Urban Supreme Son-in-law

Chapter 1447: Token

They watched that Ye Shengling had already begun to pack these things, but Ruo Maokai and a few people could only stand aside, not daring to obstruct, but one of the old men walked forward and said with a sad face.

"Two, these are all the treasures in our mystery library. I only hope that after the two leave, don’t tell others about this matter. At this time, we no longer have the ability to resist foreign enemies, and we hope that the two can let us go. Horse."

"Yes, yeah, if another cultivator invades, I am afraid that our mystery library will really be destroyed. I beg you two to promise us. I also promise that I will definitely not trouble you."

Ruo Maokai can only say at this time that all the treasures in the mystery library have been searched, I am afraid that their sect will never be able to rejuvenate in the future, and where is the strength to find Ye Shengling's trouble.

Ye Shengling took so many things from others in vain, and he was somewhat embarrassed. He almost sucked the blood from this school, where he was embarrassed to kill him, so he nodded and agreed.

Although there are a lot of things in it, except for the bottles and cans, it won't be particularly heavy. Ye Shengling poured out all the refined pills and put them in a bag and hung them in a bag. On his waist, as for the other medicinal materials and meteorite iron, they were all packed into a big bag. After almost all the valuables were packed, there were two bags full of Dangdang, and a few small bags. Hanging on Ye Shengling's body.

As for the large boxes of broken iron, Ye Shengling picked out the larger ones, leaving only the large ones with sesame and mung beans. After all, he really didn’t use them, so he took them away. It seems a bit troublesome.

"By the way, I'm very curious about one thing. Your son told me about the catastrophe of the Mystery Library decades ago. What is the origin of the other party, and how could it be such a painful killer to your sect."

Ye Shengling was about to leave, and after turning around, he asked Ruomaokai again.

If Maokai was feeling upset, but Ye Shengling asked, he didn't dare not answer, so he had to say.

"I am not very clear about the specifics. I only know that there is a bit of grievances between the visitor and our head at the time. It seems that one of her things is on our head, but the head said that he had already discarded it. As a result, That person was furious and almost killed all the people in the school."

"Really? What did that thing come from, what is so important, and it actually wants to kill so many people."

"According to their description, it seems to be a ring. I don't know what ring it is. Maybe it's a token of trust between them."

Ruo Maokai shook his head and said.


Ye Shengling nodded, thinking that Ruo Maokai didn't have any status before he became the keeper of the treasury. It is estimated that many things are not clear, so he did not continue to ask, but turned his head and said.

"Then your island is so mysterious and dangerous, there are many fierce beasts, you can't meet them in this world at all, who brought these fierce beasts in."

"I don't know this very well. It is said that the black mist on the island was once cursed, and the beasts were all derived from the black mist. The mystery library has existed for thousands of years, and the mystery library is now located. The place is the center of the island. It used to be called the Twisted Land. It was precisely because of the arrival of the first keeper of the Mystery Vault that the land in the middle was conquered and changed to the sect of the Mystery Vault."

Ruo Maokai shook his head and explained, and then added another sentence.

"It is said that the first keeper of our mystery library was a practitioner of the unity period."

"One Phase? This..."

After hearing this, Yuzao was stunned, and said in disbelief.

"In fact, these are just legends. After all, it has a history of thousands of years. The mystery library has recorded important events and the tradition of every keeper since its establishment. It is just that the mystery library has suffered a lot of disasters over the past thousand years. , Several times it was even on the verge of extinction, and there was a stall in the middle, so no one knew about the more distant matters."

At this time, another old man also shook his head and sighed.

Ye Shengling had also heard about the realm of the unity stage before. This is the next realm after the distraction stage. When the cultivator reaches the realm of birth, basically even if he gets rid of the limitations of his physical body, he still remains the same. Unable to break through the shackles of the physical body, so in the process of cultivation, he separated his soul from the body, and if he could divide it into two, he broke through to the realm of distraction.

When you can freely manipulate the soul, then let your soul and the body slowly merge together again, the soul and the body are merged into one again, and the conversion between matter and energy is achieved, and it is in this state. , It is true that it does not distinguish between false and real, and it becomes a master of the unity period.

However, this realm is already extremely exaggerated, which means that we have taken a step forward with the heavens and humans. This realm, even Yuzao, is only a little understanding of ancient books.

Whether this and ordinary people can train here, Ye Shengling and Yuzao dare not imagine, no one knows what kind of strength they will have after reaching this level.

After coming out of the canyon crack in the mystery library again, Ye Shengling did not continue to stay in the mystery library, but took those things out of the mystery library.

After entering the forest, Ye Shengling handed one of the big bags to Yuzao and said.

"I said, this time half of the stuff for one person, take this one."

"No, if it weren't for you, I might have died a long time ago, and you helped me get revenge. Why am I embarrassed to take these things, you take it, I won't tell anyone about this. "

Yuzao declined and said.

"But this time I was able to win the Secret Vault, and it is indeed thanks to you. We are one and half of us. This is fair."

Ye Shengling pushed the strap forward again.

Yuzao still shook his head and pushed the bag back to Ye Shengling's body.

"No, if you insist on giving it to me, then I will also give you these things back, just as repaying you for saving me. That's it."

Seeing Yuzao's will not accept it, Ye Shengling couldn't help it. The two of them continued to walk into the forest again, because Ye Shengling knew how to go because they had already come again, they walked back all the way, and went back to the edge of the valley after a circle.

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