Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 1421: Why save me

As soon as she put her hand on, she immediately felt a cold heart. Ye Shengling's body had actually begun to become cold, and there was no heartbeat at all. Yuzao's face instantly turned pale, and hot tears flowed from her eyes. Came out.

Falling from such a high place, Yuzao knows exactly what kind of harm it will bring to people. She knows that Ye Shengling is just a person who has broken through the realm of the world not long ago. If he falls at such a height, even if he has already reached the world. The strength of Tier 6 and above is extremely likely to fall to death on the spot, and it is indeed very difficult for Ye Shengling to survive.

Yuzao's tears fell on Ye Shengling's body, and said with a trembling body beside him.

"Blame me, blame me, why are you saving me?"

Yuzao's mood at this time became very complicated. She recalled what Ye Shengling had done for herself. If she had to count it, Ye Shengling had already saved herself twice, including the last time she treated herself.

However, Yuzao has always kept silent about this matter, and she has always been reluctant to mention this matter that has humiliated herself, instead, she can't wait for Ye Shengling.

It is true that Yuzao’s thoughts are more traditional, so there are some extreme reasons, but in fact, to be reasonable, Ye Shengling did this entirely to save his life, no matter what, he did nothing wrong, and Ye Shengling When treating her, Yuzao himself was fully awake. She knew exactly what Ye Shengling had done. Except for the necessary treatment for herself, Ye Shengling did not do anything else.

But even so, he still hated Ye Shengling, wanted to kill him at any time, and never had a good face to him, but Ye Shengling actually died to save himself today, which made Yu Zao unmoved.

Even if he had treated Ye Shengling in this way, he was still willing to pay the price of his life for himself. Although Yuzao said that his emotional experience was blank, he knew what it meant to be able to achieve this level, especially when he thought that Ye Shengling was falling. When he came down, Yuzao understood what Ye Shengling said to him.

"Ye Shengling, I finally understand your intentions now. It turns out that you have always had that affection for me, and you are even willing to give up your life to save me. I'm really sorry, I just know now. Actually, you are willing to give me this way, I Very moved, and you have already seen my body, you must be responsible to me, but..."

Yuzao was already crying in silence at this time, but still choked up and continued speaking.

"Ye Shengling, although you have died for me now, I still have no way to respond to your love for me, because I already have a marriage contract and I can let you down. Ye Shengling, if there is an afterlife, I will repay you for this feeling. I will help you erect a monument. I swear that I will slaughter the entire mystery library to avenge you!"

Yuzao said with red eyes, she had gritted her teeth at the end, and she made up her mind that she must kill these despicable and shameless villains.

Yuzao really thought that Ye Shengling was dead at this time, but what she didn't notice at this time was that there was already a different energy flowing in Ye Shengling's body, and that was what Ye Shengling's ring released.

Ye Shengling really hasn't completely died yet, but his body has been seriously injured, so now the body has also entered a state of death, but in fact this is just suspended animation.

The inner strength mental method he cultivated will form a protection for him when he enters a dying state, which can ensure that he will not die completely, but the body will enter a long-term suspended animation state, which looks like a real death to outsiders. Similarly, the last time he was killed by Zuo Chan, it was because of this that he had a chance to be rescued by Xing Jianyue.

However, entering this state of suspended animation is not foolproof, because if he can't get timely help, Ye Shengling is still just barely able to survive, and if the time is delayed for too long, it is still very likely to die.

However, after the aura of the ring in his body became active, Ye Shengling's body actually began to slowly recover. That aura did not originally belong to Ye Shengling, it was just parasitic in Ye Shengling's body. Therefore, when Ye Shengling's life characteristics were fading, this aura automatically triggered the Savior's behavior.

So because of the double guarantee, after the infusion of that spiritual energy, Ye Shengling's body suddenly regained vitality, but because the injury on his body was too serious, so even if it had been restored to life. , The body is still in an extremely weak state.

Ye Shengling was still lying on the spot, but what Yuzao had just said, he heard clearly, Ye Shengling thought that this lady was not too unfeeling, and it was worthwhile to save her life just now.

But when he heard that Yuzao actually said that he had a marriage contract, it made Ye Shengling feel a little unhappy. In fact, he just had a somewhat good impression of Yuzao, and he really didn't reach the level he likes, but now I listen to it. When Yuzao actually had a marriage contract, Ye Shengling was still jealous.

Ye Shengling could hear the sound of digging next to him. It seemed that Yuzao was digging a grave for himself. Of course, Ye Shengling didn't want to be buried alive for some reason, so he quickly turned his body around with all his strength.

"what sound!"

Although Tamamo is in a state of extreme sadness, she is still very careful in such a place. After the inexplicable voice came, Tamamo quickly drew out her sword.

She looked back and saw that Ye Shengling's actions at this time seemed to have changed a little bit from what she had just done. Yuzao was shocked, thinking that this would not be a corpse fraud. As a cultivator, she can of course judge others. Is it dead? She remembered that Ye Shengling was indeed dead. Could it be said that this guy could be resurrected automatically?

Yuzao hurriedly ran back to Ye Shengling's side, and saw that although Ye Shengling was still motionless, she could feel that Ye Shengling seemed to start to recover a bit of extremely weak heartbeat, and her body was no longer as cold as before. , It seems to have recovered.

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