong Cong motioned everyone to sit down first, then stood up and looked at Ye Shengling and continued.

"Some time ago, probably just a few days ago, Qin Fei sent invitations to many families, saying that they were invited to attend your Ye Shengling's wedding, and the venue was on the sea. These people present should have received the invitation at the time. , You should remember this matter."

Zong Cong people paced up and continued to speak leisurely.

"But on the afternoon the invitation was sent, my people received the situation at that time, that is, the boat where Tan Fei was in was an accident, and all the people on it died. You and Miss Meng both disappeared strangely. I have this news. I received it very quickly. It almost happened. I knew it. I think it must be faster than everyone here. Do you know where I got it from."

Everyone didn't speak, just waiting for Zong Cong people to continue speaking, Zong Cong people frowned, and said word by word.


"World Security Organization?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard it, and even Ye Shengling was a little moved. Among them, the boss in the center had his expression frozen there.

The World Security Organization is not particularly secretive in today’s open and developed society. At present, all kinds of things in the entire world are globalizing, especially economic globalization is the general trend, and corresponding crimes are also possible. It is carried out by a multinational organization.

And if a case is being investigated, it is very likely that multiple regions will be involved, so at this time, the World Security Organization came into being, and it was also known to more and more people. One characteristic of the World Security Organization is that they are not affiliated with any region or force. This organization remains neutral in the international arena, will not participate, nor will it interfere in any regional affairs, and will only act together when fighting crime.

This time, although Tan Fei's incident occurred on the high seas, it should not be taken over by the World Security Organization in theory. The main reason is that there are many people involved in this case, and the matter of the case is also very big. There is not only the gunpowder business of the Zong family, but also the center of forces similar to the terrorist organization.

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