Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 1311: The worship of power

And Ye Shengling clearly met this condition. He is now the head of the Zong Family and the Meng Family, and the companies that Meng Xinghe originally left behind are all owned by Meng Qian, and naturally they all belonged to Ye Shengling. So no matter how you look at it, he is the most suitable person to take over the central business.

Of course, Ye Shengling also understands what the center’s intentions are. His IQ and Kungfu are not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he already has a huge business organization in his hands. In addition, the company that Meng Qian inherited was originally a tool used by Meng Xinghe to whitewash the center. So if these can be used by the center, it will not only be able to maintain the center’s huge capital flow, but may even be sincere. With his help to create an extremely large economy, his status may be further improved by that time.

So it is precisely for this reason, as he just said, if Ye Shengling is unwilling to cooperate with him, there will only be a deadly enemy between the two of them, because Ye Shengling has such a huge resource, especially The Zong Family was originally the center's biggest opponent, so this is simply a huge danger for the center.

So he must deal with this threat anyway. Compared to head-on, of course it would be better to recruit as his allies. Not only would he lose an opponent, he would also strengthen his own strength.

Moreover, the reason why the center dared to speak such threatening words to Ye Shengling, the quasi-patriarch of the quasi-patriarch, in the territories of southern China’s Yunnan province so recklessly, was mainly because he had already spotted that although Ye Shengling was already the quasi-patriarch, the clan and the Meng family were still Not completely controlled by him, even if it can be said that he has a lot of wealth now, but without strong power to protect him, no one would be afraid of such an empty shell.

This ghost is obviously not worse than Zou Hongyun in the level of treacherousness. He has already spotted that Ye Shengling has no strength to refuse, so he is full of confidence.

It is undeniable that the financial resources of the Zong family and the Meng family are really huge, but these financial resources must also have the same power or strength to protect them. It is precisely for this reason that those rich people will be so persistent in wanting to grow. Much power.

Meng Qiyong has an extremely large foundation in Xiangjiang. Over the years, his investment in Xiangjiang is not only capital investment, but also people with extremely large connections, like the clan, not just in southern Yunnan. Even the entire Huaxia has a very deep background, these are places that make the center feel scared, and it is precisely because of this that they have never been torn between these two people.

But now these two people died directly. Although it was said that Ye Shengling was appointed as his successor, they could directly obtain the large amount of assets they left behind, but their background could not be directly left to Ye Shengling, because Ye Shengling was just in a hurry. Many people still don’t know his background, and it’s even more unlikely that he will come out to protect him at this time.

This is also what makes Ye Shengling somewhat depressed. In fact, for an organization like the center, he hopes to be able to shock them directly, but the network of relations between the Meng family and the Zong family has not yet fully integrated into Ye Shengling, and he is still unable to do this.

Because the boss of the center understands this, what he said is very clear. Although he didn't explain it, he also expressed his own meaning, that is, if Ye Shengling really refuses to cooperate, then he will do everything he can. The solution to Ye Shengling.

Ye Shengling didn't worry about this. Although he said it would make him a little more troublesome, he was confident that he could cope with it, but his only concern was other people with whom he had something to do with him. It was impossible for those people to become the central target, right? , This boss is simply an inhumane lunatic, Ye Shengling could not believe his character.

Therefore, Ye Shengling had to give up the idea of ​​directly killing the foreign devil in front of him because of these considerations. He can kill this person in ten ways within a second, but this also shows that he is thorough and centered. Encounter, what should the people around him do if they are hunted down, should they hide for a lifetime? Ye Shengling is not Meng Qiyong and Meng Xinghe. He pays much attention to the feelings of the people around him. He can't ignore others for his own sake.

Ye Shengling has even thought about whether he should show his identity as the leader of the Hazard Harmony Army to scare the opponent, but it is hard to say whether he will eat this set. Said with a sigh.

"Okay, it seems that you have really taken me down. Mr. Senator is really powerful. It is really impressive to be able to calculate everything with such precision. I really can't kill you now, not because I am afraid of you. But because I pay more attention to feelings, your life seems to be worthless in my eyes, but everyone around me is very valuable."

Ye Shengling frowned and glanced at him, and asked.

"One thing I’m very surprised is that you have already met so many people who have betrayed you by Meng Qiyong, Meng Xinghe, and Zou Hongyun. If you use this method to force me to cooperate with you, you should know that I will get revenge. Are you not afraid that if I betray you in the future, will I still kill you?"

"Hahaha, don't worry, I'm not worried at all. This world is in a variety of ways, and there are many temptations. For men, there is one thing that has a natural allure, and that is the worship of power. Mr. Ye may not have a real one yet. To understand this thing, only those who have experienced it will have the marrow and know the taste. But now you have become the head of these two families, you will have the opportunity to experience it in the future."

The foreign devil's mouth crooked, and he laughed loudly.

"For every man, a desire portrayed in his genes is to conquer. Everyone hopes to be able to rule and override others, especially you, Ye Shengling, who has a mind and skill that can be called against the sky. I am in the first place. When I saw you, I knew it was extraordinary. I remember I told you a long time ago that the status I want to establish with you is equal, I will not rule or override you, I hope we They are teaming up, they are cooperating, not that you are doing things for me."

A light flashed in the foreign devil's eyes, as if he was very hopeful.

"Mr. Ye, I hope you believe in your potential and that you will eventually become a great person, of course with my help."

Chapter 1312: I Know Some Medical Skills

"Please believe me, the things I can provide you, the things I can help you, are definitely more than you can think of, I can help you build a huge kingdom that belongs only to you, in this kingdom you You can do everything you want. You will stand on the highest position with thousands of people kneeling on the ground to worship. They will respect you as a god. At that time, you will finally understand that power is one. What a wonderful thing, it’s something worthy of your whole life and trying your best to chase after it."

A trace of confidence flashed in the eyes of the foreign devil, and he said with a faint smile in his mouth.

"At that time, you will no longer be worried about me for dragging you down, but will thank me for bringing you into the new world. You have to know that the pursuit of higher status by the capable is itself Based on instinctive performance, because this is the survival mode written into the genes, I don’t believe that anyone will be different. If you want to tell me that you have no such thoughts at all, then I don’t understand it, because you Haven't felt the thrill of power yet."

Ye Shengling thought for a while after hearing the familiar words, then nodded as if he understood the meaning of these words, and then sighed heavily.

The foreign devil frowned when he saw it and asked.

"Are you questioning what I said?"

"No, this statement may be true for you. In fact, Meng Qiyong once told me the same thing. He said that life should be on the road of chasing power. Those who say that power is bad People who have never experienced it, in fact, at that time I was still thinking that he should have been pursuing this illusory thing all his life, and in the end he was so stunned, no matter how stubborn such a stubborn person is. Persuasion is useless."

Ye Shengling smiled and shook his head and said.

"But now, it seems that this set of theories seems to be very popular in the hearts of people like you. You, Meng Qiyong, Zou Hongyun, and Meng Xinghe should all be called such people, right? ."

"Hahaha, what you have to say is correct. Perhaps Game of Thrones itself is a game of superiors. Mr. Ye, you should have such a status. Speaking of which I prioritized the promotion of Meng Xinghe, now I am right again. You take it very seriously, don’t you think this is really fateful?"

The foreign devil smiled and said with an open hand.

"Mr. Ye, the journey of a lifetime is not short. I will give you enough time to think about it. I hope your thinking will not be so restrictive. Come to me when you figure it out. We will directly join hands. It is a win-win thing. I will let you Think about it, just answer me after you think about it these days."

"Don’t think about it, I agree, I know, I don’t have any more choices now. Apart from cooperating with you, I have to wait for your intrusion on my family. No matter what the result is, I cannot accept it, but I don’t I value my family more, so I only have the option of joining hands with you."

Ye Shengling stood up, shook his head, and said with a sigh.

"Oh, my??god, what you said is true?"

After the boss heard this, he sat up abruptly in an instant. Although this action caused him to be injured, his body became more painful, and he took a breath of cold breath with a hiss, but Chu Jiang just wanted to pass. Helping him, the foreign devil directly pushed Chu Jiang away, looking at Ye Shengling with excitement all over his face, and said with joy that couldn't hide his face.

"Mr. Ye, you have really made a decision. There is a good saying, there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests. Believe me, we will definitely become the closest partnership, and you will definitely help yourself in the future. I feel lucky for this choice. To be honest, I believe you very much, and I absolutely believe that we can have friendship between us."

The foreign devils laughed out of the pain and said.

"Mr. Ye, can you understand that, in fact, the reason why I am so eager to cooperate with you is that besides the family background of the Zong and Meng clan behind you, Yuanye also has your skill and wisdom, but the most important thing for me is, Although you are sometimes cruel, but you pay attention to feelings. I believe that a person who pays attention to feelings will never give up a friendship easily, and I believe you will not choose to betray me like they did."

When the foreign devils were excited, he couldn't wait to hold Ye Shengling's hand directly, but Ye Shengling was thinking of other things in his mind.

"Do you know, in fact, when I cooperated with people like Meng Xinghe and Zou Hongyun, I mainly wanted to use their abilities, and of course their own power. Besides that, I didn’t think about it too much, but I didn’t expect it. It’s that they want to leave me all the time. I won’t let this happen again. As long as you sincerely cooperate with me, I won’t let you suffer. Hahaha, Chujiang, go get champagne. I must commemorate this great moment."

"Wait, boss, your injury is not good, you can't drink."

Ye Shengling raised his hand and said, then looked at the foreign devil again.

"Boss, how is your wound healing now? I just happen to know a little bit of medical skills, so let me see."

"Really? Mr. Ye, to be honest, you really surprised me too much. You can always amaze me, as if everything can't trouble you. I really like you more and more."

The foreign devil was quite emotional, and naturally he didn't think much about it. In fact, the injury on his chest was almost healed, and there was nothing to worry about.

After speaking, he took the gauze off his wound directly, and then the gunshot wound was exposed to Ye Shengling's hand.

Ye Shengling stared at the wound and stretched out his hand to look at certain angles of the wound. At this time, he withdrew his hand. He was almost ready for everything. At this time, he just waited for his body cells to pass through. This wound entered the boss's body.

I'm afraid this foreign devil could not think of it anyway. Ye Shengling was able to inject his own cells into his body just by looking at the time of the wound in this way. Ye Shengling's cells will be under his control and reach the foreign devil's through blood vessels. Brain.

The brain is an extremely important existence for a human body. Today, the composition of the brain is so advanced at the medical level, and there is still no clear study. For example, many times a person looks extremely normal in appearance and does not seem to have suffered any injuries, but But it will be suddenly crazy one day.

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