Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 1440: Enemy

"Little things."

Ye Shengling said with a faint smile.

Now that the enemy he most wanted to kill was dead, although he didn't kill it by himself, Yuzao didn't get too entangled. The two of them didn't stay here, but immediately went back to the mystery library.

The battle on the Mystery Vault has entered a fever, and there is almost a raging smoke outside the Mystery Vault Hall, and there are signs of being burned everywhere. The people brought by Zuo Han didn't seem to come here to rob, or even come to destroy it.

Zuo Han was thinking about how to capture the Secret Vault, so he had not paid attention to the situation of King Gu. Until now, he still didn't know that King Gu was dead.

However, he was still quite unhappy with King Gu in his heart, because he didn't have any cultivation level himself, and among the people he brought, although there were a large number of people, the highest strength was only just breaking through the realm of an accident. Therefore, without the help of King Gu, his combat effectiveness seemed to be reduced a lot.

There are also a lot of people in the mystery library. The keeper and the strongest people have already been born above the fifth level. Although these people have been traumatized, they still tell them that these people are too strong. too much.

Zuo Han watched the Gu King gone and never returned, really wondering if this guy had suddenly escaped. He knew that Gu King had come over this time and revealed his whereabouts to others. According to what he meant, he wanted to lure him. The man went to the island, and then he got her in one fell swoop.

But who could have thought that people were attracted by him, but Gu King ran faster than rabbits, and now people don’t know where they are, and his situation has become so passive. Zuo Han thought about it. I was extremely dissatisfied, thinking that next time I met King Gu, he must be strangled to death.

Although these people under Zuo Han made a sneak attack, it did greatly damage the vitality of the Arcanum Vault at the beginning, but the Arcanum Vault in the back can be regarded as a martial art after all, and finally stabilized the situation, although Zuo Han Han sent a lot of people to besiege the masters in the Secret Vault, but when those masters were unable to fight, they actually took drugs collectively. Their strength was inexplicable and it seemed like they were beaten with chicken blood. The people behind Zuo Han's own men started first. Can't hold on.

Zuo Han watched all the battles from a distance, thinking that if King Gu didn’t come back, he still had to slip away first. After all, if the fight went on like this, the people under his hands seemed to be about to hold on. Living.

He was still looking forward to the return of King Gu, but Yuzao and Ye Shengling were waiting for him. Ye Shengling's eyes were extremely sharp. He saw Zuo Han hidden among a group of people at a glance. This Zuo Han is bad. After dealing with himself many times, Ye Shengling didn't think he should let him go so easily.

After Ye Shengling came back, he took the lead. He immediately found Zuo Han's position, then drew out his cold moon, and rushed towards Zuo Han without saying a word.

Zuo Han watched Ye Shengling approaching him murderously, he immediately stepped back several steps in fright, and hurriedly shouted.

"Kill him, kill him, don't let him come."

The cultivators surrounding Zuo Han immediately blocked Ye Shengling's front.

However, after taking the Hercules Pill, Ye Shengling has recovered a lot in strength, especially now that he sees his enemy again, his heart is even more enthusiastic, and naturally he did not want to save his aura and slashed heavily. After going down, the sword energy rolled and surged.

Several small sword qi hurricanes whizzed away. Those hurricanes of sword qi slashed and slashed against the practitioners who were in front of them. The cultivators were immediately separated by the sword qi's flesh and blood, and the blood mist flew up in an instant.

He just killed a cultivator with just such a move. King Gu looked at Ye Shengling's overbearing lethality, and suddenly felt that Ye Shengling's strength seemed to be stronger than when he first knew him. He also heard about it. The news that Loulan's Northern Territory was breached at the time, and the pioneer seemed to be Ye Shengling, no wonder he actually had such strength.

Seeing that Ye Shengling had already taken action, Yuzao would naturally not be watching the show, so he also picked up the long sword and rushed over. Zuo Han felt the sense of crisis this time, and started roaring loudly.

"Guardian! Escort! Everyone listen, kill these two people for me."

After hearing what he said, the cultivators who were still fighting with the mysterious Kumen turned their heads without saying a word, and rushed towards Ye Shengling and Yuzao. The posture was almost like a moth fighting the fire. These people don't even want their lives.

"Go, get out of here now!"

Seeing that Ye Shengling and Yuzao were already surrounded by his own people, Zuo Han also quickly ordered his entourage to take him away.

The entourage also stretched out his hand very well, and immediately grabbed Zuo Han and started to run at high speed.

"Don't want to run away!"

Ye Shengling watched Zuo Han want to drive away, and quickly grabbed his sword to catch up quickly, but at this time there were dozens of cultivators who had already resisted Ye Shengling, and they raised their weapons to prepare to attack. .

Ye Shengling could only slash with Han Yue frantically at this time. A large group of cultivators were killed by Ye Shengling. Each of his swords carried extremely strong sword aura, and many people were even chopped into two by one sword. Half.

At this time, Yuzao was also helping Ye Shengling to deal with the cultivators who sneaked towards him. As a Tier 6 master, Yuzao’s destructive power was even more unmatched. Those cultivators who came towards him were already dead and injured. Most of them, and most of them can't get close to her.

It stands to reason to see this scene, as long as a normal person knows how terrifying the strength of Ye Shengling and Yuzao is, the two of them attacked together, it was like a killing machine, but even so, those cultivators, It's still like moths fighting the fire. They kill one piece, and the next group will soon rush over. Seeing them like this, it seems like they can't wait to find death, and they even pay such a high price for the life of a person.

Tamamo looked at these people with no expression on their faces, and could not see the anger or fear in their eyes, as if coming to resist him was a very insignificant thing for them, even if it was paying the price of his own life. These people are still fearless.

Of course, Yuzao would not regard this as bravery. She doubted whether these cultivators were hypnotized, or whether their minds and brains had been controlled by others.

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