Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 1314: It's done!

The distance between the two of them is only two or three meters. Chu Jiang is very clear about Ye Shengling's skill and speed. At such a close range, almost no firearm will have any effect. At this time, it is physical fitness. Now, if you still have to take out the gun, it is probably not much different from taking a fire stick.

If only relying on the strength of his own hands and feet, Chu Jiang is also very self-aware of this, it is that he is not Ye Shengling's opponent at all.

Ye Shengling saw that Chu Jiang had stopped, and he did not continue to attack. Now this is his only way, that is to use his body cells to attack the brain of this foreign devil. Fortunately, there is nothing in this foreign devil. Strength, so there is absolutely no way to resist.

This is the most peaceful solution he can achieve at this time. If this foreign devil can't be dealt with in this way, he is likely to fall into a very passive state, because he has no way to directly kill the congressman. Then, in the future, he can only do things for him under his threat.

After all, Ye Shengling never thought of a way to completely uproot the center, he had only one choice, because he had no way to fight against these, desperate guys, because he still had many ordinary friends around him, such as Meng Qian. , Such as Zhong Mengyao.

If the center really deals with Ye Shengling like crazy, these lunatics won't tell you anything about the morals, but the people around him will be the ones who will suffer by then, and he can't bet on the lives of these people around him.

So at least in a short period of time, he will be forced to cooperate with the center, just like Meng Qiyong, Zou Hongyun, and Meng Xinghe. It is very likely that he will sink deeper and deeper.

Ye Shengling could only stand there and wait for the result at this time. The entire intensive care unit fell into a long silence. At this time, the three people were quiet, and only the foreign devil's snoring remained in the room, as if it hadn’t happened just now. In the eyes of others, the boss at the center seems to have nothing to do. He is just asleep now.

"Ah! Wow wow wow..."

Suddenly, a cry sounded, and Chu Jiang and Ye Shengling were stunned at the same time. They both turned their heads to look at the foreign devil on the bed, and found that he had now woken up, and the sound came from him. from.

After Chu Jiang saw this scene, the whole person seemed to be directly demented. This gunman who was accustomed to seeing the blood and blood and could kill people without blinking, but at this moment was completely shocked by the scene in front of him. People seem to be speechless as if they have already arrived.

In fact, it’s not surprising that he had such a reaction, because at this time the foreign devil on the hospital bed was really shocking. He was making troubles throughout the Middle East. He has the status of a regional parliamentarian and even let the lighthouse nation and the world counter terrorism. The boss of the center, who felt unable to do anything about the organization, started crying unexpectedly at this time.

His cry is not the kind of sad or painful cry, it is exactly like the cry of a person without any mind, to put it bluntly, it is like a fool.

His actions were no different from that of the second fool at the head of the village, running down his nose and tears, and wiped it with the corner of his clothes from time to time. When he saw Ye Shengling and Chu Jiang, he seemed to be even more frightened. He kept kicking his legs back on the bed, but he accidentally fell under the bed. It seemed that he was torn to the wound, and he was still there. The floor was rolling and crying louder.

"It's done!"

Ye Shengling secretly expressed joy in his heart. It seems that he succeeded this time. Obviously, his manipulation of his body cells has reached a level of proficiency. He can actually rely on his familiarity with human organs to direct his cells to attack this. The brains of foreign devils.

Ye Shengling had been thinking about the consequences if an external force directly attacked a person’s hippocampus. After all, the brain can be said to be the most vulnerable part of the human body. A slightly stronger stimulus is likely to be directly fatal.

This is what Ye Shengling worries most, because if he directly killed the boss in the center when he attacked with his own cells, no matter whether he did anything in Chu Jiang’s eyes, a person of this identity would have died in the Zong family. , Zong Family will definitely become the target of revenge in the future, this is also the scene that Ye Shengling didn't want to see.

And now the center is still alive and kicking, but there have been some changes in behavior. Looking at this boss who was still proud of him, but now he is crying and rolling on the ground, obviously this guy has no words. I can say it, Ye Shengling is not sure if he hurt his language organization just now, but now it seems that he has become a fool anyway.

This kind of ending finally made Ye Shengling feel relieved. In any case, he was able to solve the matter peacefully. In short, as long as the center boss can go back safely, this is enough, even if he really becomes a fool. What happened to usurp the throne in their center is no longer about Ye Shengling.

This is indeed what Ye Shengling has worried about the most since he solved the conspiracy group Zou Hongyun and Zong Congren, but now it has been solved so easily. It seems that his body cells are really easy to use after they have been transformed into intelligent cells. Being able to attack others in this way may not be of great significance in actual combat, but now it is finally helping myself a lot.

Ye Shengling didn't care about the foreign devil who was still crying on the ground at this time. He glanced at Chu Jiang, who was still shocked, and asked with a smile.

"Brother Chu Jiang, do you want to continue fighting with me."

Chu Jiang hadn't recovered for a while, and shook his head hard. After the scene in front of him was still the same, he then walked forward and shook the old man in the center, yelling loudly several times, and even patted his face. I want to make him sober.

As a result, his actions made the boss of the center more afraid and crying louder. They also faintly smelled some urine. This foreign devil was actually afraid of bedwetting. Now a hero has become like this. And know where his dementia is.

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