Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 1303: Everyone has meat

Therefore, in this situation, everyone is eager to separate the relationship as much as possible. Wherever there are people who are willing to stand up and say half a sentence, for fear that they will be caught in a little bit of a black pot, although those people say that if they admit now, they may still fall. This is a lighter sentence, but to find out the current crimes of Zongcong people, this guy committed a capital crime that can't die. Even if it is lighter, it is a slightly better death. In short, he can't escape the catastrophe. NS.

So no matter what the relationship between those people and the Zongcong people is on weekdays, whether they really belong to his forces, these are no longer important. At this time, they only need to act in a righteous and awe-inspiring manner, showing that they are not against sin. The attitude of sharing the sky must be clear from such scumbags and beasts, and if you have the opportunity, you can express your loyalty to the Zong family. In this way, the entire conference can be said to be quite successful.

Ye Shengling looked at the two brothers, smiled and said.

"Brothers, you should all have the same attitude towards the traitor Zong Cong."

The two people were a little inexplicable at first when they heard this, but then they immediately stated their position and said.

"Of course, I said Brother Ye, a scum beast like Zong Cong must die. He tried to sit on the position of the Patriarch of the Zong family. It is estimated that he has planned for a long time. Who knows how much power he still has in secret? Since today is here to liquidate the Zong Cong people, of course we must solve them together. If we don't eradicate those party desires, it is inevitable that there will be more disasters in the future."

At this time, another person nodded quickly and agreed.

"Yes, that's right. In fact, Zhengren was too soft-hearted towards these people at the beginning. He had already noticed at that time, but in the end he didn't make a ruthless move. If Zongcongren were thoroughly investigated at that time, I am afraid it would be too much. There won't be so many things today, Brother Ye, I am doing this for your own good, and this is also for the consideration of our clan."

Ye Shengling nodded and smiled after hearing it. There was nothing wrong with what the two of them said, no matter from which point of view they were quite correct, at least from their own point of view, it was absolutely correct.

In order to be able to win the position of the Zong Family Patriarch, this fellow Zong Cong can be said to have exhausted all his thoughts, and it can even be said that he has exhausted his organs and completely lost the bottom line. Since he already had this idea, he must cultivate his own power in the clan family and have his most loyal hand to join him.

But logically speaking, these things should have nothing to do with Zong Zhengren's two younger brothers, and there is no need for them to care about so much. Ye Shengling doesn't believe that they are really for themselves or for the sake of the Zong family.

Ye Shengling only thought about it for a while and then he was able to figure out where the doorway was. The main reason why they looked so righteous and awe-inspiring was mainly because they wanted to show such an image in front of Ye Shengling. That is, their two brothers have absolutely nothing to do with Zong Cong people, and they are purely interested in money. They have never thought about taking the position of Patriarch. I hope Ye Shengling will not target them.

It stands to reason that there is no big problem with their ideas. It is indeed correct to continue to liquidate the members of the Zong Cong Cong. This can also avoid hidden dangers to the greatest extent, and deter other people who have such ideas. It is for maintaining Ye Shengling's position. A good way, there is nothing wrong strategically.

However, from the perspective of tactical execution, if the liquidation is carried out now, the time is not appropriate, and the reason is not complicated. The main reason is that the Zong family has experienced too many things up to today. Originally, the Zong family has almost needed it. It is a sign of dispersal. Although the current form of the clan is much better, there are still signs of panic. In short, the interior is still not very stable.

Therefore, if the unified liquidation is continued at this time, it is estimated that a large part of them have helped Zongcong people more or less. Wouldn't it affect a large area, but it will only cause everyone to worry about it. Own net worth and life.

So now that the Zongcong people have been wiped out, and their core members have been arrested, the remaining party members will naturally not be able to make any waves without leadership. Under this circumstance , It would be better to amnesty directly. After all, if all people are counted down, it really doesn't necessarily happen next. What Ye Shengling needs now is to gather people's hearts. This may be a good opportunity.

"Everyone, listen to me a few words."

Ye Shengling stood up at this time, waved his hand to signal everyone to calm down, and then spoke.

"Everyone, the murderer who killed Mr. Zong Zhengren was the Zong Cong. Since this murderer has now been arrested, then this matter will not be pursued anymore. I will not continue to investigate the previous and Zong Cong people present here. What kind of relationship is a person? Is it his former subordinates, friends, or enemies? No matter which side you are on, you are still members of the clan now. I don’t want to see you killing each other because of this. I hope someone will take this opportunity to turn the world upside down and make everyone uneasy."

After Ye Shengling paused, he cleared his throat again and said.

"The Zong family is a big family for hundreds of years. It can be passed down to the point where it is today. I believe that the mind and self-cultivation of each of us cannot be separated from it. The Zong family has come all the way from history, and the road ahead should also be continued The future. For a family, it should not be confined to the past. If you always count the previous accounts, it will not help, because the past will let them pass."

Ye Shengling glanced around at the expressions of those people around him. Those people had expectations and fears on their faces. This was exactly what he wanted. He could start now, so he settled and continued talking.

"Everyone present can trust me and are willing to support me as the head of the family. Then I also express my opinion here. The future of the clan is to look forward, so starting from today, the past will not be mentioned again, no matter what you were before. I will never care about what kind of person and what team I have been with, nor will I pursue those things. What I want is that the clan after today is a brand new clan, and everyone will eliminate the barriers and work together. To move forward in the future, one of the words is that everyone has meat to eat and everyone has money to make money."

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