Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 1436: Let you die first

"Young man, young man, young man! You have the fate to meet thousands of miles away. You see that we have no grievances or hatreds. Since we met, why not be friends? Why do you need to treat me like this."

While resisting, King Gu started to use his mouth to hide. He knew that he should not be able to solve Ye Shengling. If he continued to drag it, he might be solved by the other party, but if only Ye Shengling could let him go now.

"Is it a friend who is destined to meet thousands of miles? Then I tell you, I came here to kill you specially for thousands of miles, so do you understand."

Ye Shengling snorted disdainfully.

"Really? You should be very clear about the difference in cultivation level between you and me. Although you can do two tricks with me, you definitely can't kill me. If we continue to fight like this, it will be bad for anyone and hurt. It will only be the two of us. You have to figure out that there are hundreds of people on the arcane library. Don't waste your strength on me, or else the two of us will stop here. I will thank you again in the future!"

King Gu continued to chatter.

"Really? You make sense, but I still want to try if I can kill you."

Ye Shengling said, at the same time the sword technique in his hand was a few minutes faster, and he slammed the Gu King in a slashing gesture.

King Gu knew that this one in Ye Shengling's hand should be a divine weapon, so he didn't dare to take the move easily, so he could only avoid it crazily, but he didn't expect Ye Shengling's last sword to be a fake action, and Ye Shengling suddenly retracted it. He smashed his sword, and then stomped towards King Gu's face with a heavy kick.

"Buzzing buzzing..."

King Gu was kicked as if he was flying out. He felt that his forehead was a little unconscious, his ears were full of tinnitus, and his eyes were full of stars.

"Damn it! Don't give it to your face! If you don't give you a bit of color, look at it, you really think Lao Tzu is a soft persimmon, right?"

After the Gu King was kicked out by Ye Shengling, not only was there a big footprint on his face, but the most important thing was the constant bleeding from his nose and mouth, which looked quite unbearable.

He really didn't expect that a dignified Tier 5 cultivator born on the Tianshan Mountain would be beaten into this appearance by a kid in this world. This has already involved the issue of his dignity!

As a master of the fifth-generation birth order, Gu King is not really strong with his cultivation base, but since he can be awarded the title of Gu King, I am afraid that he has no other skills, it is really impossible.

For example, like the flying insect formation just now, it is actually a way for the king to escape. In addition, he also has other final tricks.

He originally thought that he could easily solve Ye Shengling in twos or twos, but he didn't expect Ye Shengling to be as hard as a rock, so he couldn't beat it now, and couldn't shake it off.

And the most important thing is that he felt that he was insulted by Ye Shengling, which made King Gu annoyed and felt that he had to kill Ye Shengling no matter what.

King Gu directly stunned the shirt on his body with internal force, then he withdrew a few steps back, folded his hands together, and didn't know what spell he was chanting.

Not long after, the skin on his body began to crawl out of some black things. Ye Shengling looked carefully. These black things turned out to be composed of countless black bugs. These little bugs actually came out of his skin. Climbed out, and then attached to the surface of the skin, forming something like a piece of armor.

When Ye Shengling saw this situation, his face was extremely ugly, this guy's moves were so disgusting, it was absolutely difficult to deal with it.

King Gu’s face began to reveal a proud look, because this is his strongest skill. The bugs that crawled out of his skin are called Gu. Generally, people who raise Gu need a dish as a culture instrument, but Gu However, Wang directly used his body as a vessel, and raised all these little bugs on his body.

In fact, although he has such a trick, he has rarely used it, and almost no one knows that he has cultivated so many Gus in his body. I have to say that this is indeed a very regrettable thing for him. Because anyone who can see his trick will have to die in the end!

Ye Shengling had completely angered him now, and King Gu was also forced to use this kind of trick. He felt that he had to brag about it.

"You don't know the sky and the earth! Do you know what kind of kung fu I am? I am the Five Poison Magic Art. These are all Gus on my body. These little guys are just like my children. , Do you know how difficult it is for me to feed them? I always look for the most poisonous centipedes, vipers, scorpions, toads and spiders. Find a large pile of them, and lie on it, Let them bite my skin so that I can absorb all their toxicity and be able to feed my children..."

King Gu seemed to be talking very proudly, but when he saw that Ye Shengling's face didn't react at all, he immediately felt like playing the piano in his heart. This guy was a layman, and it was a waste to tell him more.

"Forget it, let me tell you that you don't understand it. Anyway, you only know that it is very powerful. You are one of the few people who can know my trick, so I will give you dignity. Generally Under the circumstances, I will tell you how powerful this trick is, but now the time is really urgent, I can only send you to death first, goodbye!"

After Gu King finished speaking, he immediately directed the poisonous insects on his body to fly towards Ye Shengling. The speed of these poisonous insects was extremely fast, and it was simply stronger than the ones he had just released.

Ye Shengling knew that this trick was definitely not to be underestimated. Although he said that he was a little worried, he couldn't help but retreat. Ye Shengling held Hanyue tightly, and immediately released all the spiritual energy on his body.

At this moment, Hanyue also seemed to sense the master’s call. An extremely strong sword aura was generated by Ye Shengling's side. It was almost like a hurricane surrounding Ye Shengling's side, and he was the center of the hurricane. Naturally there will be nothing.

On the contrary, the dense small insects released by the Gu King were almost all strangled by the extremely strong sword energy when they approached Ye Shengling's surroundings.

Ye Shengling was almost completely enveloped by the black and crushed insect swarm, but there were also many insects chopped off by the sword qi card. The ground was densely packed with black and green liquid flowing all over the floor, and it looked extremely disgusting. Infiltrating.

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